Homework becomes an increasingly important part of the curriculum as your child progresses through school – what your son/daughter starts off doing now will continue until they leave. We recommend the following:
- Be prepared to invest time at first – e.g. be available for a set time each day to help with homework until the routine is established – it will be time well spent.
- Agree a routine with your son/daughter now – life can be difficult for parent and child otherwise.
- Get homework completed early – after a short break when your son/daughter gets in from school .
- Point out the rewards of completing early – leaving the rest of the evening free.
- Try to do homework on the night it is issued – not the night before it is due in, this prevents build up.
- Recognise with your son/daughter that it is hard to work unsupervised – help to structure time and agree tasks.
- Be available to do progress checks.
- Always support your son/daughter but never do it for them—it’s unsustainable and they won’t learn to work independently .
- Take an interest – celebrate success and give the clear message that homework is valuable & important.