To help children think about themselves as learners they have been introduced to some learning characters who have different learning characteristics.
‘I’m like Robert. When I am at football and I’m losing I try and do my best and keep going. Also when I run the daily mail I keep on running even though I am tired. I’m not so reflective or good at planning.’
‘I chose Rebecca because I like making plans and being careful about my jobs. When I am doing my writing I check.’
‘I’m like Ruby because I love to go to the library. I just feel like her. I ask a lot of questions about different stuff if I don’t understand, I think and I think. If I still don’t know I ask the teacher. I’m a bit like all the characters but mostly Ruby.’
‘Ryan because I like relationships. I like learning with other people – like maths games. I’m not like Rebecca as I’m not reflective. I like to go for stuff, not plan.’