Tag: Pedagogy

Professional Learning Video resources at your fingertips


The Education Scotland Professional Learning and Leadership Team recognise that educators, particularly now, are extremely busy and are likely to be engaging with professional learning in a different way.

They wanted to provide a library of previously recorded seminars and sessions, categorised by theme, to allow you to access professional learning at a time that best suits you.

Some of the themes discussed in these recordings will be expanded upon in their online professional learning activities that you may wish to explore. The themes are:

This library will continue to be updated and added to throughout 2022.

Click here to access the collection of recorded webinars and professional learning sessions led or supported by the Education Scotland Professional Learning and Leadership Team or on the clickable themes above.

RIC Writing Sessions

Pedagogy of Writing
20th October at 4pm, Webinar

This session for primary practitioners will kick off a series looking in depth at the learning and teaching of writing. Why do we write and what is the most effective way of ensuring our learners develop the skills necessary for quality writing and the writing process? How do we encourage a love of writing and help our learners find their writer identity?

Sign up via CPD Manager, course ID: 75981