Category: Literacy

Colourful Semantics

Webinar,Thursday 28th October at 4pm
Sign up via CPD Manager (course ID: 76750)

Join Louise Illingworth from FV Speech and Language as she provides an introduction to Colourful Semantics.

The Colourful Semantics approach provides an engaging, dynamic way to support children’s language development. By coding sentences using colour, symbols and signs, this visual approach aims to:
• Teach how to understand and build sentences
• Teach understanding of question words
• Develop vocabulary and increase sentence complexity
• Increase range and complexity of verbs
• Improve children’s written language skills

Contact Chiara Sportelli – Literacy Workstream

Disciplinary Literacy CLPL Opportunities

Disciplinary Literacy 1 – An Introduction to Disciplinary Literacy
Monday 27th September at 4pm, Webinar. Course ID: 76134
Disciplinary Literacy 2 – Reading
Monday 25th October at 4pm, Webinar. Course ID: 76161
Disciplinary Literacy 3 – Writing
Monday 29th November at 4pm, Webinar. Course ID 76162

How do we get secondary pupils to read like a geographer, write like a biologist or talk like a mathematician? This series is for secondary practitioners who want to know what disciplinary literacy is and how it can be used in their teaching. Over the course of the three sessions, we will cover how pupils learn best when they are immersed in the vocabulary and nuances of their subject (session 1), with a specific focus on reading (session 2) and writing (session 3). Participants will be supported at every stage of the process as they trial and create subject-specific strategies to embed into their practice and help their pupils to reach their potential.

Sign up for each session via CPD Manager or contact John Sherry for more information.

RIC Writing Sessions

Pedagogy of Writing
20th October at 4pm, Webinar

This session for primary practitioners will kick off a series looking in depth at the learning and teaching of writing. Why do we write and what is the most effective way of ensuring our learners develop the skills necessary for quality writing and the writing process? How do we encourage a love of writing and help our learners find their writer identity?

Sign up via CPD Manager, course ID: 75981

Screen Scotland: Film Literacy Sessions
Primary Practitioners: 7th September at 4pm
Secondary Practitioners: 14th September at 4pm

Join us for the first of our sessions with Screen Scotland which will highlight the benefits of teaching Film Literacy in the classroom.

The session will:
*provide information about a new strategic partnership between FVWL RIC Literacy and Screen Scotland and a series
of planned webinars;
*introduce the “three Cs” of film literacy (critical; cultural and creative);
*provide guidelines for film making;
*share Screen Scotland resources.

Sign up via CPD Manager:
Primary Session – course ref: RicLit29 course ID: 74752. Contact Chiara Sportelli (

Secondary Session – course ref: RicLit30 course ID: 74751. Contact Janet Adam (

Targeted School Support – Writing

We are currently developing a programme of whole-school targeted writing support with structured input and the opportunity to engage in professional dialogue / moderation with another school who are also participating in the programme.
Please see our suggested schedule below which can be tailored to suit the needs of your school.

If you would like to discuss this for your school pleaseContact Chiara Sportelli – Literacy Workstream

RIC Literacy Survey

It would be helpful for our 2021-22 planning if you could take a few minutes to complete the survey below. Your feedback is important to us as, to quote a well-known Canadian rocker, “Everything we do, we do it for you…”

RIC Literacy Consultation


Screen Scotland: Film Literacy Sessions

Primary Practitioners: 10th June at 4pm
Secondary Practitioners: 17th June at 4pm

Join us for the first of our sessions with Screen Scotland which will highlight the benefits of teaching Film Literacy in the classroom.

The session will:
*provide information about a new strategic partnership between FVWL RIC Literacy and Screen Scotland and a series
of planned webinars;
*introduce the “three Cs” of film literacy (critical; cultural and creative);
*provide guidelines for film making;
*share Screen Scotland resources.

Sign up via CPD Manager:
Primary Session – course ref: RicLit29 course ID: 74752.

Secondary Session – course ref: RicLit30 course ID: 74751.

Collaborative Literacy: Literacy Through Play

25th May at 4pm

Our second session sharing good practice in developing Literacy skills through play pedagogy.

This session will cover the classroom environment, structure of the day and comparison of structured play as opposed to free flow play which enables literacy discoveries. We will also hear about developing writing though IDL and Play Pedagogy – looking at different genres though this approach, setting up the environment to engage learners and encourage the writing process.

Sign up either via CPD Manager or by emailing RIC Literacy PT Chiara Sportelli:

Achieving high quality interactions through collaborative practice in Early Years: the impact on children’s language development

Wednesday 12th May 4pm – 5pm
Sign up via CPD Manager

This session presented by FV Speech and Language Therapy will address the prevalence and impact of communication difficulties in Early years. We will look at:

  • the size of the problem and the impact on children and young people
  • adult /child interaction and language building
  • play-based, child-centred strategies that support language development
  • Clackmannanshire LIFT project – an overview of the SAC LIFT project in the ‘wee county’ and the impact on
    children and young people