Wise Up Wednesday – did you know about…?

 Tracy’s Early Years Lowe-down

This weekly blog is the place Early Years Training Manager at the Scottish Book Trust Tracy Lowe (hence the pun-tastic title) shares new resources, interesting information and research relating to the early years.http://www.scottishbooktrust.com/blog/tracys-early-years-lowedown

NHS Health Scotland

NHS Health Scotland’s 2011 publications catalogue


Maternal and Early Years

This website is for everyone working in the early years workforce in Scotland. It covers a wide breadth of information relevant to practitioners at all levels. It brings together a wealth of up-to-date information, key resources and support.


SSSC Workforce Solutions

Practice Simulation for Childhood Practice and Practitioner Research


Resources to support the teaching of Judaism in schools

The Scottish Council of Jewish Communities website provides a wealth of information that can be used to support the teaching of Judaism in schools. The Resources section of the website has many useful documents including “Scotland Jews”. Their quarterly magazine “Four Corners” contains many useful articles and sources from people around the country that well help bring alive the message of what it means to be Jewish in Scotland today.

Many of the articles on the consultations pages will show you how Judaism in Scotland has reacted to many current moral and ethical issues that the Scottish Parliament has been discussing.

Please visit the website and browse this useful and engaging website full or articles and resources.


Mental Health Toolkit for Young Carers

The Princess Royal Trust for Carers, Young Carers Mental Health Toolkit is now available online for anyone working with young carers.  The toolkit was developed in direct response to worker requests for more resources around promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.  The toolkit also addresses requests made by young carers for more information and help in dealing with emergency situations and building support.  The toolkit was developed by Young Carers Mental Health Development Coordinator from Princess Royal Trust for Carers, in partnership with Scottish Young Carers Services Alliance and funded by The Scottish Government. You can access the toolkit here.

 Alternatively it can be found on www.youngcarers.net click on Professionals page and then on subheading Health and follow the links to the toolkit.

In addition The Princess Royal Trust for Carers website has excellent information and resources for anyone working with Young Carers.

Smoking ban and link in fall of premature births

New research by the Institute of Health and Wellbeing at Glasgow University suggests a link between a reduction in the number of premature and low birth weight babies in Scotland and the introduction of the smoking ban in public places in 2006. The study shows that the number of pregnant women who smoked fell from 25.4 per cent to 18.8 per cent following the start of the ban. The research also showed that the number of pre-term deliveries (babies born before 37 weeks) fell by 10 per cent, there was a 5 per cent fall in babies born small for gestational size and an 8 per cent decrease in the number of infants born very small.
For more information see the comment from Sheila Duffy, chief executive of ASH Scotland, in the Scotsman today.

Alcohol – using percentages to calculate units

Glow Meet with Tom Renwick – Monday 12 March at 2 pm

Education Scotland will be hosting a Glow Meet with a difference with Tom Renwick from Maths on Track. Aimed at third level and suitable for S1, S2 and S3 pupils, this live transmission from the Medical School at Glasgow University, will examine the percentage calculations required to confirm units of alcohol, given the volume and alcoholic strength of the liquid.

Please note that cans of beer, as well as bottles of wine and spirits, will be used as examples of numeracy in the context of everyday materials.

Colleagues from the Medical School will be on hand to help explain the effects of units of alcohol on the body.

The lesson will last about 45 minutes and be available shortly after on Watch Again TV. You will need a Glow login to view this event.

International Women’s Day – Be What You Want!

Join us on GlowTV on Thursday 8 March @ 1.45 pm

“That’s women’s work!” “You’ll need a man to do that job!”

To mark International Women’s Day, join us in challenging the stereotypes and assumptions that young people may have when considering subject choices and subsequent career paths by participating in a Glow TV event aimed at P6-P7 pupils. Sign up here

Meet the London 2012 Olympic Torch – Friday 9th March

With a little over 2 months to go until the London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay starts its journey across the UK, the London 2012 Olympic Torch will make a special visit to Bruntsfield Primary School, Edinburgh on Friday 9th March and you are invited to join us via GlowTV to see the stunning Torch design for yourself!

Bank of Scotland, the Presenting Partner for Scotland of the London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay, will be bringing the Torch to the school for a special assembly and interactive quiz which you can take part in too!

During the event pupils will learn more about the history of the Olympic Torch, plans for the London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay and how they and their school can get involved when the Flame passes through their community this June.

Schools that register for Bank of Scotland National School Sport Week, delivered in partnership with sportscotland – the national agency for sport, will receive resources on how to become ‘Flame Followers’ including ideas for how to plan your own Olympic Torch celebrations. For more information and to register for Flame Followers and Bank of Scotland National School Sport Week, taking place 11-15 June 2012, visit www.schoolsportweekscotland.org

NAR Familiarisation CPD Package for Workshop Facilitators

Material to support the facilitation of a NAR Familiarisation CPD can be found HERE.

The material comprises: Facilitator Notes; Worksheet; and PowerPoint.  It is designed for a hands-on session of around an hour and twenty minutes, and seeks to introduce colleagues to the NAR user interface, and to allow participants to explore ways in which NAR can support their practice.

Work is on-going on a second session which introduces additional features, such as the upload facility.

The documents are in Word and PowerPoint format to allow facilitators to customise the material to meet the needs of their group.  The PowerPoint has been saved in compatability mode in order to allow the widest possible access to this material.

Wanted! Creative teachers and CLD staff

Are you creative in the classroom? Do you empower creativity in your young people?
Education Scotland is looking for teachers and CLD staff who use creativity in their work to speak up and share their creative learning and teaching approaches with the rest of Scotland through a series of very short online film clips.

Creativity in its purest sense involves generating original ideas that have value and crosses ALL areas of the curriculum (not just the arts) and we are looking for examples from subjects as diverse as PE, Languages and Maths. It could be the young people learning creative skills or an approach to lesson planning that is particularly creative. What creativity might involve can be found here: http://glo.li/xGyO32

Here are the questions we would like to put to you:

• What is creativity (to you)?

• Why be creative in your teaching?

• What happens when the young learners are engaged in a creative activity?

• What did you and your young learners do that was creative?
You might explain an example of what creativity looks like in your classroom or group.
You might detail day-to-day creative approaches or else explain a specific project, topic or development.
How did this specifically benefit you and the young people?

You will be filmed by a professional film company (they really put you at your ease) who will come to you, fit around your timetable, and the whole process of setting up and filming will take less than half an hour. Ultimately we are capturing just 3 minutes of glorious quality footage from you that will be shared through the Creativity Portal. This is a great opportunity to showcase your creativity to a national audience.

The filming will be arranged to suit you some time in the next three weeks.

It takes moments to offer your experience or suggest a colleague who you think would fit the bill:
Go to: http://glo.li/z0Mi3s
Email: Stephen.bullock@educationscotland.gov.uk
Phone: 0141 282 5194

Money for language departments and projects in Scotland! – invitation to apply for new award

The British Academy is offering two awards of £4000 specifically for Scottish schools that want to develop creative ways of improving language teaching and learning. It could go towards helping you to work with your local primary schools, take forward business links, or develop a new course.

The funding is intended to extend or strengthen work that has already started, even if on quite a small scale. One of the awards is for mainstream secondary schools and the other is intended for supporting the learning of community languages outside mainstream school times. PLUS the winners will have a chance to win an extra £4000 which will go to the best overall UK project. The closing date for applications is 31 March 2012.  Please click here to access an easy application form to fill in and further details.    

This is the first year that the British Academy has run the scheme and we need to get the message out, so if you know someone who would be interested, pass this message on. It would be a real shame if schools in Scotland missed out on this opportunity.

Guidance coming soon for new National Qualifications

Education Scotland is developing advice and guidance for practitioners on the delivery of courses within the new National Qualifications (NQ) framework. This advice and guidance will support the delivery of courses which are either new or where there are aspects of significant change within National 4 and National 5 levels. Advice and guidance will be published at the end of April.

Examples of supplementary advice for Geography include:

  • Advice and Guidance for the Added Value Unit.
  • Suggestions for approaches to learning and teaching for the Global Issues Unit.

Education Scotland and SQA held joint Curriculum Area Update events in November and December. These events were held in every curriculum area to discuss the detail of the draft qualifications with teachers and to hear their views. Education Scotland materials used at the events by delegates are available to download for use by practitioners in their own settings.

Visit the NQ Support web pages to find out more about the advice and guidance being developed, or have your say to help inform future plans.

Making Connections between STEM Central & Glow Science

STEM Central provides a rich, stimulating and challenging context for learning and teaching. It makes connections between sciences, technologies and mathematics through the context of engineering allowing learners to broaden their understanding of the applications of concepts and skills developed in curriculum subjects. It allows learners to develop solutions to problems and demonstrate creativity through inquiry.

Glow Science (Glow login required) is an online resource comprising hundreds of short films. The resource is for teachers and for learners from age 8 to 14. Their films are mapped to Curriculum for Excellence outcomes and experiences, and cover all four science disciplines: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Science.

If you visit the Glow Science Section on STEM Central in Motion you will find out STEM Central and Glow Science can be used together to support learning and teaching.

Glow Meet – Employability Skills in the Early Years


We would like to say a big thank  you to all who tuned in to our Glow Meet yesterday it was one of the most successful Glow Meets we have ever had, with all attendees sharing their enthusiastic comments and questions, particularly in relation to assessment and tracking. Also thank you to Lorraine Munro from Dens Road Primary School in Dundee who shared her expertise in the early years.

Due to the success of this Glow Meet we are really keen to organise another to follow on from yesterday’s discussion so watch this space!

In the mean time, to continue the discussion and share your thoughts, ideas, suggestions and questions click here and join our discussion forum.

To Watch Again Click Here

We look forward to hearing from you.

Glow Meet with Tom Renwick – Monday 12 March at 2 pm

Alcohol – using percentages to calculate units

Education Scotland will be hosting a Glow Meet with a difference with Tom Renwick from Maths on Track. Aimed at third level and suitable for S1, S2 and S3 pupils, this live transmission from the Medical School at Glasgow University, will examine the percentage calculations required to confirm units of alcohol, given the volume and alcoholic strength of the liquid.

Please note that cans of beer, as well as bottles of wine and spirits, will be used as examples of numeracy in the context of everyday materials.

Colleagues from the Medical School will be on hand to help explain the effects of units of alcohol on the body.

The lesson will last about 45 minutes and be available shortly after on Watch Again TV. You will need a Glow login to view this event.

Click here to sign up!

Learning point 4 – This time it’s personal!

This is the fourth post in a series by the CPD Team outlining some of our thinking in preparation for the new Glow platform. As a result, a small number of the links below point to examples on Glow, so apologies in advance if you are not a Glow user!

One of the interesting discoveries in the development of CPDCentral on Glow (which is based partly on Microsoft Sharepoint) was the discovery of the ‘Me’ filter. This allowed us to create parts of CPD communities that reflect back what I have shared in that community. A good example of this is the CPDMe page on CPDCentral. The CPDMe area has a number of uses for the reflective practitioner, for example:

  • keeps you on track with intentions
  • records your community activities for further reflection in the PRD (professional review and development) process
  • helps you find stuff that you know you have shared!

To take this a bit further, filters by ‘us’ also feature heavily in the existing CPDCentral. If I join a community, I can easily see who else has joined, shared or added intentions. Just follow the menu links on any of the communities on CPDCentral for examples of this in action (or watch the slideshow below).

Of course the definition of ‘us’ is anyone who signs up for that community. Individuals have no control over who joins them in the journey which is not necessarily a bad thing if you are a firm believer in the value of serendipitous CPD, like I am!

However, what would be really great is to add the concept of following or friending (as happens in Twitter and Facebook) to the community model on the new Glow.

In other words, if I want to see what is being shared by individuals I value, I can do so. That, combined with the ability to track keywords (eg #hwb for Health & Wellbeing) would mean the ability to create a genuinely personal, and more effective, one-stop shop for CPD.

Thank you and good luck . . .

A number of our good friends and colleagues have reached the end of their Education Scotland / CPD Team contracts this week, and I am very sorry to see them go. Each has made a unique and important contribution to the team over a combined total of more than twelve years and each will be sadly missed.

So farewell and thank you to Susan Lafferty who has worked quietly and efficiently to make our online communities so popular and effective. In particular Susan was the engine behind CPDStepin – and I know many colleagues have benefited from her excellent personal skills and her meticulous attention to detail. She built a strong skill set in the area of online facilitation – a very rare attribute and we shall miss her enormously. I hope she finds the job she deserves very soon.

We must also say good bye to our friend and colleague Catriona Oates. Although she has been with us for less than two years, the impact she has made is significant. Catriona has a clear vision and a rare understanding of the power of technology and social networking to transform teacher professional learning. In this context, she has achieved and delivered so much while with the team. She has designed, built and facilitated a number of successful GLOW communities, and has been tireless in seeking and sharing interesting CPD links. She has also provided strategic leadership, with her colleague and friend Bob Cook, of the team’s work on Professional Review and Development – so please do check out the excellent PRD Toolkit and the PRD Health Check which offer good and sensible strategies for improving PRD at school level. This CPD Team blog is now much more user friendly thanks to Catriona. Please do keep up with Catriona’s career on her own blog, Cat’s eyes.

The leadership strand of the CPD team will miss the positive, professional and collegial support of Kat Healy whose contract also came to an end at the end of February. Kat brought high quality organisational skills to the Flexible Route to Headship programme from its inception, and many of those who have participated in FRH will know her as your first point of contact. Kat epitomises all that is good in project support. She solved problems, maintained focus and showed flexibility and creativity in all her responsibilities. Kat of course is also a very talented singer/songwriter and we are all looking forward to the launch of her first album later this year. We are delighted that she has been head-hunted for the Children’s Panel, and will start work with this organisation on Monday.
You can keep up with Kat’s music on her website: http://www.kathealymusic.com/

Finally I am very sad that we must also wave goodbye to Jim Keegans who has has reached the end of his contract. For five years Jim has been the driving force behind the development of the Flexible Route to Headship and as such has made a significant contribution not only to the work of the team, but also to Scottish education more widely. When Jim first took up this responsibility FRH was little more than an aspiration, and he has worked tirelessly, building partnership with a great number of colleagues from a wide range of stakeholders, to make it into the thriving, lively programme it is today. This significant achievement is not the only legacy that Jim leaves as he moves into the next stage of his career. He has led and contributed to so many aspects of the CPD team’s work, from our headteacher CPD programme, the development of Learning Rounds, the development of the online Educational Leadership Development Framework, and so on. Throughout this he has been a super person to work with, always calm, always cheerful and always more likely to seek a solution before a confrontation. He will be missed for so many reasons.

We’ll miss you all

Margaret Alcorn

National CPD Coordinator

Learning point 3 – educators leading their own learning

This is the third post in a series by the CPD Team outlining some of our thinking in preparation for the new Glow platform. As a result, a small number of the links below point to examples on Glow, so apologies in advance if you are not a Glow user!

Much has been written on the topic of educators being responsible for, and leading, their own CPD. Most recently I came across this blog post by Laura Varlas, an ACSD contributor in United States, who talks about how “schools in Sweden have moved from prescribed teacher training models defined by the central education ministry to teacher-designed projects focused on meeting real challenges in teachers’ own classrooms”

Of course, one of the big successes of the work of the National CPD Team in Scotland (in conjunction with SCSSA) was the development of the Learning Rounds model of CPD. In this model, educators do lead their own learning by observing each other in a non-judgemental way and discussing the learning. We are even seeing this being piloted as an initial teacher training model according to this BBC news story.

In this video, on one of our CPDLead communities on Glow, Denny the head teacher from Mossneuk Primary in South Lanarkshire explains how circumstances forced the school to look inward for its CPD and is all the better for it!

So what does this mean for an online environment like the new Glow and how might it encourage educators to take responsibility for their own learning? The answer is very probably to provide some tools and templates and then get out of the way!

There are many examples of Scottish educators taking part in DIY-CPD online through;

So, here are some ideas to support the reality of educators leading their own learning on the next generation of Glow.

  • Support the Scottish educators mentioned above to come together as an outward-facing and forward-facing community.
  • make it easier to host TeachMeets online
  • open an online, CPD Conference Centre where educators can do their own stuff with the web-conferencing tool whatever that may be (see the Conference Centre on Glow currently)
  • expand the CPDRequest service to be more of a ‘swap-shop’ where educators can do deals to support each other in their learning
  • start and support a CPD ‘dating agency’ for peer mentoring (there’s a nascent one on CPDStepin at the moment)
  • above all, continue to promote curiosity and rigour by providing tools to encouraging online reflection and sharing.

Let’s make our professional learning visible (to borrow a phrase from John Hattie)! Please feel free to add to the ideas mentioned above, or chuck stuff at them, in the comments section! 😉

Learning point 2 – Learn locally, share nationally

This post continues our discussion on key learning points from online CPD communities on Glow. It contains links to Glow but you can also click on the images to see expanded screenshots.

Here’s a thing we have learned! We can set up community pages for local events and programmes which ‘feed’ into CPD communities at a national level.

Here are some examples of this…

When the HWB team at Education Scotland led an event for NQTs, we worked together on a mini-community for the event which, in turn, fed into the national hwb-cpd community.

South Lanarkshire has a local version of the Outdoor Learning community. It sits within the “affiliated “ Outdoor Learning community in CPDCentral, and anything shared in that community can also be shared at national level, on the same principle outlined above.

Several authorities have local communities for their CPDLeaders which sit within CPDLead, which, in turn, is part of CPDCentral. Whatever is learned locally in these communities can be shared at a national level.

All of the above examples are local versions of national CPD communities. How about if all local communities shared at a national level? National communities wouldn’t have to come first. National communities would then be amalgams / curated versions of local communities.

Examples of this too are beginning to emerge on Glow…

MLPSNet (a community for primary languages practitioners in Stirling Council) share almost all of its activity nationally through the collegiate tools on CPDCentral. There are also links to existing authority areas on Glow to allow privacy where required.

Extending your Potential is an online, early leadership programme led by Rodger Hill of Dumfries & Galloway. The eyp-cpd community, however, is built at a national level so that the sharing can be seen by all on CPDCentral.

So here’s a thought. In the next iteration of Glow, instead of building ‘national’ CPD communities why not build a partnership with colleagues from local authorities to build communities that meet their local needs? The trick would be that each of these communities also shares at a national level, and possibly international level.

So why not have Stirling Council support modern languages for primary teachers across Scotland? And why not have an early leadership area of the proposed Virtual College for School Leadership (Teaching Scotland’s Future, recommendation 50) led by Dumfries & Galloway? And a coaching community led by Shetland folk, and an NQT community led by Aberdeenshire colleagues, and so on?

As always, your comments will be much appreciated

Catriona Oates and Con Morris

Learning point 1 – Share once, see many

With the forthcoming changes to Glow which we will know more about in the coming months, we thought it might be helpful if we outline a few of the features on our CPD communities thus far. Although we don’t know as yet know what Glow will look like in the new session, we can share here some of the key learning points from our work on CPD communities so far.

Note to illustrate these points we make several links to Glow communities below.

Learning point 1 – Share once, see many

We started a couple of years ago with CPDCentral – a hub where you could find other educators and share your ideas and practice?

From CPDCentral, you could then find links to CPD communities that might interest you, eg CPD leaders and Health & Wellbeing. The problem we hit quite quickly was that if you had the same thing to share, or say, in more than one community, you had to add it several times.

So we flattened the hierarchy for sharing and did away with many of the sub-groups. You’ll see now that CPDCentral has spawned a lot of mini-communities, and although they are nested within CPDCentral, they have their own identity and hashtag. The beauty of this system is that you can share and interact in more than one community at a time.

So, to take the example, CPDLead is the online community for leaders and co-ordinators of CPD. A member of CPDLead sharing some CPD practice on Health & Wellbeing can tag the item with #cpdlead and #hwb and share simultaneously across both communities.

Many other CPDCentral communities operate in this way: Outdoor Learning; CPD Consolarium; Gaelic; CPDStepin; Global Citizenship to name but a few.

The icons for these communities are shown here.

In addition, as an individual educator you can also see all your own community activities to date on the CPDMe page This might come in handy at PRD time!

In the new Glow, we would like to see this Share once, see many idea extended to the CPD work done by individuals, establishments, local authorities and national organisations.


  • the option to share items directly with colleagues from your online profile without double entry. A piece of evidence of impact could be shared in the profile, but also appear as part of a school contribution to LA improvement planning and a contribution to a CPD community
  • you profile yourself once and those details are made available to all your school, authority and national communities
  • a local authority CPD community can share a learning and teaching policy (and with the judicious use of tags) make it available to all its own educators but also to supply teachers, probationer teachers, leaders throughout Scotland as it sees fit

In the next post, Con Morris and I will be reflecting on our next (and related!) learning point – Learn locally, share nationally

Your comments would be very much appreciated below!

Catriona Oates

CfE & Glow News – February Issue

The CfE and Glow News update provides you with information about Curriculum for Excellence and support for practitioners, along with all the latest developments within Glow. Read it here.

To sign up for this newsletter, please click here.

Scottish Network for Able Pupils event 21 March 2012

Literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing: making the experiences and outcomes work for able pupils

The Scottish Network for Able Pupils is running a one day session for managers and teachers interested in looking at what the experiences and outcomes in numeracy, literacy and health and wellbeing might look like in practice for highly able pupils particularly in P4-P7 years of primary school.
The day will draw on findings from a recent research project undertaken by SNAP. Participants will have the opportunity to work alongside experienced SNAP staff to develop activities linked to the experiences and outcomes. They will hear about current developments in education and what this means for children who are working ahead of their age peers. Participants will leave with ideas and activities that can be put into practice in the classroom. These ideas and activities will not only support pupils who are highly able but will support the learning of all.

Date: Wednesday 21st March 2012
Time: 9.15-3.15pm
Venue: St Andrew’s Building, University of Glasgow, 11 Eldon Street, Glasgow G3 6NH
Cost: £80 for SNAP members and for schools and Nurseries from Associate Tutor Authorities. £90 for non-SNAP Members
The day includes: all materials, tea/coffee on arrival, tea/coffee mid-morning, lunch.

To book a place please contact
Our address is
School of Education
St Andrew’s Building
University of Glasgow
11 Eldon Street
G3 6NH

Or fax :
0141 330 3476

CfE Films

New CfE – Impact and Benefits – How CfE is changing Scottish Education

In August 2010 Curriculum for Excellence was officially introduced in all public-funded Scottish schools. This was with the aim of making the curriculum more flexible, exciting, engaging and relevant, enabling Scotland’s children and young people to be better prepared for our ever-changing world, equipping them with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to help all learners get the best from their education, wherever they are on their learning journey.

One and a half years in and we are seeing more and more examples of how the flexibility of CfE is enabling our children to learn in different ways from the way past generations have, with far greater opportunity for more interesting and stimulating learning and teaching, more active participation and input from the learners themselves, raising engagement and subsequently their enthusiasm for learning. Following on from our earlier CfE in Action series, these videos are intended as a snapshot of where we are at the moment and a glimpse of the possibilities CfE has opened up so far.

They are intended for parents/carers and learners, as well as teachers and other education professionals, please feel free to share them widely via youtube.

Click here to view the films.

SLF 2012 Call for Participation Now Open

The Scottish Learning Festival 2012 will take place on Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 September in the SECC, Glasgow. The theme for SLF 2012 is Creative Learning…. Creative Thinking.

The Scottish Learning Festival 2012 will offer practitioners opportunities to learn more about the importance of creative skills for themselves and for their learners. SLF 2012 will enable practitioners to develop skills and expertise to support creative learning and teaching across the curriculum through sharing information, highlighting innovation and showcasing best practice. SLF 2012 also provides continuing professional learning opportunities in line with recommendations set out in Teaching Scotland’s Future.

The Call for Participation is now open and full details of the theme along with an online submission form are available on the SLF website.

Are you aware of establishments that demonstrate good practice or maybe there is a project that you have been working on internally or with partners that could be showcased. We would encourage you to share this information with your networks and submit proposals for consideration.

There is a robust review, evaluation and scoring system in place to help ensure all submissions are treated equally and therefore it is essential that all requests to participate, whether internal or external, go through the submission process and adhere to the timescales provided. To ensure that your area of work is represented in the conference programme, please complete and submit the Call for Participation form for consideration.

Last year we received in excess of 350 submissions which allowed Education Scotland to deliver a relevant and balanced conference programme covering all key areas of education. The 2012 programme will be launched at the end of May and will feature those sessions that have been submitted and selected by the review panel.

There is a robust review, evaluation and scoring system in place to help ensure all submissions are treated equally and therefore it is essential that all requests to participate, whether internal or external, go through the submission process and adhere to the timescales provided. To ensure that your area of work is represented in the conference programme, please complete and submit the Call for Participation form for consideration.

Last year we received in excess of 350 submissions which allowed Education Scotland to deliver a relevant and balanced conference programme covering all key areas of education. The 2012 programme will be launched at the end of May and will feature those sessions that have been submitted and selected by the review panel.

The deadline for submitting proposals is Friday 30 March 2012, submissions received after this date cannot be considered for inclusion in the conference programme.

We look forward to receiving submissions and hope you will contribute to SLF 2012 to help continue to deliver Scotland’s largest annual national education conference and exhibition. If you would like to further discuss any aspects of SLF 2012 please contact Elaine Docherty.

The deadline for submitting proposals is Friday 30 March 2012, submissions received after this date cannot be considered for inclusion in the conference programme.

We look forward to receiving submissions and hope you will contribute to SLF 2012 to help continue to deliver Scotland’s largest annual national education conference and exhibition. If you would like to further discuss any aspects of SLF 2012 please contact Elaine Docherty.

The deadline for submitting proposals is Friday 30 March 2012, submissions received after this date cannot be considered for inclusion in the conference programme.

We look forward to receiving submissions and hope you will contribute to SLF 2012 to help continue to deliver Scotland’s largest annual national education conference and exhibition. If you would like to further discuss any aspects of SLF 2012 please contact Elaine Docherty.

World Book Day – 1st March

Talk with the author of ‘Horrid Henry’ through Glow TV and find other online resources to help celebrate World Book Day.

World Book Day is held on March 1 and was designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and is marked in over 100 countries around the globe.

Speak with Francesca Simon, the author of the phenomenally successful Horrid Henry books, on Glow TV at 11am or at 1.15pm on Thursday March 1. The event is suitable for P1-P7 learners (age 5-12) and fans of the Horrid Henry series.

The event has been organised by the Scottish Book Trust. You can watch videos of previous author events – including Michael Rosen, Julia Donaldson, Charlie Higson, Michael Morpurgo and many more – in the Scottish Book Trust Glow Group (Requires Glow login).

Find more resources for World Book Day on the Education Scotland website.

Wise Up Wednesday – Literacy in Action

On Saturday the early years team at Education Scotland hosted a conference at Stirling Management Centre – 

Literacy in Action: Supporting Colleges to Support Early Years Practice.

Aileen Campbell MSP, Minister for Children andYoung People launched our new resource for parents every day’s a learning day. This resource highlights the learning opportunities present in every day situations from sorting the washing to preparing meals. Watch this space for more information

The conference was very successful with delegates sharing their enthusiasm about the workshops and the speakers which included:

Jean Carwood-Edwards, Programme Director, Education Scotland

Scotland’s Literacy Action Plan – everyone’s responsibility   

Alan Bissett, Author

Literacy in Action – promoting a reading culture in Scotland

National Updates

Education Scotland – Inspection Framework 

Louise Gaddi, Qualifications Manager Care Scotland, SQA

Catherine Agnew, Inspector Manager – Registration,Care Inspector

Nina Roberts, Education and Workforce Development Adviser, SSSC  

World Cafe Workshops

Development Officers provided an overview of how their own area of work supports the Literacy Action Plan and lead discussions on how the resources available could be used with students of early education and childcare.

Irene Russell, Development Officer, Parental Involvement

Susan Doherty, Development Officer, Work with Young People

Hilary Bombart, Team Leader (Acting), Literacy and English

Anna Cartlidge, Development Officer, Early Years/Responsibility of All

Visit Scotland’s Colleges Blog to see a video of the key messages from the day.

Transform Toolkit

Education Scotland has published a new online resource,
Transform Toolkit. The toolkit has been created by National Theatre of Scotland and Education Scotland to give every school and community the chance to create their own transformative experience.

Transform is an initiative which gives opportunities to schools and communities to work collaboratively on a large-scale creative project and allows participants to engage with and learn from artists from a range of creative industries.

Transform can be carried out by using the range of suggested tasks provided in the toolkit and/or with CPD support from National Theatre of Scotland. You can use the toolkit as a guide and it is designed to allow you to pick and choose the appropriate activities for the participants.

Big Dance 2012

Call for Participants

Big Dance 2012 is the UK’s biggest ever celebration of dance, with events taking part around the UK. As part of the Scottish Government’s policy to ‘Get Scotland Dancing’, Dance Base has received investment from Creative Scotland to produce a celebration of dance.

On Saturday 30 June and Sunday 1 July 2012, Dance Base is inviting every dance group, school and society to perform, teach or demonstrate in themed stages/areas throughout Edinburgh city centre. At night they will show an outdoor dance-along movie and a fringe programme of dance in bars and clubs, bringing people into the city to celebrate dance.

Dance Base is co-ordinating celebrations for the Edinburgh region and hopes to work with as many partners as possible to make the Big Dance celebration a high profile event attracting thousands.

Information on Big Dance 2012 can be found here.

If you are a group who would like to be involved register your interest with Dance Base by 29 February 2012. Over the next few months Dance Base will also be looking for individuals who want to volunteer in the run up to and during the event weekend.

Generations Working Together – National Conference (Glasgow)

National Conference is being held on Tuesday 13th March, 10.00 – 16.30, Scottish Youth Theatre, The Old Sheriff Court, 105 Brunswick Street, Glasgow, G1 1TF.  The conference is aimed at practitioners and those interested in the benefits of embedding intergenerational practice into policy. The key-note speech will be delivered by Carol Craig, Chief Executive, Centre for Confidence and Well-Being.   

To view further information click here.  The deadline for booking your place at the event is Wednesday 29th February 2012.   To book a place click here.

Children’s Mental Health Conference 2012 (Glasgow)

This conference will aim to refresh and enhance your knowledge on a variety of key topics and current developments in the field of children’s mental health, show examples of good practice and most importantly provide you with practical information which you can apply.  It will take place on Tuesday 15th May 2012 at Hilton Glasgow Grosvenor Hotel and costs £197 including lunch and refreshments.

Please click on the following link for information on the conference and booking details – http://www.bipolarscotland.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Mental-Heath-Troubled-Times.pdf

NHS Health Scotland Healthy Living Publications Update

The NHS Health Scotland suite of Healthy Living public facing resources will be updated in 2012-13 and NHS Health Scotland needs your professional support to guide the development of their National publications.

These publications relate to; Child Healthy Weight, Food & Health and Physical Activity & Healthy Weight in Scotland, across all age stages. By supporting the update, you are sure to gain valuable experience of being part of a national steering group and an insight into resource development.

Three new topic based steering groups will ensure publication revisions are guided by people who have experience of using Healthy Living resources in practice and/or professional expertise in the topic areas. The three Healthy Living steering group topics are:

  • Child Healthy Weight Publication Steering Group
  • Food & Health Publication Steering Group (including ‘Eating for Health’ and ‘Hassle Free Food’)
  • Physical Activity & Healthy Weight Steering Group (including ‘Hassle Free Exercise’ and ‘Physical Activity During and After Pregnancy’)

Each of these groups will meet on a couple of occasions throughout 2012-13 to:

  • Review and edit the content within the identified Healthy Living publication titles (according to the update schedule and time you can commit)
  • Guide the dissemination of revised publications and raise awareness of these National publications

To find out more about the purpose and remit of the steering groups or to express interest in joining, please email Karen Mailer: karen.mailer@nhs.net asap.

Digitally Agile Scotland – Seminars

The Scottish Community Development Centre, Youthlink Scotland and Learning Link Scotland are working in partnership to deliver the Digitally Agile Project.  The project involves research and case studies of good and interesting practice in the use of social media and new technology in the community learning and development field.  The programme is being supported by Education Scotland and funded by the Scottish Government.

As part of the project we will be hosting 3 seminars in Aberdeen – 22 March 2012, Edinburgh – 27 March 2012 and Glasgow – 29 March 2012.  The seminars are for people working in adult learning, youth development and community capacity building and are designed to allow participants to hear about interesting practice involving social media and new technology.  Participants will have the opportunity to learn from others, share practice and exchange experience and knowledge.  You will also have the opportunity to have your say about the challenges and the importance of guidance in being digitally agile for your personal and professional development. 

The seminars are free of charge but places are limited. To book you place on the either one of the 3 seminars please click on the link below: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DACLDseminar

If you require further information about the programme please contact Paul Nelis paul@scdc.org.uk

Singapore Government announces changes to tobacco packaging in 2012!

The Singapore government has announced that from March 2013, words like ‘light’, ‘low-tar’ and ‘mild’ will be banned from the packaging of tobacco products and a new set of graphic warnings will replace the current warnings used. Among other changes that will come about following the amendments in 2010 to the Smoking (Control of Advertisements and Sale of Tobacco) Act, the maximum tar and nicotine yield levels in cigarettes will be reduced, and current label indicating tar and nicotine yield levels on packaging will be replaced with warning of chemicals other than tar and nicotine in a cigarette.
If you would like to read more follow the link below:


STEM Central and Research Recommendations

How can teachers engage with the recommendations of a recent research pilot by the Department for Education and carried out by the Centre for Education and Industry at the University of Warwick (CEI), the International Centre for Guidance Studies at the University of Derby (iCeGs) and Isinglass Consultancy Ltd? This three year programme of work sought to explore the potential to embed STEM careers awareness in the early stages in early stages of secondary education.

STEM Central demonstrates opportunities for using engineering to learn through enquiry and investigation in curriculum areas and interdisciplinary studies. STEM Central  provides opportunities to embed learning of STEM across traditional subject boundaries, and offers opportunities for all learners to understand the wealth of learning and career opportunities offered by STEM.

Using the careers based videos can enrich teachers understanding of opportunities STEM offers their learners, and assist in planning for learning and teaching which prepares our young people to 

“gains the skills and aspirations essential for building the UK’s economy and to help them participate in an increasingly scientific and technological society.” (Good Timing: Implementing STEM careers strategy in secondary schools, November 2011)


Church of Scotland Leaflets on Moral and Ethical Issues

The Church of Scotland has published a series of leaflets about current moral and ethical issues. These leaflets link to the teachings of the church and the position that the Church takes on these issues. There are also reflective questions to help in your thinking about these issues.

These leaflets would be an ideal source of information for those teaching Senior pupils and in particular for NQ courses looking at moral issues.

Climate Change leaflet (1)

Synthetic Biology leaflet

Poverty leaflet

Stem Cells leaflet

Nuclear Weapons leaflet

Mental Health leaflet

Internet leaflet

Human Cloning Ethical Issues leaflet

Fair Trade Leaflet

End of Life Issues leaflet

Cloned Embryo Research leaflet

Teaching Transport?

The STEM Central Context on Electric Transport allows practitioners and learners to explore Electric Cars. The Electric Cars learning journey with a technologies focus is aimed at fourth level. Lessons give learners experiences and opportunities to develop their understanding of the differences between electric motors and petrol engines and the functional, societal and physical issues relating to electric forms of transport. Learners can research the current state of electric transport in the world to learn from elsewhere and deepen their understanding of the issues. Surveying people in the community allows them to better understand attitudes and views relating to this issue. Learners then develop an understanding of different case studies of schemes to encourage the adoption of electric transport and then research and present a reasoned argument on the environmental impact of a wider spread use of electric transport in Scotland.

The Glow Science (Glow log in required) video on Eco-Transport could be used to support the Electric Cars Learning Journey.

Planning for Learning, Teaching and Assessment in RME

A new resource has been developed to support practitioners in planning for effective learning, teaching and assessment in RME. This resource takes you through the process of unpacking the Es and Os to gathering evidence. There are tasks for staff to undertake and help develop your thinking. There is also an interactive powerpoint presentation and templates for you to use. The resource can be found by clicking here.

Bioengineering goes live on STEM Central

Bioengineering – or biomedical engineering – has come to prominence and has expanded rapidly in the past decade. The learning journeys in the STEM Central Bioengineering context focus on efforts to repair, assist or augment impaired body functions through the use of brain-computer interfacing, polymeric biomaterials and prosthetics.

Additional videos available to support learning and teaching around this context can be found on Glow Science. Why not try:

Joints – explore movement of joints

Muscles Part 2 – how skeletal muscles help control your body

Plastics & Polymers – discover how properties of plastics

can be determined.

Teaching Flooding?

The STEM Central Context on Water allows practitioners and learners to explore flood planning and flood management. The microgeneration learning journey has a Sciences focus aimed at third level. Lessons give learners experiences and the opportunity to develop their understanding of a renewable source of energy through practical investigation. This context would lend itself well to an interdisciplinary learning planned in partnership with technologies.

The flood planning learning journey is aimed at third level Social Studies and begins by engaging learners with the topic of flooding through discussion of local flooding issues in Scotland. Learners are given opportunities to understand the social and financial impact of flooding and possible flood prevention methods both natural and manmade. They also consider the effect of flooding on both developed and developing countries and how aid may impact on this.

The flood management learning journey is aimed at fourth level Technologies and begins by engaging learners with the topic of flooding to immerse themselves in some of the issues and problems of the people affected by flooding. Learners are given opportunities to research existing products and systems, to analyse case studies and to design, model and apply the basic principles of control technology. They also consider the possible negative impacts of engineered solutions and whether sometimes ‘low tech’, or non-engineered solutions can be appropriate by looking at practice in this country and elsewhere in the world.

There are various videos available through Glow Science (Glow log in required) that you could use to support these learning journeys:

  • Hurricane Katrina: Part 1: In 2005, New Orleans was struck by Hurricane Katrina. What defences did the city have to protect it?
  • Hurricane Katrina: Part 2: In 2005, New Orleans was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. The city had flood defences which were meant to protect it. Why did these fail and could this happen again?
  • Storm Surges: Storm surges are huge domes of water sucked upwards by the eye of a hurricane. What happens if they hit the shore, or worse, a city?

Wise up Wednesday: CfE Impact and Benefits – Focus On: Early Years

 The Scottish Government have published new short films on Curriculum for Excellence for parents on the Engage for Education web site at:


The films illustrate, in nursery/primary/secondary learners’, parents’ and teachers’ own words, the kind of impact and benefits that Curriculum for Excellence is having across Scotland. 

The films contribute towards the Cabinet Secretary’s CfE Action Plan 2011/12 commitment to develop new materials for parents which illustrate the benefits of CfE, following specific calls for such resources from parents. 

They have been developed in co-operation with the National Parent Forum of Scotland.

Let your colleagues and parents know!!!

Teaching Circuits?

The STEM Central Context on Electric Transport allows practitioners and learners to explore Circuits. The Circuit learning journey has a Sciences focus and is aimed at third level. Lessons give learners experiences and the opportunity to develop their understanding of circuits and their application. Learners are given the chance to apply learning by designing their own circuits for particular functions.

There are various videos available through Glow Science (Glow log in required) that you could use to support the Circuits Learning Journey:

Glow Science – Teacher Testimonial

Teacher Katy Sowden explains how Glow Science has enriched and enlivened science learning in her classroom, and how it has helped her deliver Curriculum for Excellence outcomes.

Hear from P7 pupils at Williamston Primary School, who enthuse about the content and learning style offered by Glow Science.

To view the video click here.

Happy Talk

One factor that is increasingly being cited as an important economic indicator is happiness.

After all, what good is increased production and consumption if the result isn’t increased human satisfaction? Until fairly recently, the subject of happiness was mostly avoided by economists for lack of good ways to measure it; however, in recent years, “happiness economists” have found ways to combine subjective surveys with objective data (on lifespan, income, and education) to yield data with consistent patterns, making a national happiness index a practical reality

But at this moment in history, as GDP growth becomes an unachievable goal, it is especially important that societies re-examine their aims and measures. If we aim for what is no longer possible, we will achieve only delusion and frustration. But if we aim for genuinely worthwhile goals that can be attained, then even if we have less energy at our command and fewer material goods available, we might nevertheless still increase our satisfaction in life.

To read the full article click here.

Sport Your Trainers 2012

Sport your Trainers and get involved in the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games!

As a school we’d like to set you the challenge of reaching your partner country by Commonwealth Day on the 12th March of this year and show your support for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games by getting involved in this year’s Sport your Trainers campaign.

You can take part by walking, jogging, rowing, cycling, and spinning or even skipping, the choice is yours and all activities count, so get creative. You can find out more about this in the Sport Your Trainers Glow Group.

To help celebrate this we will be having a special Glow Meet as part of the national launch and we will be coming live from Maddiston Primary in Falkirk on Thursday 23rd February at 11am. The athlete who will be appearing at the school is 18-year-old Scottish Pole Vaulter Jax Thoirs. Find out more about Jax.

Join us and find out more about Sport Your Trainers 2012 and ask your questions!! Sign up and join us in Glow TV.

The German Teacher Awards

Do you know an outstanding Teacher of German who you feel should be recognised at a national level?

The winners will receive a personal prize of £750 and a certificate. The prizes will be presented at a special ceremony at the “Sommerfest der Deutschen Sprache” on 28th of  June 2012 in the German Ambassador’s Residence in London.

For further information please click here to visit the website.


Herriot Watt University – The Multi- Lingual Debate 2012 – 22nd of March

This year’s multi- lingual debate will take place on Thursday 22nd of March 2012.  If you would like to attend, or would like to register your class to participate online, then please visit Herriot Watt’s website where you will be given details of how to register.

It’s a really fantastic opportunity for langauge learners to get an insight into the skills and techniques used by translators, while taking part in a really interesting and topical debate.  This is the first time that the event will be streamed live so that schools can fully participate no matter where they are located.

To register your class, click here to access the Herriot Watt website

What are friends for?

The presence of friends mitigates negative experiences, study proves

“Stand by me” is a common refrain when it comes to friendship; however, new research from Concordia University proves that the concept goes beyond pop music: keeping friends close has real physiological and psychological benefits. 

The presence of a best friend directly affects children going through negative experiences, as reported in the recent Concordia-based study published in Developmental Psychology. The study was conducted with the collaboration of researchers at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and the University of Nebraska at Omaha.

Feelings of self-worth and levels of cortisol, a hormone produced naturally by the adrenal gland in direct response to stress, are largely dependent on the social context of a negative experience.
“Having a best friend present during an unpleasant event has an immediate impact on a child’s body and mind,” says author William M. Bukowski, a psychology professor and director of the Concordia Centre for Research in Human Development. “If a child is alone when he or she gets in trouble with a teacher or has an argument with a classmate, we see a measurable increase in cortisol levels and decrease in feelings of self-worth.”
A total of 55 boys and 48 girls from grades 5 and 6 in local Montreal schools took part in the study. Participants kept journals on their feelings and experiences over the course of four days and submitted to regular saliva tests that monitored cortisol levels. 

Concordia psychology professor William M. Bukowski | Photo by Concordia University
Although previous studies have shown that friendships can protect against later adjustment difficulties, this study is the first to definitively demonstrate that the presence of a friend results in an immediate benefit for the child undergoing a negative experience.
These results have far-reaching implications. “Our physiological and psychological reactions to negative experiences as children impacts us later in life,” explains Bukowski. “Excessive secretion of cortisol can lead to significant physiological changes, including immune suppression and decreased bone formation. Increased stress can really slow down a child’s development.”

According to Bukowski, when it comes to feelings of self-worth, “What we learn about ourselves as children is how we form our adult identities. If we build up feelings of low self-worth during childhood, this will translate directly into how we see ourselves as adults.”

The study builds on previous research at Concordia that has shown multiple friendships inoculate against negative outcomes such as bullying, exclusion and other kinds of aggression.
About the study
 The paper, “The Presence of a Best Friend Buffers the Effects of Negative Experiences,” published in the journal Developmental Psychology, was authored by William M. Bukowski of Concordia University in Canada, Ryan E. Adams of the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, and John Bruce Santo of the University of Nebraska at Omaha in the United States.

Talking Stem Cells in Scottish Schools

Pupils All Over Scotland Come Together Using Glow TV to Talk Stem Cells!

SSCN (Scottish Stem Cell Network) is delighted to announce the next Talking Stem Cells workshop will be running on Glow TV on February 21st 2012 at 2pm.

Talking Stem Cells is an opportunity for Scottish secondary school pupils to participate in an interactive and engaging workshop, presented on Glow TV, with real scientists working in this topical science field.

The workshop covers the basic science of stem cells, their therapeutic potentials and the research currently being conducted; while also highlighting some of the career possibilities the industry offers in Scotland, a world leader in this field.

By using Glow it allows for the breakdown of geographical and social barriers and allows pupils from all over Scotland to engage and tune in to activities and special guests that may not have previously been available, especially true of schools in more remote areas.

The event will be hosted by Forth Valley College and stem cell scientists, Dr. Andy Downes, Edinburgh University and Dr. Paul Shiels, Glasgow University. They will be leading the workshop which will include a mix of presentations, interactive activities and investigations by the participating students.

The workshop will see students participating from schools across Scotland, with participation from as far afield as Shetland, Orkney and the Highlands.

You can sign up and take part in this event in Glow TV – Sign up and join us!

A Random Walk through Mathematics at Stirling University

A planned context for phased development within STEM Central is the “Invisible Worlds” context. Envisaged as a context exploring the Invisible World that’s going on inside our bodies, this will connect the cutting edge of modelling, measuring, investigating, diagnosing and treating in these Invisible Worlds, associated with industry and education in Scotland.

If that sounds like something which you might be interested in, then why not take a look at Stirling University’s lecture on 23rd February which looks at their interest and expertise in modelling biological systems, disease spread and control, and building simple models of population growth.

Think of a Learner…and a loop the loop

Education Scotland’s Sciences Development Offier joined up with SSERC to work with Physics teachers from South Lanarkshire during their recent in-service days.

The Think of a Learner toolkit, under development to aid practitioners in self evaluation and engaging in professional dialogue, to explore in more depth the guidance and advice on CfE from the perspective of the individual learner, was used to stimulate and structure interesting and challenging discussion. This toolkit, designed to be used for individual, department, Faculty or whole school CPD,  addresses the most common questions and queries arising around new NQs and bridging from the BGE to Senior Phase. The theme was continued with some hands-on work including the amazing invisible test tube and new ideas for physics of motion using a loop the loop track and a neat piece of free software called Tracker.Jar. Together, we explored how learning and teaching in a three year Senior Phase can offer opportunity to build on prior learning and support the learning in achievement his or her potential.  

Many thanks for the teachers who worked hard on each of the two mornings, and to South Lanarkshire and SSERC for working in partnership with Education Scotland to support teachers with CfE.

Health and wellbeing Glow Meet Wednesday 22 February 1615-1700

This Glow meet will provide CPD support to deliver the aspects of HWB that are the Responsibility of All. 

You will have the opportunity to hear about the building blocks of HWB to develop a whole school approach and a shared understanding of Responsibility of all.  This shared understanding can help teachers and partners to consider assessment in HWB, in particular on those aspects that are the Responsibility of all.

There will be the opportunity to post questions throughout the meet.

To join your colleagues, please click here. (Glow log in required).

More online CPD from the CPD communities on Glow

CPDMeet 44 – An introduction to Jolly Phonics http://bit.ly/cpdmeet44

Tuesday 21st February at 4pm

We have had to reschedule this CPDMeet as the original supply teacher colleague who requested it has landed a long-term contract! At least it’s for a good news reason! Please still sign up at http://bit.ly/cpdmeet44 and we will keep you posted on the new date

CPDMeet 45 – Extending your potential http://bit.ly/cpdmeet45

Thursday 23rd February at 4.30pm

Rodger Hill, QIO in Dumfries and Galloway is pioneering an early leadership development programme within his authority, Extending Your Potential. What is unusual about this programme is it is entirely online, on Glow! Rodger has kindly offered to share an insight into the programme with the wider community of educators in CPDCentral. Sign up here http://bit.ly/cpdmeet45 for CPDMeet 45 -an open discussion about how EYP came about, how Rodger is developing and supporting it and their progress so far.

Technologies School Visits

Recently I have had the opportunity to visit a number of schools to find out how they are developing the Technologies Experiences and Outcomes.

To find out more have a look at these blog posts:

3D Modelling Software

Entrepreneurship in Enterprise

S1 Business Enterprise

S2 Business & Enterprise

Designing a Design & Technology Curriculum

Community Café

Digitalising Burns Poetry

Wise up Wednesday – Shrove Tuesday

Fantastic Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) books to read………..

  • “Curious George Makes Pancakes” by Margret Rey
  • “Pancakes, Pancakes!” by Eric Carle
  • “Mr Wolf’s Pancakes” by Jan Fearnley
  • “Little House in the Big Woods” by Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • “Pippi Longstocking” by Astrid Lindgren
  • “Moomintroll”  by Tove Jansson
  • “The Runaway Pancake” folktale


……and a quiz for afters, mmmmmmmmmmm!


Have fun!


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