Category Archives: CfE

RHET/ Clydesdale Bank National 5 Business Management Project

As a Curriculum for Excellence reaches 4th year in secondary education, RHET, working with schools, wishes to contribute to the real life scenarios that students will be working with for the new National 5 in Business Management.

RHET is looking to recruit 12 secondary schools from across Scotland to use real life farming and agriculture examples to enhance learning in the National 5 Business Management course during this academic year 2013-14.

We would do this by working with the schools concerned to:
a) Have a trained classroom speaker visit school to address one of the business management scenarios:

Human Resources
Tertiary food industry
Working as a co-op

b) Introduce the pupils to the business by taking them to a farm/agri -business where they can see the variety of roles on farm to appreciate the business case for the farm. This can be from any of the above business models.

c) Visit a second part of the same farm, or if this is not appropriate another type of farm business (from the types of business above) to allow pupils to see multiple facets of business.

In many schools the Business group is relatively small, and so costs for transport (fully funded by this project for one year only) should be minimal.

The schools concerned will represent a variety of socio-economic conditions and the businesses involved will be chosen with respect to their location and local impact. The project will be evaluated with each school, farm hosts and processor and taking part.

Further details about this project can be downloaded here – Teacher’s notes – Business project.

Interested? What to do now.

Email RHET at by the 11th October 2013 (no later) requesting to take part.

Mark your email clearly “Clydesdale Bank National 5 Business Management pilot”

You will be informed if you have been successful in late October 2013

Quality Assurance and Moderation – Professional Learning Resource

A Professional Learning Resource for Quality Assurance and Moderation is now available from Education Scotland.

The resource provides an overview of assessment materials relating to quality assurance and moderation. It brings together, in a single location, a range of existing support materials to help meet the diverse professional learning requirements of individual practitioners, establishments and local authorities.

Sections include:

  • key messages in quality assurance and moderation;
  • National Assessment Resource (NAR) support;
  • relevant guidance papers;
  • Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy (SSLN);
  • assessing progress and achievement 3-18;
  • support for curriculum areas
  • research and international perspectives.

This online resource is available on the Learning, Teaching and Assessment area of the Education Scotland website.

We are looking for your feedback on this resource and would appreciate any comments that you would like to make below. Many thanks – The Assessment Team.

Edinburgh International Book Festival / SottishPower – Calling All Writers Of The Future

A search is on to find the school with the most creative minds.

The annual Story Generator competition is a national writing competition which invites young people across Scotland to collaborate and create their own stories.

This year, budding young writers from S1 and S2 are being asked to create a digital picture book about what life might be like in the future, using the first line of the George Orwell classic, 1984, as their inspiration: ‘It was a bright, cold day in April…

The school that has written the best book will win a collection of books from the Edinburgh International Book Festival, with a printed copy of their Storybird online book included. The Pupil who devises the best page wins a Kindle which will come loaded with their own online book.

To find out more and to register your school, visit

LearnCat Tell a Story – Journeys At the Scottish Storytelling Centre

Join us in Glow TV for the third of our Tell a Story events with the Scottish Storytelling Centre. This event lets you find out more about ‘Journeys’

‘Tell a Story Day’ is celebrated across Scotland in October. In the 3 weeks leading up to this national event join Storytellers in the ‘bothy’ at the Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh via Glow TV.

Enjoy listening to the storytellers share tales about nations and territories within the Commonwealth, about personal challenge and achievement and memorable, adventurous and incredible journeys. ‘Journeys’ is the theme for this year’s event.

While listening, learn how to tell and perform oral stories. Then take the opportunity to ask the storytellers questions about their ideas and techniques to help you plan and hold your own ‘Tell a Story Day’ event. On ‘Tell a Story’ day we plan to broadcast your stories across Scotland via Glow TV. Find out more here:

This Glow TV event is part of the Learning Experiences catalogue and a series of opportunities for Scottish learner to learn, create, make, build, bake, grow, collect, code tell stories and more. Learning experiences are set within contexts and many themes are interdisciplinary and take the form of learning spaces to connect learners and allow them to share, collaborate as well as a series of live events. Find out more about the Learning Experiences Catalogue here:

Join us on Thursday 19th September at 11am – sign up and join us in Glow TV – LearnCat Tell a Story – Journeys At the Scottish Storytelling Centre.

Dinosaur Discovery

What kind of dinosaurs do you know about? Which was the largest, which was the smallest, which had the most horns, or longest neck, or which at the most food? How can we learn more about the dinosaurs that ruled the earth using evidence and fossils and what they can tell us about the history of the earth? What type of dinosaurs roamed the planet and where did they go?

Visit the National Museum of Scotland through Glow TV to be inspired and amazed by the fossil and bone evidence and go on a Dinosaur discovery. Explore some dino data to find out what we can tell about dinosaurs, their size, what they ate and who would be predator or prey. Meet the 12 metre long life-sixed cast of a T.rex to see the scale and power of the real thing and share your own dinosaur creations. Find out more here:

Play the Transformasaur game before the Glow TV event and adapt your dinosaurs characteristics and get your questions ready for the experts at the National Museum of Scotland!

This Glow TV event is part of the Learning Experiences catalogue and a series of opportunities for Scottish learner to learn, create, make, build, bake, grow, collect, code tell stories and more. Learning experiences are set within contexts and many themes are interdisciplinary and take the form of learning spaces to connect learners and allow them to share, collaborate as well as a series of live events. Find out more about the Learning Experiences Catalogue here:

Curriculum links
SCN 2-01a
I can identify and classify examples of living things, past and present, to help me appreciate their diversity. I can relate physical and behavioural characteristics to their survival or extinction.
SCN 2-20a
I can report and comment on current scientific news items to develop my knowledge and understanding of topical science.
LIT 2-05a
As I listen or watch, I can make notes, organise these under suitable headings and use these to understand ideas and information and create new texts, using my own words as appropriate.

This learning experience is suitable for learners at second and third levels.

Join us on Friday 20th September at 1.30pm live in Glow TV – sign up and join us on our Dinosaur Discovery!

SCCYP – The 7 Golden Rules for Participation

The Golden Rules for Participation are a set of principles designed to help anyone working with, and for, children and young people.

Their purpose is to remind adults of what participation means from the point of view of children and young people, and to encourage children and young people to think about what they need from adults to support them to participate.

They have been developed by Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People through consultation with children and young people from across Scotland. They are also informed by research, reflecting the knowledge and experience of those working to promote participation. Every school received a pack of these Golden Rules, in April 2013.

Join us for a Glow TV event on Wednesday 18th September at 11am to see how children from Lawmuir Primary School in North Lanarkshire are using the Golden Rules. Your pupils can take part in the activities or they can make up their own to share. The session will be developed and led by pupils.

First of all find your golden rules. If they are hidden somewhere in school go to The 7 Golden Rules for Participation and download a set or phone 01315583733 and order a replacement copy.

Sign up and join us in Glow TV On Wednesday 18th – SCCYP – The 7 Golden Rules for Participation

STEM at the Scottish Learning Festival

Raising the Bar in Scotland – transforming lives through learning.

Science, technology, engineering and maths are key priorities within Curriculum for Excellence.

The Scottish Learning Festival 2013 provides numerous opportunities for practitioners to engage in meaningful discussions and attend seminars and workshops relating to STEM.

 A select showcase of innovative practice will demonstrate how STEM skills are being developed in creative, exciting and thought provoking ways.

Come along and watch learners from Hamilton College demonstrate how Lego Mindstorm robots helped develop their problem solving skills, take the I-pad journey with Bellshill Academy pupils and find out how to bring science into your school community through Citizen Science activities.

Download the STEM programme of workshops and seminars detailing dates and times:

STEM at the Scottish Learning Festival 2013

To book and register for the Scottish Learning Festival follow the link below:  

Scottish Engineering Special Leaders Award Challenge 2013

SCOTTISH ENGINEERING SPECIAL LEADERS AWARD CHALLENGE – “If you could be an engineer in Scotland – what would you do?”

 Scottish Engineering and the Leaders Award are challenging Primary and Secondary school pupils in Scotland to consider what they would do if they were an engineer.

The challenge addresses many of the Experiences and outcomes within Curriculum for Excellence and, at secondary level, the project will meet the requirements of level 4/5 National Qualification in Engineering Science. 

 To participate, research engineering in Scotland, download resources from, talk to practicing engineers and complete an annotated illustration answer to the challenge question. Discover the numerous career paths an engineer can follow.

 Already there are over 60 primary and secondary schools registered to be a part of the challenge, many of which have already put in their requests for help from engineers. 

 Closing date for all entries is 20th November 2013, with the best entries going on display on 20th December 2013 in Glasgow City Councils Banqueting Hall.

 Register here.

New CfE briefing on political literacy

Education Scotland has published the latest in a series of briefings on Curriculum for Excellence. This briefing covers political literacy. It offers guidance to practitioners around how best to deliver political literacy for all learners. This resource was developed with key partners in the delivery of Curriculum for Excellence.

Dr  Bill Maxwell, Chief Executive of Education Scotland, said, “The aim of this resource is to help teachers and other practitioners to improve political literacy amongst learners, this includes ensuring they understand and appreciate differing opinions and that they can appreciate equalities and fairness for all and the right of every citizen to make up their own mind.  I would encourage all practitioners from early years, through school years and adult education to read this guidance and use the resources we are making available to help increase political literacy amongst all learners.”

Bruce Robertson of ADES said, “This is a very useful resource for practitioners and gives good advice on the different approaches to political literacy in the classroom.  The coming year will be an active time for politics in Scotland and being aware of how best to deal with these types of conversations, how to use this context in education and ensuring a fair and balanced approach are all of the utmost importance.  ADES looks forward to helping promote some of the resources Education Scotland will be making available for practitioners.”

John McCormick, Electoral Commissioner for Scotland, said, “Many young people will be able to participate in the forthcoming referendum and we need to ensure they have access to impartial information and support to develop the skills to take part confidently.  We will be providing information about how to register and vote but teachers and youth workers have an important role to play in developing political literacy. We are pleased to see this being taken forward through CfE  and hope that it will be used to promote the skills young people need to participate fully in the referendum.” 

Download a copy of CfE Briefing 14, Political Literacy.

Equalities in STEM education – An exciting professional learning opportunity

Education Scotland is offering a very exciting opportunity to any practitioners interested in looking at equalities issues around STEM. The facts are stark in this area.

“In Scotland, 27% of women graduate in STEM work in the sector they qualified in, compared with 52% of male graduates.  This means that of the 56000 female STEM graduates in Scotland, just over 15000 continue to work in the sector.”

The Royal Society of Edinburgh, 2012.  Tapping all our Talents: Women in STEM: strategy for Scotland, 10.

“23% of the most socially advantaged pupils aspire to become a scientist, compared to just 9% of disadvantaged pupils.”

TISME, spring 2013.  Interim Research Summary, ASPIRES project:

What shapes children’s science and career aspiration age 10 – 13, 7.

This is an opportunity to develop a fuller understanding of the issues and consider approaches to tackling them.

The first of two day long sessions will include a morning with SLF keynote speaker Dr Avis Glaze, Edu-quest International Inc and Former Chief Student Achievement Officer of Ontario. Dr Glaze brings a wealth of experience and expertise in addressing issues of equity and this is a unique opportunity to spend time with her in a small group setting. The afternoon will consider relevant research into equalities across STEM and how this is relevant to practitioners’ own contexts. A second day will be planned for early 2014 and will be held in a STEM industry setting with an opportunity for practitioners to share their own experiences and thinking and hear about equalities in STEM from a business perspective.

There are 20 places available to any interested practitioners and these will be allocated on a first come first served basis. If you are interested in taking part please email Diane Carson at .The first day will take place on Tuesday September 24th in The Optima building in Glasgow. The second day will be held in early 2014 in an industry setting, date and venue are yet to be confirmed.

Glow TV is Back!

Welcome back to the new session! Everyone here at Glow TV hopes that you had a relaxing break and are ready for the challenges of the new term ahead. As ever Glow TV continues to offer a wide range of events both for use in the classroom with your pupils and also for Continued Professional Learning. We are kicking off next week with a series of events from the Edinburgh International Book Festival. Why not sign up and join us live at an event or if you are unable to join live then remember that all events are recorded and can be found in the Glow TV Watch Again section.

Monday 19th August at 12.30pm – Tom Palmer’s Football Reading Game
This event is suitable for Primary 4-7. Find out more about this event and sign up!

Tuesday 20th August at 10.30am – Superhero Siblings with Gwyneth Rees
This event is suitable for Primary 3-5. Find out more about this event and sign up!

Tuesday 20th August at 12pm – The Physics of Superheroes with James Kakalios
This event is suitable for S2- S6. Find out more about this event and sign up!

Wednesday 21st August at 10am – Titanic: Death on the Water with Tony Bradman This event is suitable for P4-7. Find out more about this event and sign up!

Wednesday 21st August at 12.30pm – Ciaran Murtagh: Jokes, Genies and Japes
This event is suitable for P3-6. Find out more about this event and sign up!

Friday 23rd August at 10am – Lunar Adventures with Simon Bartram
This event is suitable for P1-3. Find out more about this event and sign up!

Food and Science ‘Teach Meet’ Free Professional Learning @ Dundee Science Centre

When? 4th September 2013, 16:30 – 18:30

Where? Dundee Science Centre

Recommended for: Practitioners with responsibilities for Food and Health, sciences, and Health and Wellbeing, and planning for learning for early years to senior phase.

Sign up by contacting Michael Smith on or 01382 868609

Food and drink offers an engaging context for learning within Curriculum for Excellence, providing opportunities for

interdisciplinary learning, and for rich and meaningful partnerships between schools, the food and drink industry and other organisations.

4.30-5.15: Registration, light refreshments, networking and tours of the Cooking Bus

5.15 – 6.00: Micro presentations from:

Education Scotland – Food for Thought – Food Education: an overview

Scottish Food and Drink Federation – How to link real life industrial applications to food education in schools

University of Abertay – What help can higher education provide and what are the next stages of study

Food Industry, Agrico– Why we get involved and how we can help support schools

Food and Drink Ambassadors – What we can offer schools

Eco-Schools Scotland – Food and the Environment’ topic; resources and case studies for interdisciplinary learning and teaching

Dundee Science Centre – Bringing food and science to life in Curriculum for Excellence

Scottish Schools Education Research Centre (SSERC) – sharing exciting activities on food chemistry

6.00 – 6.30: Food and Science marketplace, meet experts who can help with practical ideas and ways of using food as a context across learning.  Discover the resources available from a range of        organisations to support your planning for learning and teaching in the context of food and drink.  Hear a selection of micro-presentations, explore exhibitor stands, take away free resources, network with  colleagues and take the chance to visit the Cooking Bus

Delivered by Education Scotland, Scottish Food and Drink Federation, Dundee Science Centre and partners.

SSERC – CPD Opportunities for Secondary Practitioners

The new term is about to begin and SSERC are once again offering a range of practical hands-on CPD courses for Secondary practitioners.  

Places remain on the 2-part residential courses for Biology, Chemistry and Physics, which support CfE up to National 4 and 5.

Places are also available on the Leading for Excellence in Science course which is supported by the National Science Learning Centre.  Delegates from Local Authority schools will be granted an ENTHUSE Award, which covers the cost of the course.

 Download flyers below:

 Biology Residential – Innovative and Practical Workshops

Chemistry Residential – Ceramics, Metals and Products from Plants (1)

Physics Residential-Innovative and Practical Workshops

Leading for Excellence in Science

Please visit our website for our complete listing of CPD opportunities.

SSERC is a Local Authority shared-service providing support across all thirty-two Scottish Education Authorities. Our services are available to elected members and officers of Local Authorities, teachers, student teachers and technicians. In addition, the majority of FE colleges and independent schools within Scotland are members of our organisation.

Women in Science – Think Exchange Debate

TEDX Women – Think Exchange Debate

TEDx was created in the spirit of TED’s mission, “ideas worth spreading.” The program is designed to give communities, organisations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local level.

At TEDx events, a screening of TEDTalks videos — or a combination of live presenters and TEDTalks videos — sparks deep conversation and connections. TEDx events are fully planned and coordinated independently, on a community-by-community basis.

TEDWomen 2013 will continue TED’s multi-year conversation about women’s work and lives, present and future. A powerful conversation was started at TEDWomen in 2010 and continued through the next two years as TEDxWomen in New York, LA and Washington, D.C. The spark: How are women and girls reshaping the future? From the developing world, where a small loan to a young woman can transform a village, to the West, where generations of educated women are transforming entire industries, women are change agents, inventors, idea champions.

The success stories of all women, regardless of age, are lauded and applauded. The success of Brittany Wenger is just one to read and view on line. 

 “With Science, the more you know the more you wonder.”(Brittany Wenger)



TEDxWomen on Facebook

@TEDxWomen on Twitter         


Glow Meet – The Physics of Superheroes

Glow Meet – 20th August 2013- 12.00pm

Event suitable for S2-S6

Join our Glow Meet, where author and Physics Professor, James Kakalios, will explain the basic principles of Physics within the context of superheroes!

Professor Kakalios earned his PhD from the University of Chicago in 1985 and began his comic book collection as a graduate student, as a way to relieve stress. At Minnesota University one of his teaching seminars, Everything I Know About Science I Learned From   Reading Comic Books, used the physics of superheroes as a way to motivate students. This course gained great popularity as an enticing alternative to the typical inclined planes and pulleys of physics.

The success of this seminar led to writing articles in popular magazines, lectures on the subject and the publication of his popular book “The Physics of Superheroes”. In his talks, favourite examples are the death of Gwen Stacy (Spider-Man‘s girlfriend), “can Superman jump over tall buildings and what does this tell us about Krypton?”, the high-velocity actions of The Flash, and the shrinking problem of the Atom. His analysis of Gwen Stacy’s death eventually became integral to the plot of a new Spider-Man comic.

“The most important thing is getting the students to ask the right kinds of questions. If a character has wings on her back, what important physical forces and issues do we need to consider if she’s going to use them to fly? What kind of wingspan and muscle structure would that require? Hopefully, pointing out issues like these will help students think critically in other situations,” says James.

Professor Kakalios has also acted as a consultant in the film industry, specifically for the films Watchmen and Green Lantern. The real science knowledge that he provides has made these movies more scientifically correct and may help attract more of the younger generations into the field of Physics.

Join Glow Meet on the day through:

Forth Replacement Crossing – education centre now available for bookings

The Forth Replacement Crossing Contact and Education Centre is now open and taking bookings for school groups to find out about the construction of the new bridge across the Firth of Forth – recently named ‘The Queensferry Crossing’.

Visit the Centre to find out more about the project, view the works and get involved in engineering and construction related activities.

The Centre can provide customised sessions related to school topic areas including maths, geography, science and technology and the visits can be linked to Curriculum for Excellence.

Did you know?

■     Multiple bookings can be made by each school for groups of 12 or more

■     Visits are tailored to your needs

■     School groups of all ages are welcomed

■     The centre provides amazing views of the bridges

The Centre provides a fantastic opportunity for people of all ages to view the works and find out more about the largest engineering project in Scotland in a generation.

To find out more and make a school booking:

–          visit website :

–          email :

–          phone: 0800 078 6910

A Design Competition for a New Maggie’s Centre

The Maggie’s Centres design competition for Standard Grade and Higher pupils challenges students to design a new Maggie’s Cancer Centre. This competition provides an opportunity to develop research and presentation skills, to introduce architecture in the classroom and to inspire pupils who have an interest in design.

To help carryout the competition in your classroom there is a design competition brief, a resource pack and some additional literature from Maggie’s Centres to give background on the uniqueness of the buildings and charity. All of which is available on the Maggie’s Website. You may also be interested in viewing a recent Glow TV event outlining this in more detail – Maggie’s Design Competition

All competition entries are due 1 March 2014 and Kirsty Wark and architect Richard Murphy will judge the competition entries. The winner will be awarded a week long work experience at Richard Murphy’s architecture practice.

If you have any questions, please contact Kathryn Lamont at or 075572 65462.

Join the “Commonwealth Class”

The BBC, the British Council and the Commonwealth Secretariat have joined forces to bring you Commonwealth Class, an exciting new opportunity for schools.

Commonwealth Class is a special initiative that provides teaching resources, online debates and interactive activities for schools to mark the run-up to the 2014 Commonwealth Games. It celebrates the values of the Commonwealth and connects schools and young people as they learn about how to be active, responsible global citizens as part of the Commonwealth family.

The Commonwealth Class education pack is an exciting resource designed to teach young people about Commonwealth values such as rights and responsibilities, protection of the environment, respect for others and what people need to lead healthy lives free from poverty.
Produced by the British Council, the resource pack contains cross-curricular activities, short films and discussion guides with learning outcomes that link to key skills, curriculum subjects and Commonwealth values. Activities include what qualities you need to be a successful Commonwealth athlete, and an exploration of the route of the Queen’s Baton Relay which will visit all 71 countries and territories taking part in the 2014 games.

Get set for 2014 and download the British Council Commonwealth Class education pack today.

BBC online debates
Commonwealth Class partner, the BBC, is hosting a series of monthly online debates commencing this summer. The debates are intended to create a platform for schools in the UK and Commonwealth countries to teach and learn together.
The first debate in the series will take place on Thursday 13 June.
Visit Schools Online and sign up to Commonwealth Class for more resources and interactive activities that support lesson planning and teaching across the curriculum
And a week before the first debate you can visit the BBC’s Commonwealth Class website to find out how you can take part!

Brand new Game On Scotland materials!

Three new exciting learning journeys as well as an additional three videos have been released this week on Game On Scotland.

Learning Journeys

The learning journeys have been developed around migration and human rights issues with Community Learning in mind as well as in support of creativity and expressive arts:

Video releases

Three new videos have been released to support the case study about Calderglen High School’s successful Games Legacy programme. The short clips feature members of the senior management team and pupils from Calderglen High school talking about the impact of the Games on learning, values education and overall school ethos.

War Horse – Exclusive Launch

Glow TV is delighted to be able to host the Exclusive Launch on Tuesday 11th June at 11am!

War Horse is the theatrical phenomenon that has taken the world by storm. At the heart of this awe-inspiring show are life-sized puppets which bring galloping, charging horses to life on stage. Now you are invited to a unique opportunity to meet one of these truly remarkable puppets up close at an exclusive launch event.

You are invited to see the central character, Joey, in action and discover first-hand how these “living, breathing steeds” are created and brought to life in what has become one of the most anticipated theatrical productions in years.

Joining us will be Finn Caldwell of Handspring Puppet Company and Associate Puppetry Director for War Horse, and Stephen Rebbeck (Managing Director for War Horse around the world)

The exhilarating story of a young man’s journey to find his beloved horse Joey, against the backdrop of World War One, is an incredibly powerful production. It’s a spectacle you need to see to believe!

Sign up and join us in Glow TV – War Horse – Exclusive Launch

Working in the Music Business

Yes World of Work Wednesdays is back again just in time for the summer break!

This event will give you a great insight into the real world of the music industry. The UK music business employs 150,000 people and is worth £3.5billion to the UK economy. We’ve brought together experts from all aspects of the industry including a manager, a singer, a record producer and a marketing manager.

As well as discussing their different roles, they will also be taking your questions. So if you want to ask, “how do I break into the music business”, “how do I get my song on iTunes”, “how can I get my band on T in the Park”, “is X Factor a good way of starting out”, or anything else you can think of then this is your chance!

You’ll hear from the panel that there are many career opportunities in the industry and how certain school subjects such as English, Maths, Art, ICT and of course Music can help you achieve them. With an interactive pop quiz included, it promises to be a fun, interesting and exciting event and we hope to see you there!

Sign up and join us in Glow TV on Wednesday 5th June at 2pm – Working in the Music Business

SCILT – BGE in the Secondary School

Once again SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages will be providing an excellent Professional Learning workshop via Glow. This event is on Tuesday 4th June at 4pm.

This workshop will give you the opportunity to revisit the experiences and outcomes for each level, and look at practical ways of ensuring progression for all pupils. We will also look at how to take existing resources and turn them into creative, innovative and fit-for-purpose tasks, which will motivate your pupils and develop their higher order thinking skills.

The session is suitable for Secondary and ASN practitioners and will be presented by Fhiona Fisher, Depute Director of SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages.

Sign up and join the event – SCILT – BGE in the Secondary School

Sharing with Shetland

Children’s Services (Quality Improvement) are delighted to announce a series of Professional Learning Glow Meet sessions to share practice around Shetland schools and they would like you to join in too!

The first event on Monday 3rd June at 3.45pm joins Rachel Colclough at Olnafirth Primary School, who will discuss the impact of working towards the national Saltire award.

Last year, her P5-7 pupils designed a wave-power generator and Rachel will discuss how she organised the work and the learning opportunities which arose as a result.

The school reached the finals of the Saltire award in 2012 and has been shortlisted again this year. Sharing with Shetland – Working Towards an Award

The second event is on Monday 10th June at 3.45pm and joins Laura Nicolson at Sound Primary School Nursery Department, who will share ideas about an effective positive behaviour strategy that she has used in Nursery, P1 and P2/3 settings, which has proven very effective.

The strategy comes from the story book – ‘Have you filled a bucket today?’ – Sharing with Shetland – Positive Behaviour Strategy

Find out about further Shetland events and many other Professional Learning events on the Glow TV schedule.

National Records of Scotland (NRS) Schools Programme

The National Records of Scotland has launched its 2013-14 programme of free workshops and Glow Meet sessions for primary and secondary schools. New topics include ‘The Impact of the Great War 1914-1915’, ‘St Kilda: Living on the Edge’ and a Genealogy Research Project for secondary school pupils. Bookings are open for September 2013 – March 2014.

Full details of the Schools Programme and the booking forms are available on the NRS education website.

Scottish Engineering Special Leaders Award for STEM 2013

Leaders Award for STEM and Scottish Engineering are challenging primary and secondary school learners in Scotland to consider what they would do if they were an engineer. Learners are being asked to research engineering and interview practicing engineers to illustrate and annotate their interpretation of the statement “If I could be an engineer in Scotland, what would I do?”

This award is a great opportunity to engage both primary and secondary school learners with real engineers who will convey the importance of STEM in their daily working lives. Schools will be able to develop relationships with industry, both local and worldwide, giving children and young people a unique perspective of the diversity of engineering professions and their significance in the wider world.

Register your school via the website and state that you are participating in the Scottish Engineering Special Leaders Award.

Developing progression in science – Perth High School Local Management Group

Over a year and half ago the 16 schools in Perth High School Local Management Group (LMG) decided to work collaboratively to develop learning and teaching in science. The aim of their partnership working was to:

  • Support primary/secondary transition
  • Provide a progressive, cohesive science experience for all learners
  • Build staff partnerships and understanding across primary and secondary
  • Build staff confidence in teaching science
  • Promote science as being exciting and fun
  • Promote interdisciplinary learning
  • Support eco work and careers education.

In the first phase of development, six primary and two secondary practitioners worked together with Education Scotland’s Sciences Development Officer to produce three sets of rich tasks from Early to Second Level which focussed on the themes of energy and forces, biodiversity and materials. The positive response to these resources persuaded the LMG to invest further in the programme and led to a practitioner from each of the primary schools and secondary school being allocated time to work together to produce a comprehensive science programme comprising further rich tasks from Early to Second Level as well as a skills progression framework, a science glossary and teachers’ guide. The science programme that has been produced also incorporates a number of the learning journeys from STEM Central.

An LMG engagement event in March was used to roll out the suite of meaningful and useable support materials to all practitioners across the 16 schools. These materials will be used to support learning and teaching in sciences from the start of the next academic session. The LMG also report other positive benefits from the collaboration including the development of leadership capacity and growth in confidence amongst practitioners with regards to the sciences. The LMG will continue to network and share their practice between the schools involved and across their education authority. In the coming months they also hope to publish their resources for others to use. Watch this space for further details.

Scotland’s Biggest Book Swap – Get Involved!

ScottishPower in conjunction with the Edinburgh International Book Festival is celebrating the fifth year of Swap Shop – an award winning project that encourages primary school children to read more and recycle old books.

Swap Shop is great fun and importantly really easy to run. Each pupil is encouraged to bring in a book, which they then swap with their schoolmates. This provides a perfect opportunity to get the whole school together, swapping books and sharing stories.  Many pupils might want to swap their books for ones from the class above, developing their literacy skills and enabling them to discover new stories. Five lucky schools will also get the chance to win an exclusive visit from a children’s author attending the Edinburgh International Book Festival. 

A key aspect of Swap Shop is to encourage awareness amongst school pupils about the work being done by Scottish charities. For the third year, children’s charity Aberlour has been selected as the official charity partner. Aberlour operates across Scotland, providing a range of services, support and advice for vulnerable children, young people and families. All monies raised by children taking part in the 2013 Swap Shop will go directly to the charity.

To be in with a chance of winning one of five author visits, schools are invited to complete their Swap Shop by the end of the summer term. For further information on registration which closes on Friday 24th May and taking part please contact Emma Paul at Stripe Communications on 0131 561 8628 or

Choices for Life Online 2013

Choices for Life Online is pleased to announce its first event for the 2013 – 2014 school year!

The live broadcast is aimed at all P7 pupils and their teachers in Scotland with a focus around the risks and dangers of alcohol, negative peer pressure and substance misuse.
Choices for Life provides credible information to our young people on a range of important issues facing them in 21st Century Scotland in an inclusive, engaging and thought-provoking manner, to help them make positive lifestyle decisions and maximise their future potential.

Join us to see drama, video clips, music and have the opportunity to join a Glow Chat where pupils can comment on what they have seen in relation to key themes (drugs, alcohol and tobacco).

Watch ‘Liam’s Story’ which explores the issues around negative peer pressure and smoking. After this specially commissioned film there will be a chance for you to ask questions to a panel of studio guests examining the range of issues,including family,negative peer pressure, substance misuse, aspirations and regret.
There are also teaching resources available on the website to help you have a classroom discussion about Liam’s Story or do some further activities around the drama – Teaching Resources

The event will be live and presented by Mark Martin and Laura Marks from our very own Choices for Life TV studio and will also include some other fantastic video clips and messages from other inspirational role models and sporting stars.

Choices for Life Online is pleased to announce its first event for the 2013 – 2014 school year!

The live broadcast is aimed at all P7 pupils and their teachers in Scotland with a focus around the risks and dangers of alcohol, negative peer pressure and substance misuse.
Choices for Life provides credible information to our young people on a range of important issues facing them in 21st Century Scotland in an inclusive, engaging and thought-provoking manner, to help them make positive lifestyle decisions and maximise their future potential.

Join us to see drama, video clips, music and have the opportunity to join a Glow Chat where pupils can comment on what they have seen in relation to key themes (drugs, alcohol and tobacco).

Watch ‘Liam’s Story’ which explores the issues around negative peer pressure and smoking. After this specially commissioned film there will be a chance for you to ask questions to a panel of studio guests examining the range of issues,including family,negative peer pressure, substance misuse, aspirations and regret.
There are also teaching resources available on the website to help you have a classroom discussion about Liam’s Story or do some further activities around the drama – Teaching Resources

The event will be live and presented by Mark Martin and Laura Marks from our very own Choices for Life TV studio and will also include some other fantastic video clips and messages from other inspirational role models and sporting stars.

We look forward to hearing from you on the day !

The event will be delivered twice on the same day, to maximise and facilitate as many pupils as possible to view. Sign up for Wednesday 20th November – Morning Event at 10.30am OR Wednesday 20th November – Afternoon Event at 1.30pm.

We look forward to hearing from you on the day!

Gone – An interactive, cross curricular alcohol education resource

Join us in Glow TV on Wednesday 15th May at 4pm for a Health and Wellbeing event, looking at the themes of growing up, the changing nature of friendships, pressures and choices, alcohol use, s*xting and resilience. It is aimed at pupils in second year of secondary school.

Gone is an interactive, cross curricular alcohol education resource which has been developed by NHS Forth Valley in conjunction with its partner education authorities.

The programme examines 4 characters as they move from primary school to secondary school and follows them through to S3. It uses a range of mediums to engage with pupils. Each lesson involves pupils viewing some short video sequence, completing tasks designed in a computer gaming format and participating in debate and discussion facilitated by the teacher. The pupils are asked, through a series of votes to predict which character will be ‘gone’ as a result of a decision involving alcohol by the end of S3. The resource is supported by a series of power points and a detailed teacher guide.

This session aims to introduce practitioners to an innovative resource which explores a range of health and wellbeing issues in a creative and engaging way.

Please note; The Glow Meet will be most applicable to secondary practitioners, pupil support staff and senior managers in secondary schools.

Sign up and join us in Glow TV – Gone – An interactive, cross curricular alcohol education resource

You can also subscribe to the Glow TV eCard to ensure that you never miss out on any forthcoming events.

Game On Challenge – put your goals on the map!

Is your school or organisation planning to mark the Commonwealth Games with a specific initiative? A fun run or sports day perhaps? Getting involved in the Queen’s Baton Relay? A whole school initiative? Or is your local authority running a Mini Games programme?

No matter how big or small your Games related initiatives are we invite you to share them through the Game On Challenge and add to the excitement now building towards Glasgow 2014, the biggest multi-sporting event ever hosted in Scotland.

Benefits of taking the Game On Challenge

  • Your school/organisation will be showcased on the Game On Challenge interactive map alongside other entries from across the UK and beyond. This will provide others with ideas and inspiration for learning through the Games.
  • Every school and organisation that takes part will receive an official ‘Game On Scotland’ certificate.
  • Education establishments may also be eligible for a Game On Scotland plaque in recognition of imaginative ways they have used the Games as a context for learning.
  • All entries will be in with a chance to win exclusive Glasgow 2014 prizes.
  • Scottish schools who sign up by the 24 May will be entered into a free prize draw to receive a visit from Clyde, the official mascot for the Games.

How do we share our challenge?

Simply visit the Take the challenge page and complete the form.

Early Years Matters

Have you seen the new edition of Early Years Matters? The new edition can be read online or downloaded from the Education Scotland website.

This edition has a focus on children and families and the articles give a flavour of the wide range of work being undertaken in Scotland. We are extremely grateful to those who have contributed to this edition of Early Years Matters and we look forward to hearing your comments.

Major milestone reached in delivery of new curriculum materials

Dr Bill Maxwell, Chief Executive of Education Scotland, outlines how a major milestone has been reached in the delivery of Curriculum for Excellence.

‘Today marks the successful completion of a major programme of work designed to help support the ongoing development of the new curriculum in schools as our team in Education Scotland published the latest tranche of materials to support the new National Qualifications.  As of yesterday, all of these materials are now available on Glow.

Providing these support materials means teachers have an opportunity to see some good examples of how courses can be shaped and delivered. They provide some examples of materials which teachers can use directly in building their own courses, but we will also continue to encourage and champion the development of practitioners own teaching materials and the sharing of good practice.

We have worked with hundreds of teachers in developing this material. I am confident they will become a valuable resource for many others across the country, as have many of the earlier support materials we have already published.

Local authorities and schools are already making good use of the materials we have already issued and our inspections are increasingly providing us with real-life examples of how schools are rising to the challenge of increased expectations brought about by the implementation of the new curriculum.  We will continue to work with teachers and respond to their feedback on these materials to help ensure we are delivering the best support resources possible.

As of the end of April, 95 sets of web-based course materials have been published across the full range of National 4 and National 5 qualifications.  This adds to 69 sets of advice and guidance notes which are already available as well as 77 professional focus papers, covering all subjects at National 4 and National 5.  

I’m pleased to report this major milestone has been achieved on target as we continue to deliver resource materials in support of the new curriculum.’

Dr Bill Maxwell, Chief Executive, Education Scotland


Scotland Sings Again

Join us once again live from the Glow TV Studio for an interactive sing along session!

This time we will be joined by Jeana Leslie and Siobhan Miller, two talented young singers and musicians recognised as shining stars on the Scottish folk scene. They are both blessed with lovely, natural voices that blend beautifully, and their performances focus strongly on communicating through traditional and contemporary song.

During the session the ladies will be singing 3 songs that you can learn and join in with in your classrooms. We hope that you can join us!!

Sign up and join us live at 2pm on Wednesday 1st May in Glow Tv- Scotland Sings Again.

SSLN Professional Learning Resource

The Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy (SSLN) is a sample survey which monitors national performance in literacy and numeracy, in alternate years, of school children at P4, P7 and S2. It also provides information which will inform improvements in learning, teaching and assessment at classroom level. This SSLN was the first to assess literacy, and took place in May 2012. The full report on the survey was published on the 24th of April 2013 and can be accessed via this link – Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy.

The survey is designed to assess the wide range of knowledge, skills and capabilities across learning identified in the Curriculum for Excellence (CfE). The tasks were also designed to reflect some of the CfE requirements that pupils should have achieved in breadth, challenge and application of their learning.
To accompany the report, Education Scotland has produced professional learning resources to support learning and teaching – Professional Learning Resources

The full resource consists of listening and talking: group discussion, reading and writing materials.
The listening and talking: group discussion resource:
• explores and exemplifies key skills
• exemplifies discussion tasks and contexts
• describes effective learning and teaching approaches
• shows group discussions across levels
• provides links to existing high quality materials.

The reading resource:
• explores and exemplifies key skills;
• describes effective learning and teaching approaches;
• exemplifies reading activities; and
• provides links to existing high quality materials.

The writing resource:
• explores key skills;
• describes effective learning and teaching approaches;
• exemplifies tasks and contexts for writing across curriculum areas;
• gives examples of writing from across levels; and
• provides links to existing support materials.

The resource is designed to encourage professional reflection and dialogue.

Once you have used the resources, please let us know what you think by leaving a comment below.

Festival of Dangerous Ideas 13th – 21st June 2013

The brilliant folks from the College Development Network have put together another wonderful programme for this year’s Festival of Dangerous Ideas. The festival was created to ‘re-establish the importance of dangerous ideas as agents of change in education – to shift the axis of what is possible!’ There is a real focus on adventurous approaches to learning, especially in the outdoors, which fits completely with our work in professional learning and Adventures in Improvised Living. More information about the week and the overall programme of events which are suitable for a range of educators can be found on the CDN website:

There are two outstandingly innovative events which feature outdoor learning prominently. The first is a repeat of the most excellent Edible Edinburgh Breakfast at the Botanics Event which takes place in the Royal Botanic Gardens on 19th June. Check out the details: If you enjoy a stimulating, delicious and nature connected start to your working day, this event is a ‘must’ for you!

The second is a fabulous whole day event at West Highland College UHI in Fort William: Celebrating Failure and Success In the first part of the day, the West Highland Way Walkers who will just have completed their 5 day walk, led by young people from West Highland College will exhibit the dangerous ideas that grew during their journey in the wild. In the second half of the day, Outward Bound will lead a session that will explore how they have used the research on Mindsets to develop their work with young people. Mindset is a model developed by Professor Carol Dweck of Stanford University. At its heart is the distinction between students’ perceptions of their abilities. The belief that you have innate, unchanging capabilities is called a Fixed Mindset. The belief that you can develop your capabilities through hard work and practice is called a Growth Mindset. The implications of these two are significant, and will frame this workshop.

Mission:Explore celebrates John Muir with launch of a new ebook

A partnership between the John Muir Trust and Mission:Explore – a group of teachers, artists, activists and adventurers – has launched a free ebook to introduce the great explorer, naturalist, writer, mountaineer and conservationist to a new audience.

Supported by Scottish Natural Heritage, Mission:Explore – John Muir, features a range of activities that reflect the adventures and ethos of the Victorian Scot, whose 175th birthday will be celebrated this month in his adopted homeland the USA as well as in the land of his birth.

It encourages people of all ages – including groups and families – to follow in the footsteps of Muir by taking part in an imaginative set of ‘missions’, which involve looking, touching, walking, exploring, thinking, and even dancing in wild nature wherever they find it.

Suggested activities range from observing how frogs swim to getting windswept, creating a mini-National Park, and staring at the stars.

The book launch ties in perfectly with Year of Natural Scotland 2013 and its theme of celebrating John Muir. There is already interest across the UK and in America.

Your ebook is free to download from Mission:Explore and John Muir Award web pages, and can be used on smart phones, laptops and tablets, or printed off and read in the old-fashioned way.

Link to John Muir Award launch page –
Link to Mission:Explore launch page –

Daniel Raven-Ellison, Guerilla Geographer at Mission:Explore, said: “Mission:Explore and the John Muir Award have much in common. We’re both all about discovering, exploring, conserving and sharing, so making this book together made perfect sense.

“We had a great time making it and we’re sure that our readers will have an even better time doing each of the quirky adventures inside. Good luck!”

“These missions are great, you can really see the spark they’ve generated with teachers.” Carol Walker, South Lanarkshire Outdoor Learning Development Officer

Featuring 20 activities that reflect the adventures and ethos of the Victorian Scot, you can access the free Mission:Explore John Muir eBook or PDF in a number of ways:

• eBook – on-line with Graphicly
• eBook for iPhone or iPad – via ‘Mission Explore John Muir’ in iTunes
• eBook from Amazon
• Printable PDF version (5.3MB) from

Find hundreds of other missions on the Mission:Explore website

About Mission:Explore

• Mission:Explore is a collection of books created by the Geography Collective, a unique team of over 25 geographers, teachers, educators and artists who work together to help young people explore and see the world in new ways. It makes books full of illustrated challenges that aim to make children a little more confident, happy, empathetic and knowledgeable.They think that learning in the real world, in real places and about real issues are vital to any childhood.

• Mission:Explore has won awards including National Trust & Hay Festival Outdoor Book of the Year 2011, and a Pink Stinks approved stamp for being gender neutral.

About Year of Natural Scotland 2013

• The Year of Natural Scotland 2013 is the latest in a series of themed years for the Scottish Government. It aims to highlight Scotland’s stunning natural beauty and biodiversity, and promote opportunities for visitors and residents to enjoy our beautiful landscapes, wildlife and heritage responsibly.

About The John Muir Trust

The John Muir Trust is the leading wild land conservation charity in the United Kingdom, with a membership of around 10,000.

We seek to ensure that wild land is protected and enhanced, and that wild places are valued by and for everyone.

The Trust does this by:
• Owning and managing wild land for conservation
• Assisting others in wild land management
• Campaigning for the long-term legal protection of wild land
• Encouraging people to connect with and care for wild places through the John Muir Award and volunteer conservation programmes.

We take our name and inspiration from John Muir (1838-1914), the pioneering, influential Scots-born American conservationist who dedicated his life to protecting wild places and campaigned successfully for the establishment of National Parks to safeguard vast tracts of wild land, including Yosemite Valley in California.

Daily What Newsround Football Special

Join us on Friday 26th April at 11am for another fun mix of news, quizzes and missing words presented by Andrea and Melissa of the Daily What team.

We are delighted that our guest will be Richard McBrearty, curator of the Scottish Football Museum at Hampden Stadium

Please get in touch with any questions about the history of football in Scotland, or questions about Hampden, and any other football matters you can think of!

Please send any questions to use via our contact form – Contact Form

Sign up and join us in Glow TV – Daily What Newsround 26 April 2013

Authors Live – Polly Dunbar and the Long Nosed Puppets

Polly Dunbar and Long Nose PuppetsGlow TV and Authors Live is getting ready to set sail on the high seas for a magical adventure on board Arthur’s Dream Boat, with the award-winning team of Polly Dunbar and Long Nose Puppets.

This exclusive performance will combine the magic of Polly’s latest picture book, Arthur’s Dream Boat, with the artistry and drama of puppet theatre.

Register on the Scottish Book Trust website now to book your seats on Arthur’s Dream Boat, and don’t worry, this boat is big enough for everyone! Everyone who registers to watch the event will be automatically entered into a prize draw to win a class set of Polly’s books.

This live webstream event is suitable for Nursery-P3 or ages 4-7.

After watching the live webstream in the morning why not join us for an interactive question and answer session with Polly Dunbar and her Long Nose Puppets live in the Glow TV Studio at 1.30pm. Sign up and join us in Glow TV.

You can ask her whatever you like and hopefully she’ll have enough time to answer as many of your questions as possible!

Virtual Glow Roadshow

Glow is packed full of educational resources and national communities where teaching staff can collaborate with colleagues across Scotland. To showcase some of these great resources RM is hosting a week of Glow Meets featuring a few of these. These 30 minute sessions are being run twice so sign up for the time slot that suits you best!

Twig on Glow – Over 1500 high quality films covering Maths, Science, Geography and Health – complete with support resources matched to the curriculum of excellence levels 2,3 and 4.

Join us either on Monday 22nd April at 8.15am or Thursday 25th April at 3.45pm

Just2easy is an online blogging tool. Children can create, sharing and learn in an esafe environment.
Join us either on Monday 22nd April at 3.45pm or Wednesday 24th April at 8.15am

Scran is a charity & online learning resource base with over 360,000 images & media from museums, galleries, archives and the media. These resources can be downloaded and used copyright free.

Join us either on Tuesday 23rd April at 8.15am or Wednesday 24th April at 3.45pm

The Daily What News is an online news service provided for Scottish Schools supporting the development of literacy and language across the curriculum. The site also provides a wealth of support materials.

Join us either on Tuesday 23rd April at 3.45pm or Thursday 25th April at 8.15am

Maths and English Exam Revision – Support Online

Revision support for NQ English and Mathematics

With the SQA National Qualifications examinations looming, the National Glow Team are pleased to announce the launch of exam revision support for NQ English and Mathematics. Aimed at pupils and supported by teachers, this Glow revision resource will help pupils in their preparation for national examinations by allowing them to post questions and queries into a teacher facilitated Glow Forum. The resource will be open to all pupils and teachers with the potential to become a vibrant self-supporting community.

Find out more here.

Choices for Life Online – Winning Awards

The large Choices for Life venue music events run by the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency were the highlight of many a Primary 7’s year but not everyone could get to a live event and learn more about making the right choices for their life.

That is until November 2011 when Choices for Life Online began. During the course of two days over 25,000 pupils from across Scotland tuned in to watch the new Online experience provided to them through Glow TV. The live webstreams featured thought provoking drama pieces from PACE and interviews with celebrities who all wanted to help youngsters think about making the right choices about their lives.

Since then the format of the broadcast has continued to be a massive success with young people having the opportunity to tune in either via a Glow TV live webstream or though Glow Meet with the session being repeated on the same day so noone misses out!

This huge success was marked yesterday when Choices for Life Online was awareded a presitgious award at the Scottish Police Awards for Making Communities Safer. The competition was fierce with 4 other excellent projects in the same category so the representatives from SCDEA and Glow were surprised to be honoured and receive the award from Kenny MacAskill, Cabinet Secretary for Justice and be congratulated by Dougie Vipond, Scottish television personality.

You can keep up to date with Choices for Life Online both in our Choice for Life Online Glow Group and on the excellent Choices for Life Online website which was launched in September 2012.

Well done Choices for Life and make a date in your diary for the next event which will be held on May 22nd -more details nearer the time in Glow TV.

Scottish Children’s Book Awards Ceremony

Join us in Glow TV on Thursday 7th March at 1.30pm to celebrate World Book Day with the 1000-strong audience in the Caird Hall for the 2012 Scottish Children’s Book Awards Ceremony live.

There will be readings, music, illustration, Oscar-worthy drama performances, song, readings, interviews, all of the shortlisted authors and illustrators and of course, the announcement of the wining books as chosen by over 32,000 children across Scotland.

Like the awards, the event is suitable for children in P1-S4. This event is a live web stream from the event and the link to this and to sign up is available in Glow TV.

A Man Came to A Women Glow Meet

On Wednesday 6th March at 1.45pm join acclaimed Russian director Natalya Leonovan live from the Tron Theatre for a sneak peek into the rehearsal room while she works on ‘A Man Came to a Woman’ with two Scottish based actors. This is a rare opportunity to watch a professional at work and see live the different rehearsal techniques Natalya uses to enable the actors to become equipped to perform the piece.

This is the first UK staging of Semyon Zlotnikov’s brilliant physical comedy and is being made in collaboration with ALEKO Theatre St Petersburg. Banned in the USSR and hugely popular in post-Soviet Russia, Zlotnikov’s surreal farce satires the age-old conundrum of how exactly two people of a certain age and an uncertain future meet and get along.

This event is aimed at S4-6 drama students but would suitable and of interest to younger pupils also. Sign up and join us in Glow TV.

Careers in Theatre – 26th February

Careers in Theatre is the Festival Theatre Edinburgh, The Lyceum Theatre and The Traverse Theatre’s unique interactive one day careers event. Join us live in Glow TV on Tuesday 26th February for 3 unique sessions each one hosted at a different theatre.

Front of House and Box Office Session – 10 – 11.30am

In our first session find out how the operational side of the Traverse Theatre works with representatives from our Front of House and Box Office teams. This workshop will explain and explore how we go about creating the best possible experience for our customers/audiences before and after they have been to one of our shows. Sign up and join us in Glow TV!

Technical Theatre – 12 – 1.30pm
During this second event find out more about a day in the life of a theatre technician, with Graham Raith, Head of Electrics at the Festival and King’s Theatres. Including on stage visit to see Scottish Opera’s set of Massenet’s Werther. Sign up and join us in Glow TV!

Acting and Directing – 2.30- 3.30pm

During this session learn more about acting and directing in a Producing Theatre, whilst meeting some of the people involved in Time and the Conways. A great chance to find out how to make a career as an actor or director. Sign up and join us in Glow TV!

The event is aimed at 5th & 6th year pupils interested in pursuing a career in the theatre, and will also act as a CPD session for Drama, Guidance/Support Teachers and Career’s Advisors. It may also be of interest to upper primary and early secondary pupils also interested in the theatre.

Join us for some or all of these exciting events and learn more about the careers involved in theatre and remember that all the events will be recorded and available in Glow TV’s Watch Again section.

Flushed with Success? Join the RIGHT Big Toilet Debate.

Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People, Tam Baillie will be hosting a Glow Meet for primary pupils on the subject of your school toilets.

He will be asking pupils to complete a survey on Glow to tell him what they think about their school toilets.

In addition three schools will be telling us about their toilets through presentations and photographs. Perhaps the pupils in your school would like to carry out their own survey or take some pictures to show Tam during the Glow meet?

Join us to talk toilets on Thursday 28th February at 10.45am live from Carrick Knowe Primary in Edinburgh! – Sign up in Glow TV.

Regional events – children’s rights, global citizenship and outdoor learning

Download flyer for regional events

Regional events – children’s rights, global citizenship and outdoor learning

Education Scotland is hosting a series of important regional events in March 2013 to enable schools to explore the implications of two major policy developments – the Children and Young People Bill  and the Learning for Sustainability report.

The Children and Young People Bill, which will be considered by the Scottish Parliament in 2013, sets out a range of proposals for children’s services and will seek to embed the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) across the public sector. This will support the Getting it Right for Every Child approach and also the exciting work taking place in Scottish schools to engage learners in rights-based education and pupil voice activities.

The Learning for Sustainability report, published in December 2012, sets out a strategic agenda for change for Scottish schools. The report recommends the adoption of a coherent whole school approach to ensure that sustainability, global citizenship and outdoor learning are experienced in a transformative way by every learner in every school across Scotland. The report also includes a number of recommendations relating to career-long professional learning, leadership development and the new GTC Scotland Professional Standards. The Scottish Government will respond to this report in March this year.

In addition, participants will also learn of the many exciting events taking place in 2013/14 to support these aspects of learning including:  the Year of Natural Scotland; Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games; the Scottish independence referendum; Homecoming Year; Ryder Cup; David Livingstone’s bicentenary; John Muir’s centenary and the centenary of the start of the First World War.

Through a mixture of workshops, exhibitions and spotlight sessions, delegates will have the opportunity to gain practical ideas and insight from early years, ASN, primary and secondary schools with interesting practice to share. Key national organisations will also be on hand to offer support, resources and advice.

Target audience: The main target audience are school leaders, local authority staff and those with a whole school responsibility for global citizenship, sustainability, children’s rights and outdoor learning.

Sectors: Early years (including partnership providers), ASN, primary and secondary schools.


  • 9:30am – 3:30pm, Wed 13th March – Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh
  • 9:30am – 3:30pm, Mon 18th March – Drumossie Hotel, Inverness
  • 9:30am – 3:30pm, Wed 20th March ­– Hampden Stadium, Glasgow.

How to book: Delegate places have been allocated to each local authority to ensure all school sectors and geographical areas are well represented. School or local authority staff should contact their local authority coordinator in the first instance to book.

General bookings will be available from 26th Feb onwards. Please email Willie Bhari:  or Tel: 0141 282 5208 to add your name to this waiting list. Cost of attending event: Free.

Taking a closer look at the National Assessment Resource: A professional learning resource

Education Scotland have recently developed this professional learning resource.  It provides an opportunity to reflect on effective practice in learning, teaching and assessment, drawing on the work published on the National Assessment Resource (NAR).  It also provides a structured look at the NAR flow chart as a tool for planning effective learning, teaching, moderation and assessment.

The resource can be used by individual practitioners keen to reflect and improve on their assessment practice as well as pairs, groups of practitioners, associated school groups (ASGs) or clusters working collegiately to reflect on and improve practice.

It is available to download from the Education Scotland website and welcome section on NAR.  There will be a Glow meet on Wednesday the 13th of February at 8:20am and Thursday the 14th at 4:15pm to explore the resource further.

Paper Creativity Challenge Week 4

Join us for more fun and activities in our Paper Creativity Challenge when this week we will be investigating embellishing paper. Once again we have a range of exciting Glow Meets that you can become involved in – find out more….

Paper Cuts: Painting with Scissors – Monday 4th February at 11am

Paper cutting has a long history and Matisse called it “painting with scissors”

Starting with 19th century Victorian silhouette portrait cut outs and moving onto 19th century Polish Leluja cut outs with a big emphasis on symmetry you can take part and work along or watch and try it afterwards (a list of materials needed is included on the Glow TV advert)

Then the session will look at 20th century Matisse cut out, collages and stencil and end up with 21st century artists’ cut outs looking at a few examples and ideas. Join us in Glow TV – Paper Cuts: Painting with Scissors

Look after your Planet by Lauren Childs – Tuesday 5th February at 11am

Join us again for our final exciting reading with our Paper Princess Margo from West Lothian!

This time listen to ‘Look after your Planet’ by Lauren Child and find out about this week’s creativity challenge.

And in a special addition to this event we also have a reading of Lauren’s Clarice Bean picture book – ‘What Planet are You From?’ which is again about environmental themes.There are some great ideas in there of creating a beautiful tree using paper for leaves. – Look after your Planet

Storybird- Thursday 7th February at 2pm

‘Storybird is a visual storytelling community. A global hub of readers, writers, and artists of all ages.

This 45 min Glow meet will share how to explore and create digital stories using beautiful artwork. Join Anna to find out more – Storybird

Aiming High in Higher History: A Conference for Teachers and Learners

The Aiming High in Higher History conference the University of Glasgow held in December 2012 was very well received. A repeat of the event has been arranged for anyone who was unable to attend the event last year. The conference, which is free to attend, will take place on Saturday the 9th of March from 0930 until 1330. Registration is now open.

The sessions will share the latest research on Higher Scottish History topics and Simon Wood will provide advice on how to prepare for Higher Paper 2. As before, spaces are limited.

The conference programme can be found here:

Aiming High programme 9 March 2013

World of Work Wednesdays – Working in the Retail Sector

Our latest WoWW event on Wednesday 6th February at 2pm will explore the retail sector with speakers from very different aspects of the industry sharing their insight and experience into the opportunities that working in this sector offer. While the emphasis will be on the retail sector the speakers will highlight the soft skills required for entry into not only this but any employment sector making this a valuable learning experience for all young people who will be seeking to enter the world of work.

Why would I want to work in Retail?
The retail industry employs around 2.9m people in the UK and generates over £260bn a year in sales – larger than the combined economies of Portugal and Denmark.

By its very nature retail is a fast-moving industry as organisations try to respond to – and predict – customer demand and future trends. But if you think that a career in retail is limited solely to the shop floor, think again.

From sourcing new producers to transporting goods, ordering stock and forecasting trends, there are a multitude of roles that are critical to the retail operation that you may never have even realised.

And these roles can also be found in a number of associated sectors, from warehousing and distribution to finance, marketing and design.

The retail industry has plenty of variety – not least because of the vast array of products in the marketplace.

In both traditional retail stores and in new online markets, there really are limitless opportunities for people to work within a sector that interests them regardless of whether you are a petrol-head or fashion lover.

So join us to ask questions and find out more. Sign up and join us in Glow TV.

Glow Exclusive

Finalist in the Scottish Children’s Book Awards, Catherine Macphail, in conversation with young readers on Friday, 1st. February 2013 at 2.30pm

Do you like reading spooky stories and thrillers?

Do you like books with characters who could be people in your school?

Want to know what it feels like to be nominated for a national award?

Want to know how it feels to see your writing turned into a film?

Want to know how authors get their ideas?

Well join us for a Glow Exclusive event for an opportunity to talk to Catherine Macphail, Finalist in the Scottish Children’s Book Awards.

Catherine MacPhail has won lots of awards for her writing and has won the Royal Mail Book Award twice. One of her most popular books, “Another Me” ,a spooky story about a girl who seems to have a doppelganger, is currently being made into a film-called “Panda Eyes” starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Rhys Ifans and Sophie Turner – which will be released some time in 2013. Look out for the Librarian-she’s called Mrs. MacPhail!

The Scottish Children’s Book Awards recognise and celebrate the wonderful talents seen in Scottish writing and illustration for children and arethe largest children’s book awards that Scotland has to offer. One of Catherine MacPhail’s books Out of the Depths (Bloomsbury) has been nominated for an award in the Younger Readers (8-13) category . The winners will be announced on World Book Day(7th. March,2013).

Sign up and join us in Glow Tv
and if you are unable to join us live make sure that you catch up with the recording in Watch Again!

Paper Creativity Challenge – Building With Paper

Our successful Paper Creativity Challenge continues and this we are challenging you to build structures with paper. Once again we have a range of exciting Glow Meets that you can become involved in – find out more….

Paper Structures – Monday 28th January at 11am

Join Syrah live from the Dundee Contemporary Arts activity room where she will demonstrate three examples of origami folding.Firstly the 3D tree using a recycled magazine, secondly the flapping bird a classic origami design with great decorative possibilities, and lastly the Kusudama flower ball. Sign up in Glow TV and find out what materials you will need if you want to work along with Syrah – Paper Structures

The Great Paper Caper – Tuesday 29th January at 11am

Once again join our Paper Princess Margo from West Lothian for an exciting reading! This time listen to the mystery of the Great Paper Caper by Oliver Jeffers and find out about this week’s creativity challenge. Sign up and join us in Glow TV – The Great Paper Caper.

Scratch – Thursday 31st January at 10am
Join Derek Robertson and pupils from Newburgh Primary School, Fife for an introduction to Scratch and to learn about the launch of a Scratch Glow TV channel.

Scratch is a programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art – and share your creations on the web! Sign up and join us in Glow TV – Scratch

Remember if you have missed any of the challenges then please go to the Watch Again section in Glow TV and view the recordings of all the events that have already happened in the Paper Creativity Challenge.

Julia Donaldson Event – Running on the Cracks

The Tron Theatre will stage an exciting new show Running on the Cracks , an adaptation by Andy Arnold of the Julia Donaldson book of the same name. This new show will be staged in February 2013 and is a co-production with Pilot Theatre Company, York. Running on the Cracks is a fast moving new play about runaways, identity, survival and how friendships can develop in the strangest situations.

Join Julia Donaldson, children’s laureate for a Glow Meet live on Tuesday 29th January at 1.45pm from the Tron for this exciting event. Julia will discuss her inspiration for the book and will answer your questions. Don’t miss this opportunity to speak with one of the UK’s leading children’s author.

Sign up and join us in Glow TV!

Scottish Chamber Orchestra – A Little Book of Monsters

The Scottish Chamber Orchestra’s Family Concert on Saturday 9 February features a new song book for a chorus of 300 children – A Little Book of Monsters. With lyrics by Matt Harvey and music by Stephen Deazley the book is full of songs about the kind of creatures that live under your bed….

Join Stephen Deazley and Matt Harvey for an exciting Glow TV event on Tuesday 29th January live from Broomhouse Primary in Edinburgh at 9.30am where you’ll get the chance to ask questions, take part in creative interactive activities and find out what it is like to be a composer or poet!

Sign up and join us in Glow TV!

Holocaust Memorial Day 2013 – Glow TV Events

Glow TV is once more celebrating Holocaust Memorial Day which is on 27th January with a series of events. Below you can find out all the details and hopefully you will be able to join us for some of them!

Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory – Sello Hatang – Thursday 24th January 2013 11am

Sello Hatang from the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory will speak about the work of the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory and how this organisation has helped rebuild the fractured community in South Africa. Pupils will have the opportunity to ask Sello questions about his experiences to do with reconcilliation and rebuilding trust.

Sello Hatang is the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory’s Head of Public Programming, and spokesperson. Previously he was a senior manager at South Africa’s Human Rights Commission. He participated in the post-1994 transformation of the National Archives, including archival support for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and is a former Director of the South African History Archive. He was a member of the editorial team of Nelson Mandela’s book, Conversations with Myself. Sign up and join us in Glow TV – Nelson Mandela Foundation – Rebuilding communities .

Holocaust Memorial Day 2013 – Monday 28th January 2013 10.30am

Join us live from from Glasgow City Chambers to take part in Holocaust Memorial Day 2013, Scotland’s National Event, with Jean Paul Samputu from the Rwandan Forgiveness Campaign, Sello Hatang from the Nelson Mandela Foundation and pupils from Shawlands Academy, Holyrood Secondary and St Anne’s Primary School choir. Help us to be a community together and build a bridge! Sign up and join us in Glow TV – Holocaust Memorial Event – Scotland 2013.

Rwandan Forgiveness Campaign – Tuesday 29th January 2013 join us at for 11am

Jean Paul Samputu is a Rwandan musician who lost almost his entire family in the genocide in 1994 and who now campaigns for reconciliation and forgiveness. Samputu sings in six languages and uses a variety of musical styles in his work. After the genocide and murder of his family by a man he regarded as his best friend, Jean Paul fell into a spiral of drink and drug abuse and was unable to perform music for several years.

Samputu is now a cultural ambassador for Rwanda and travels throughout the world teaching about and performing traditional African music and also spreading his message of peace and forgiveness. In 2009 he was nominated for World Vision International’s Peace Prize.

This will be a unique opportunity to hear Jean Paul speak about his experiences, about forgiveness and to ask him your own questions. Sign up and join us in Glow TV – Rwandan Forgiveness Campaign