Education Scotland today launches The Sciences 3-18 Curriculum Impact Project report. The sciences and social studies reports are the first two reports in a Curriculum Impact series designed to present a subject-by-subject picture of how children and young people are experiencing learning in different areas of the 3-18 curriculum across the country.
Providing subject-specific analysis and evaluation of current practice, based on a range of independent inspection activities, the report identifies emerging innovative and thought-provoking practice, while highlighting important areas for development. Published on the web, the report will be refreshed from time to time with links to newly-identified, practice and evidence, a dynamic approach that will keep the reviews contemporary on an on-going basis, and relevant to developing needs.
A summary for children and young people has also been published, along with a summary of key strengths and aspects for development.
The publication is intended to provide a focus engagement by children and young people, parents, practitioners and the wider sciences community in Scotland.
Through our Sciences 3-18 Impact Project blog, we want to engage all those involved in the sciences 3-18 to talk together about how we can work together to take forward the key messages of the report.
This outward facing, public blog is a mechanism to allow engagement by all.
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The STEM Professional Learning Community will also act as a focus for professional dialogue and learning around the Sciences 3-18 Impact Project. Join us, using your Glow login in, on