Last December, we blogged about an exciting project “Forensic Rookies” involving primary and secondary schools in West Lothian, Shetland and Perth & Kinross. Collaboration via Glow Wikis and culminating in a Glow meeting in February was the key to success for the learners, in this ASZTT funded project.
The first of a series vodcasts with feedback and reflections from learners and practitioners is available on YouTube’s ScienceEdResearch channel. In this first vodcast Janette Kean and learners from Westfield Primary in West Lothian share their experiences of the project. Each of the authorities is taking the “Forensic Rookies” project forward with a variety of approaches being used to meet the needs of the learners within each setting.
This TESS article “Young Sleuths get right on the case” discusses the project further.