Pupils All Over Scotland Come Together Using Glow TV to Talk Stem Cells!
SSCN (Scottish Stem Cell Network) is delighted to announce the next Talking Stem Cells workshop will be running on Glow TV on February 21st 2012 at 2pm.
Talking Stem Cells is an opportunity for Scottish secondary school pupils to participate in an interactive and engaging workshop, presented on Glow TV, with real scientists working in this topical science field.
The workshop covers the basic science of stem cells, their therapeutic potentials and the research currently being conducted; while also highlighting some of the career possibilities the industry offers in Scotland, a world leader in this field.
By using Glow it allows for the breakdown of geographical and social barriers and allows pupils from all over Scotland to engage and tune in to activities and special guests that may not have previously been available, especially true of schools in more remote areas.
The event will be hosted by Forth Valley College and stem cell scientists, Dr. Andy Downes, Edinburgh University and Dr. Paul Shiels, Glasgow University. They will be leading the workshop which will include a mix of presentations, interactive activities and investigations by the participating students.
The workshop will see students participating from schools across Scotland, with participation from as far afield as Shetland, Orkney and the Highlands.
You can sign up and take part in this event in Glow TV – Sign up and join us!