Integrated Arts in Education Week 7

In today’s music session, the focus was Figure Notes. We started off by exploring the online resource of Figure Notes. This was created by Markku and Kaarlo and it represents colours being used with different musical notes. This allows children to match a colour to a specific musical note and it has been proven to be more effective for young learners who are learning to play an instrument. It has also been proven to be particulary beneficial for children that suffer from Autism Spectrum Disorder (Figure Notes 2018). While exploring Figure Notes, we participated in some activities including using colour coded glockenspiel to play the songs ‘jingle bells, ‘Frera Jacques’ and ‘twinkle twinkle’.

During today’s drama workshop, we studied the five conventions of drama including; vox pop, freeze frame, teacher in role, thought tunnel and hot seat. The first area of drama we explored was hot seat. This is when one person in the class is in the hot seat and others are allowed to ask them questions while in the role of a specific character. Another drama convention that we examined was teacher in role. This is when the teacher makes it clear that they are part of the drama and acts alongside the children. Additionally, vox pop is a drama convention in which one member of the group asks how the others are feeling during an acting scene as part of the performance. Freeze frame is the most critical part in the drama and it is captured by the performers staying still to convey its importance. Another drama convention is a thought tunnel. This is when the character conveys their thoughts and feelings in a specific part of the drama. While studying these five drama conventions we focused on the story of the “Lonely Dragon”. There are several experiences and outcomes that relate to this particular activity and they are listed below”


  • I have the freedom to choose and explore how I can use my voice, movement, and expression in role play and drama. EXA 0-12
  • Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings through drama. EXA 0-13a / EXA 1-13a / EXA 2-13a

Overall, today’s workshops have been motivating and intriguing for me. I feel that young learners could benefit from participating in activities similar to these and I would take these experiences into my teaching practice.



Education Scotland (2018) Experiences and Outcomes Available from: [Accessed: 30 October 2018].

Figure Notes (2018) What is Figure Notes? [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 29 October 2018].

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