Category Archives: Challenges

#dlw01 What Does Digital Learning Look Like in Your School

What does digital learning look like in your school?
Your response could be an image, a mind-map, a sway, video or audio podcast or even some words.

You might like to brainstorm both what digital learning looks like in your school and how to share that digitally.

Is digital learning different from other learning?

You can upload images, video and audio  to your blog, embed a sway or just write a post. For other content like mind maps you could take a screenshot and embed that as an image.

Post your response to your blog using the category #dlw16 and tag it #dlw01

Remember you need to have Joined in with the #dlw16 blog for your posts to appear here.

The featured immage on this post is Binary, Null, Digital, Silhouette from Pixabay it is used under a CC0 Public Domain license, see: Terms of Service

#DLW02 Icons

An icon, when talked about in computing, is a picture which usually stands for a computer program, computer file, folder, or an action for a program to do. Icons are usually small pictures, but not always. Sometimes the user can change what size an icon is.  Computer icon – Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We see icons everywhere.

Could you design an icon?

Things to think about:

What makes a good icon?  Shape? Colour?

Susan Kare, who designed the original apple logo says:

Good icons should be more like road signs than illustrations, easily comprehensible, and not cluttered with extraneous detail

For this challenge we want you to design an icon. It could stand for your school, your class or anything else.

Making Icons

You can create icons with many types of software. They are generally limited in size and made up of pixels. A real challenge would be to make an icon 16 by 16 pixels.


or 32×32


or 64×64

piskel is a webpage that lets you make icons.

You can also make them with Microsoft Paint.


Open Paint

On the Home Tab click Image then Resize.




In the dialog:

  1. Highlight Pixels
  2. Uncheck Maintain Aspect Ration
  3. Set Horizontal & Vertical to 16



The canvas will resize. Set the Zoom to the maximum 800%


Show the Grid: View Check Gridlines



Draw your icon (You can do better than this)



Set the zoom to 100% to see the real size.



You can save your icon as a png and insert it in your blog. How many icons can your class make. you could make a whole set.

Post your response toy your blog using the category #dlw16 and tag it #dlw02


#DLW03 Photoblitz

Most of our photos are digital now.  Digital cameras or devices that take digital images are great to use in learning. A photoblitz is a way to give you a chance to practise taking picture.

Use this list to take and think about pictures post them to your blog as a Gallery. Remember to categorise them as dlw16 and tag them dlw03.

  1. How do ants see the world? Change your viewpoint. Make a photograph with your camera at floor level.
  2. Pattern is built on repetition, like a rhythm. A regular or irregular pattern.
  3. Make a photograph that illustrates the weather where you are.
  4. They’re all around. Make a photograph of a wheel near you.
  5. Black and white photographs are a classic look.
  6. A perfect line. Make a photo of interesting vertical, horizontal, or diagonal lines.
  7. Make a landscape photo!
  8. Challenge: Silhouettes are an interesting way to abstract a subject.
  9. Create an interesting photo that includes looking through one object to see another
  10. A photo representing 100
  11. The edge of a knife, the waters edge, or some other edge.

Here are some photography tips:

  • Hold the camera still, elbows in, make a triangle.
  • Think before you shoot
  • Take more than one photo
  • Change Angles
  • Zoom with your feet
  • Place the subject off-centre
  • Keep the sun behind you (unless you want a silhouette)
  • Learn about the rule of thirds


Rule of Thirds photo from wikimedia used under a creative commons CC-BY license.


#DLW04 Digital Storytelling

There are many different digital tools that can be used to tell stories. There are several that can be use in Glow, Office Video, Glow Blogs and many more. Stories could be something that has really happened or fictional.

This challenge is to tell the same story with different tools. Can you tel the same story with a sway, a video or a podcast. What if you write your story in a blog post or use PowerPoint. Can you make a story just with sound effects.

Post your stories to your blog using the category #dlw16 and tag it #dlw04

Try and see if you can write a little about the difference the different methods of storytelling make.

Featured image on this post Digital Storytelling by Giulia Forsythe used under a Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic — CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 license.

#dlw05 Make You Own Challenge


If you don’t see a challenge you like on this blog why not make up your own.

Describe your challenge on your blog   using the category #dlw16 and tag it #dlw05

Remember you need to have Joined in with the #dlw16 blog for your posts to appear here.

Once someone has posted a challenge, you can respond to it on your own blog.