Leadership and school awards


This section aims to support school leaders enrich the school and its community through the use of digital. There are links to:

  • school and teacher evaluation documents
  • professional learning for school leaders
  • ideas and inspiration for further reading and watching
  • school awards

Supporting schools with their digital strategy

developing digital strategy - If the dates offered here are unsuitable, get in touch and request another and we'll see what we can do to accommodate - view EDT sessions with this link. An in-person workshop designed to help…
This is digital leaders CLPL - This programme aims to support teachers develop their leadership, improvement and coaching skills in the context of digital skills. It will provide the skills and knowledge to develop a strategic plan based on the needs…

Evaluation documents for supporting school improvement

male and female teacher holding devices - This document aims to support educators in evaluating their use of digital to enhance learning and teaching. It takes features of How Good is Our School and exemplifies how digital can be used to enhance…
Male and female teachers holding devices - The toolkit document outlines the skills and knowledge that comprise digital literacy in the General Teaching Council Scotland (GTCS)'s standards. The skills are organised into three levels: Essential skills that are required by every teacher…

Ideas and inspiration for school leaders

empowering leaders of change - Empowering leaders of change to drive innovation and investment in digital technology for learning and teaching   If digital technology is to be used consistently to enhance learning and teaching across Scotland, then it is…
The Future of Digital in Scottish Education keynote presentations - Education Scotland hosted three highlight sessions focusing on 'The Future of Digital in Scottish Education'.  Each of these sessions included an input from a key figure in Scottish Education followed by a short question and…

School Awards

digital schools award - Digital Schools Awards is a national awards scheme to promote, recognise and encourage a whole school approach to the use of digital technology in schools. The Digital Schools Award Scotland (DSAS) programme helps schools assess progress and…
digital wellbeing award - The Digital Wellbeing Award for Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety is designed to provide education professionals with the resources and support required to help pupils safely navigate the digital world. Schools that successfully complete the programme…