Computing in Primary Schools: teacher survival kit

This guide has been developed to support any educator deliver Computing. It is split into three levels for Primary, as in the Experiences and Outcomes, making it simpler to plan and assess.  Each level is split into: background lesson resources assessment resources The learning should be delivered in order as the concepts are progressive. These …

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Computing in Primary Schools: big ideas

These ‘big ideas’ for computing are designed to help educators and learners learn the essential understanding in computing that all students should acquire during the Broad General Education.It has been inspired by Wynne Harlen’s Principles and Big Ideas of Science Education. Some of the language or concepts may appear very abstract for inexperienced learners or educators …

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What is Digital Literacy? A guest blog from Andy McLaughlin, University of Aberdeen

post by andy mclaugjlin, what is digital literacy

The presentation in this post was created and shared by Andy McLaughlin; a lecturer at the School of Education at the University of Aberdeen. He is a former teacher and leader in schools where he had a particular interest in digital pedagogies. Andy has been exploring the misalignment between national policy and classroom practice when …

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