Creative activities banner. Text on left hand side. Woman sitting at laptop on right hand side.

Creative activities for the classroom

Below are some great activities that can be developed with your learners at any time of year. Each of the digital literacy/creativity examples detailed are broken down into key steps for introducing these activities in your classroom. 

If you have tried any of these and want to share your creations with us, tag @digilearnscot


Create-A_Long comic book with custom images

Text on left, scratch logo on right

Text on left, AR Makr logo on right

Text on left, presentation icons on right

Text on left, iMovie logo on right.

Text on left, sound icon on right.

Text on left, GarageBand and podcast icons on right

Text on left, HTML 5 icon on right

text on left, voice memos icon on right.

Text on left, escape room icon on right

Text on left, pixel version of numbers icon on right

text on left, snowman icon on right

Text on left, app prototype icon on right