Ideology and Prejudice ePDP 1

  The impact that prejudice and discrimination have upon the way in which we view our society, and how even though they have similar meanings, they are not exactly the same thing all together. I understood to some extent, as people’s views and ideologies can be influenced based on what your environment is and the … Continue reading Ideology and Prejudice ePDP 1


  • The impact that prejudice and discrimination have upon the way in which we view our society, and how even though they have similar meanings, they are not exactly the same thing all together.
  • I understood to some extent, as people’s views and ideologies can be influenced based on what your environment is and the experiences you have growing up, as it can be influenced from generation to generation
  • Agents of socialisation, as it was an area which had many different areas that I feel could be broken down further. In order to understand it better, I feel that I can research some of these areas further and get a better understanding of them as a collective and then put it all together
  • I feel my knowledge in the differences between prejudice and discrimination has been improved as of today, as it was made clearer in the lecture. It was also made clearer than it can be considered a generational thing and also can depend on your environment.
  • That it can be very easily influenced between your peers and family members, as well as through the media and how strong its impact can be in shaping what younger individuals learn. In the future I hope to be able to explain to pupils that everyone should be considered equal in their opportunities, no matter what their gender, races and beliefs are and should treat others in the same way.
  • How to identify the different areas in the agents of socialisation, and how each one of them individually. By researching each of the areas more intensely until I get a better understanding of how they contribute to socialisation.




Society and Lifestyles week 7

ITask 1- Holmes- Rahe Inventory In completing the Holmes- Rahe Inventory I scored 168 points thus implying that I have a 50% chance of a major health breakdown within the next two years.  Some of the categories which I feel into was ones such as having a close family member die which was scored high … Continue reading Society and Lifestyles week 7

ITask 1- Holmes- Rahe Inventory

In completing the Holmes- Rahe Inventory I scored 168 points thus implying that I have a 50% chance of a major health breakdown within the next two years.  Some of the categories which I feel into was ones such as having a close family member die which was scored high in the Holmes- Rahe Inventory stress calculator. Through having a close family member die this has impacted my life immensely as this was something that did effect all whole family in different ways, therefore everyone found it hard to be around each other but at the same time didn’t want to be alone.

I felt the category that I scored in seemed fair, however because I have support from both my family and my friend’s I don’t feel that in two years I will have a major health breakdown. Personally I would say the main cause of my stress is University, between both the work load and exams.  Compared to how I felt within the first when I had first started university I am able to deal with the work and exams better. Although I do still find myself stressed because of everything university entails I am more prepared and organised to deal with the stress and don’t find myself getting worked up to the point of crying as often.

Ways I can combat stress would be to have a positive can do type of attitude before putting myself down wishing trying. Being prepared and organised has a big part as you have to be able to priorities  things which are causing me the most stress and deal with this first. But I do feel that exercise does help work as a stress release for me personally as it is a way to forget about things for a while.


Task 2 Pengilly & Dowd Stress Hardiness

Understanding stress is important because this is something that is cause through major life events someone had to and has to face in their lives, such as, family members dying, divorces, losing jobs(non-normative), moving house and retirement (normative). But stress leads onto a number of very different mental health issues, for example, depression, anxiety etc.

Five methods to support a healthy lifestyle are participants, instrument’s, procedure, results, discussion. Participants these are students who have been asked to research from introductory psychology classes at public colleges and universities in Northeast Ohio USA. These participants were not selected basis on race and gender etc. Instruments includes 50-items revised hardiness which develops Kobasa called the Personal View Survey. Which looks into the quality of social support was measured due to the persons levels of stress. Procedure is when the participants were given research materials in a certain order being, demographic questions CSLES, PVS, SSQ6 and BDI. The reason for this order was because of the content of the questionnaires did not suggest a problem with order of effects. Results shows that stress is very important within depression thus showi

Society and Lifestyles Week 1

In brief, what have I learned from the lecture, independent task and tutorial today? Please be specific. In todays Lecture I learned many definitions of religion, religion from the inside and outside being the believers approach and the scholarly approach  which we should write from in the exam. I also learned the many works of scholars such as … Continue reading Society and Lifestyles Week 1

  1. In brief, what have I learned from the lecture, independent task and tutorial today? Please be specific.

In todays Lecture I learned many definitions of religion, religion from the inside and outside being the believers approach and the scholarly approach  which we should write from in the exam. I also learned the many works of scholars such as Ninian Smart, Browislaw Malinowski and Emile Durkheim, and the views that they have towards religion. I know have a better understanding of religious diversity and the challenges that are faced.

2. Do I understand the main concepts and issues of the topics and       areas I have learnt today? Where possible, how can I evidence this knowledge?

I wouldn’t say that I fully understand the main concepts and issues of  this topic but I feel I will be able to build upon this through studying doing past papers putting what I have learned into practice.

3. Are there concepts and issues that I am struggling to comprehend? What can I do about that?

The concepts and issues that I am struggling with is how to link the theorist into each answer but also linking them into each different section that religion separates into.  In order to improve with this would be to put this into practice or ask lectures for help to make this clear.

4. How has my knowledge in this area developed/increased today? Are there specific areas that require particular improvement? How will I address that?

My knowledge in this area developed today as I did not know how important religion is and how diversity is a big part of society today and in order to prove this theorist have to back this up in order for any argument to make sense. I will address this by trying pass papers to help me better my arguments but also build upon a structure to make my work clear.

5. If at all, how does what I have learnt today relate to my general understanding of how, using religion as an example, society impacts on lifestyle and vice-versa? Any possible career opportunities/aspirations as a future primary teacher on the things I have learnt today?

What I learned today that religion does take a big part in many people’s lifestyles within different religions people need time to pray in different areas at different times and as future teachers we will need to be able to understand, accommodate and promote this for individuals.


Stress Hardiness

After our lecture on stress and the effects of stress, we were asked to read the Pengilly & Dowd (2000) article on Stress Hardiness. This article explained such a thing called the hardiness scale of commitment, challenge, and control on the relationship between stress and depression which allows us to research reasons into combatting this. … Continue reading Stress Hardiness

After our lecture on stress and the effects of stress, we were asked to read the Pengilly & Dowd (2000) article on Stress Hardiness. This article explained such a thing called the hardiness scale of commitment, challenge, and control on the relationship between stress and depression which allows us to research reasons into combatting this. The article discusses 4 main factors which can negatively impact your health;
– Normative life transitions.
– Non-normative life transitions.
– Lack of human contact or touch.
– Loneliness
– Lack of social support.

The first factor which can negatively impact your health is normative life transitions. Normative life transitions are life events that can be predicted or that you have planned – an example of this could be moving house or changing job. These type of events can cause a great deal of stress because they are life changing events however they are predicted and do not cause as much long term damage as non normative life transitions.

Another factor which can negatively impact your health are non normative life transitions. These life events are more damaging and have a more serious effect on someones life. These events are unpredictable and could be being fired from a job or a break up. Because of these life events, illnesses can become more occurrent – for example coronary heart disease and cancer.

Another factor that could negatively impact your health is loneliness. In our lecture, we learned the difference between loneliness and being alone. Being alone is literally being yourself in a room whereas feeling lonely means you could be in a room full of people and still feel yourself – this means you feel you cant talk to anyone. Lonely individuals are 4 times more likely to become sick and deal badly with stress. This can lead to unhealthy behaviours such as drinking and could also greatly contribute to illnesses such as depression.

One more factor that can impact your health is a lack of social support. Social support is the advice of your family, friends or colleagues about your life and them being there for you. If you feel you have nobody to talk to, then you will add more pressure onto yourself because you cant share it with someone else or get advice. This can be detrimental to ones health and can cause negative feelings about themselves which will effect their confidence, increase their stress levels, decrease their life expectancy, increase need for medical attention.

The last factor that can negatively impact your health is human contact or touch. Human contact is a necessity to a humans wellbeing and greatly contributes to ones mental health. From just giving your friend a high 5 or a hug, they are exposed to human emotion and get a sense of someone caring for them. This can help reduce stress levels and contribute to a healthier, happier life.

However, in todays lecture, we learned about ways to combat stress and avoid all of these problems which I am going to start implementing. One being exercising. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins which give you energy and make you happier. I’ve noticed this and will often go to the gym before I start studying. But now, I need to start going a run or to the gym when i feel stressed and often do not want to see or do anything. Another stress buffer is talking to people. This helps release stress and makes you feel safe which in turn, releases your stress levels. Ive found that this has helped me the most and not bottling all of my stress up means that I can in fact be more productive. Another stress buffer is religion. Religion gives individuals a sense of inclusion and can make individuals stop participating in at risk behaviours which contribute to stress.
I am going to start implementing these factors more and from the lecture and being educated more on stress, I know that I am now aware on how to cope with it.

Societies and Lifestyles – Week 4 – 6/2/2017

Inclusion and Equality (Disability)   This week we continued to build upon the knowledge we had gained from last week’s session on Equality and Inclusion. However, this week had more of a slant towards Inclusion and Equality for disabled people in the workplace and in society. We began by working with others to begin a […]

Inclusion and Equality (Disability)   This week we continued to build upon the knowledge we had gained from last week’s session on Equality and Inclusion. However, this week had more of a slant towards Inclusion and Equality for disabled people in the workplace and in society. We began by working with others to begin a […]

Health Impacts

There are many factors that can have a negative effect on our health and it is important that we are aware of these. The 5 factors are Stress, LIfe Events, Loneliness, Economic Circumstances and Risk Behaviours. There are many ways in which we can support ourselves in order to have a healthier lifestyle. EXCERCISE  REGULARLY                                                                                  … Continue reading Health Impacts

There are many factors that can have a negative effect on our health and it is important that we are aware of these. The 5 factors are Stress, LIfe Events, Loneliness, Economic Circumstances and Risk Behaviours.

There are many ways in which we can support ourselves in order to have a healthier lifestyle.

EXCERCISE  REGULARLY                                                                                     Having a healthy lifestyle requires at least a little exercise every week. it is recommended that you should engage in 30-60 minutes of exercise at least four times per week.

SURROUND YOURSELF WITH POSITIVE FRIENDS                           Surrounding yourself with positive people will have a positive effect on you and the way you look at things. It will also make you happier with a more positive vibe.

HAVE CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS                                                                          When people have close relationships they feel less threatened, less alone and more confident and in control. Knowing that you have someone you can rely on provides a feeling of security and hope.

SENSE OF TOUCH                                                                                                     Reaching out and receiving a hug, or even a massage can lower your blood pressure and decrease stress levels. This will make you more comfortable and a little more relaxed.

GET RID OF NEGATIVE PEOPLE FROM YOUR LIFE                           Having positive mental health is an important factor in living a healthy life. You do not need toxic people in your life who will put you down and not support you.

These are all things that we can do on a daily basis in order to support outselves in leading a healthy lifestyle wich makes us more positive for the greater good.

Holmes Rahe Inventory

I scored 88 in the Holmes Rahe Inventory which puts me in the 150 points or less category. This means that I experience a relatively low amount of life changing events and am less likely to encounter with health breakdowns. I was very pleased with this score because it means that I am less stressed. … Continue reading Holmes Rahe Inventory

I scored 88 in the Holmes Rahe Inventory which puts me in the 150 points or less category. This means that I experience a relatively low amount of life changing events and am less likely to encounter with health breakdowns. I was very pleased with this score because it means that I am less stressed. Howver, being 18 years old means that I don’t have a great amount of life experience so therefore, I did not expect to receive a higher score. I have never experienced a divorce, moved house, or been fired from a job which are seen to be common stresses in life.

The signs of stress that appear to be in my life are changing school, which I used referring to moving on to University after my school time was up. This was stressful and nerve wracking for me because it was a completely new chapter in life for me and I would have to go out of mycomfort zone in order to speak to new people and make new friends. Also, taking on a loan in order to pay for and run my car can be very stressful to me. I try to combat stress by going to bed at a reasonable time so that I can get more sleep. I also try to engage in physical activity at least once or twice a week because it allows me to feel much better afterwards. Even something as simple as taking a hot bath helps me to relax and become less stressed.

Our Perception of Health

Focusing on stress and our own perception of health was interesting. Personally I have never really thought about my own stress levels. I tend to put others before myself. As a student teacher it is vital that we understand that other people view things in a completely different way. How we see and feel things […]

Focusing on stress and our own perception of health was interesting. Personally I have never really thought about my own stress levels. I tend to put others before myself. As a student teacher it is vital that we understand that other people view things in a completely different way. How we see and feel things […]

Holmes Rahe Scale

After completing the Holmes Rahe scale I had a score of 108, which falls into the relatively low stress level category over the past year. However, I don’t think that this is an accurate score on a personal level as … Continue reading

After completing the Holmes Rahe scale I had a score of 108, which falls into the relatively low stress level category over the past year. However, I don’t think that this is an accurate score on a personal level as I feel that I have definitely very stressed this year with certain things ,mainly university work, body image and eating problems and personal relationship problems. I do find the tool useful, however I think that the tool is only useful if the questions relate to you and your personal circumstances, I feel that the scale doesn’t take into consideration, wider issues that may be relevant today or things that may relate to older or younger people. I know that my score would be much, much higher if the questions were related to my situation or there was a wider range of questions related to mental health problems or factors that are more prominent in our society today such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, work loads on different age groups etc.

                I combat stress in different ways, sometimes I tackle it head on and sometimes I just crumble and cry. I mainly listen to music to combat stress, however, sometimes I like to go a walk or just take a break and watch some tv. I think that it also depends on the situation and how I’m feeling at the time as sometimes if its something that has really annoyed me I get very angry and snap at people which is not good and something I am trying to tackle to get rid of this emotional reaction or I try and just count to ten, If I am upset I try and count to ten or just like to be alone.


Mind, body and health

    After reading the Pengilly & Dowd (2000) article on Stress Hardiness I have discovered more about what causes stress and also found a few ways from today’s lecture and inputs that would help combat stress. Firstly, 5 main … Continue reading



After reading the Pengilly & Dowd (2000) article on Stress Hardiness I have discovered more about what causes stress and also found a few ways from today’s lecture and inputs that would help combat stress.

Firstly, 5 main factors which can negatively impact our health are; loneliness, lack of social support, normative life transitions, lack of human touch/contact and major life events.


Loneliness is when we feel alone even when we are surrounded by many friends or are in a room full of people. Loneliness can cause major effects and negative impacts on our health, both mentally and physically as it can manifest itself into depression, faults in our immune system, unhealthy lifestyle choice, and can make you more susceptible to illnesses. Loneliness should not be confused with being alone as being alone is a choice and literally means being on your own with no one else with you.


Lack of social support can cause negative effects in our health as we may not have people to talk to about our stress and needs and so we may end up feeling negative about ourselves and our situation. We need a social support in order to feel loved and better about ourselves as we have the reassurance from someone else. A lack of social support may lead to lower life expectancy, longer recovery times from surgery, more need for medication in certain illnesses such as depression or medication for surgery etc.


Normative life situations can have a negative effect on our health as we may be thinking about certain life events that we worry about such as retirement or work, these may cause us stress and negativity but not as much as non-normative life situations (things that we cannot predict) for example, a death, divorce losing a job etc. These situations can have a huge impact on our health such as neurotic impairment, coronary heart disease, cancer and many more body related illnesses.


A lack of touch/human contact can have a negative impact on our health because we are not physically engaging with or touching people close to us which is important for expressing emotions and fulfilling emotional needs and comfort. The positive effects of human touch on our health are quite significant as our blood pressure lowers, our stress levels decrease and we have reduced tension. So we can clearly see why a person would need thus human contact and how they would benefit from it.


Major life events can cause negative impacts on the body as this is very similar to non normative life situations. These events are often unpredictable and can cause great stress to the body/mind, illnesses and overall poor health.


Ways to combat stress/negative impacts on our health.


Physical exercise

Finding ways to cope, such as counting to 10. Reading, walking etc.

Religion/ spirituality/ following certain beliefs

Finding support systems you can trust and talk to such as friends and family etc

Finding ways to gain control over certain situations, i.e- stressed about exams- make a study timetable.

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