SSERC Newsletter August 2016
This will provide you with links to our Bulletins and upcoming CLPL events.
If you need to contact us about curricular or health and safety matters please email or visit our website
SSERC has provided a range of equipment to Local Authorities on long term loan.
- 5 Mystrica Mark II colorimeters which can be connected to PCs, iPhones, iPads and Android devices
- UV-A sensor, voltage probe, Geiger-Müller tube, light sensor, gas pressure sensor and magnetic field all of which connect to the Vernier Labquest 2 data logger made available last year.
Independent schools wishing to borrow any of the above items should contact SSERC directly.
We have also sent for Technology Departments in all secondary schools a ‘Band Saw Buddy’ and an Inventor’s micro:bit kit. To find your local authority contact for this equipment please click here
Please see our website for the range of SQA certificated courses.
SECONDARY (science)
Residential Courses
Leading for Excellence in Science
Science for Secondary Probationers
Effective Demonstrations in Teaching
Day Courses
Working with Radioactive Sources
Twilight Course