Tag Archives: learning communities

Co-Create Project films available on Creative Scotland website

Co-Create – A demonstration project in which 10 arts organisations worked together with schools to explore Glow’s potential to support innovative approaches to learning and teaching through the arts.

Co-Create (2009-11) was a pioneering initiative to bring arts education resources online for schools across Scotland through Glow. The project was set up by Creative Scotland in partnership with Education Scotland (then Learning and Teaching Scotland) to explore Glow’s potential to support innovative approaches to learning and teaching through the arts.

Co-Create enabled artists, performers, writers and Scotland’s schools to work and learn together in new ways, developing practice and demonstrating the key role the arts and creativity play in supporting Curriculum for Excellence.

A series of short case study films is now available on the Creative Scotland website:


Scottish Education Awards 2013


Nominations are still open for the Scottish Education Awards 2013.

The Scottish Education Awards celebrate the hard work and success which takes place in Scottish education. They recognise the achievements of people who dedicate their lives to children and young people and showcase the valuable work and innovation in Scottish classrooms.

Nominations will remain open until midnight on Friday 22 February.

Award winning Creative Conversations featured in TESS

Congratulations to Edinburgh CLN whose Creative Conversations programme was the winner in the Creative Approaches category of City of Edinburgh Children and Families Achievement Awards on 2 December.

Edinburgh’s latest Creative Conversation explored the  metaphorical side of innovation in schools and was reviewed in TESS: ‘Tsunami of change’ is coming

Launch of Re:Source New Shared Service

Scotland’s Colleges has launched Re:Source, a powerful new shared service for college staff.

Re:Source is a web-based service dedicated to enabling the open sharing of learning and teaching resources.  It will allow staff to easily find resources specific to the Scottish curriculum and to share materials that others may find useful.  It will also provide a single point of discovery to a wide range of resources from a variety of sources not previously shared through a national or open platform.


Re:Source is managed and supported by Scotland’s Colleges, SQA, the JISC Regional Support Centre Scotland and Education Scotland

New Glow Community for Expressive Arts Practitioners

A new professional learning community for Expressive Arts has just been started on Glow. The community will allow practitioners to engage in professional dialogue and share exciting and dynamic practice.

Use your Glow login to start sharing: http://bit.ly/artshome

Education Scotland publishes a new quality improvement framework for culture and sport provision

Working in partnership with VOCAL (the association for culture and leisure managers in Scotland) and the Scottish Government, Education Scotland has now published a final version of How good is our culture and sport? A quality improvement framework for culture and sport provision.

The aim of this publication is to support continuous improvement among the range of organisations that provide services and activities for culture and sport in local areas.

While the principal target and user of the framework is the local authority, it is recommended that local authorities work with others, for example service-providing organisations, including those involved as community planning partners on self-evaluation using the framework.  By using it, all of these organisations will be able evaluate their strengths and areas for improvement in providing culture and sport and also the impact of that provision on their communities.

The guidance is centred on using self-evaluation as a key driver for continuous improvement.  It defines what self-evaluation for improvement is about, and notes that ‘evidence shows there is a strong link between robust self-evaluation, led by effective leadership and management, and the development of the capacity for further improvement’.


Money for Life Challenge

The Money for Life Challenge offers young people (aged 16-24) the opportunity to develop a money management/financial information themed project which will have an impact in their community.

This presents an excellent opportunity for encouraging young people to take ownership of their learning, to develop their confidence and make an effective contribution.

There are Scottish prizes to be won as well as UK National prizes, all awarded at inspirational events.

For more information on what happened in 2011/12 visit http://www.moneyforlifechallenge.org.uk

How You Can Get Involved!

The following events will explain how to get involved, provide information about the funding available to enable people to get involved and showcase the excellent work developed by participants in 2011/2012.

For further information and to book online click on the dates below:

ACE support for community groups

The CLD Standards Council for Scotland highlights that community groups in Scotland are invited to apply for support as part of the ACE programme.  ACE stands for Achieving Community Empowerment and is funded by the Big Lottery Fund in Scotland (BIG).  It is a programme of support for community groups and within it the Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) will provide at least 10 days of support for at least 10 groups a year.

For more information about the scheme, visit the CLD Standards Council website:
