Tag Archives: creative learning

ArtWorks Scotland Conference 2012 – Programme

22-23 November, The Lighthouse, Glasgow, G1 3NU

ArtWorks has announced the full programme for its conference; the timetable for each day can be downloaded here:

Conference Day 1: 99705_artworks-conference-day-1-timetable-1

Conference Day 2: 99706_artworks-conference-day-2-timetable-1

Book your place now via the Citz box office.

More About ArtWorks

ArtWorks: Developing Practice in Participatory Settings is a Paul Hamlyn Foundation Special Initiative with funding and support from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, Creativity Culture & Education (supported by Arts Council England) and the Cultural Leadership Programme. ArtWorks Scotland is partner funded by Creative Scotland.

The Art of Hosting: 9.30 am – 4.30 pm on 6 December 2012


As part of their Ideas Academy – developing dialogue, debate and conversation that encourage us to lead, think and act beyond boundaries; being creative, provocative, inspiring and motivating – CLD Standards Council are bringing the Art of Hosting to Glasgow on 6 December.

The Art of Hosting Meaningful Conversations is a response to a world that is becoming increasingly complex and fragmented, where true solutions and innovations lie not in one leader or viewpoint, but in the larger picture of collective intelligence and wise sustainable action.

Find out more on the CLD Standard Council website.

Climate Week challenge – March 2013

Register now for the Climate Week challenge

Schools are invited to register for the Climate Week Challenge – a fun, free and easy-to-organise event to enable schools to take part in Climate Week 2013. Climate Week is Britain’s biggest climate change campaign. During the week of 4-10 March 2013, thousands of events and activities planned by organisations from every part of society will showcase real, practical ways to combat climate change.

The Climate Week Challenge can be held on any day during Climate Week. There are two versions of the Climate Week Challenge to choose from – one-hour and one-day – and the one-day version is judged nationally by a panel of judges.

The challenge is can be done by teams of four to six people of any age. It helps develop creativity, innovation and enterprise, team-working skills and experience of tackling real-life environmental issues to a deadline.

Register for the Challenge on the Climate Week website

Young Writers Conference – Sat 1 Dec, Glasgow

Are you aged between 14 and 17 years old? Do you love writing? Do you want to develop your writing skills? Come along to our Young Writers Conference!

Come along to our Young Writers Conference, where you’ll meet loads of like-minded people, hear from award winning novelist Annabel Pitcher and choose from workshops on writing fiction, comics, poetry, plays or writing a truly convincing fight scene!

We’re very excited to confirm that this year’s conference will include workshops led by Annabel Pitcher, Cathy Forde and Steve Cole. We’ve got something for everyone, including fiction, playwrighting, poetry and comics.

For more information on the individual workshops please visit the website.

When: Saturday 1st December, 10.00am – 4.15pm

Where: The Mitchell Library, North Street, Glasgow G3 7DN.

Tickets: £6, must be booked in advance.
For further information, please contact Claire.Marchant-Collier@scottishbooktrust.com (Claire Marchant-Collier), or call 0131 524 0160, or visit http://www.scottishbooktrust.com/young-writers-conference-2012. The deadline is Friday 30 November 2012 at 09:00.

Inspired? Get Writing! Creative Writing Competition 2013


School pupils and their teachers are invited to choose an inspirational painting, photograph, print or sculpture from the National Galleries of Scotland’s Collection and to create a piece of poetry or prose not exceeding 1,000 words in length. Works may be viewed in person, or online at www.nationalgalleries.org/onlinecollections

There are three categories for school pupils:

Category A School Pupils Under 12

Category B School Pupils 12-14 Years of Age

Category C School Pupils 15-18 Years of Age

There will be ten awards in each category: Winner, two Runners-up and seven Special Merit. All will be included in a public reading at the Scottish National Gallery in April 2013.

Full details of rules, and a very comprehensive and helpful resource, can be viewed on www.nationalgalleries.org. Follow the link to Education and click on competitions. The closing date is Friday 18 January 2013.

Opportunity for young people to create their own social enterprise – 11-16 year olds

Live UnLtd, InspirEngage International and Xing Education launched Create Your Career, offering 11–16 year-olds across the UK the opportunity to start their own social enterprise. Successful applicants receive up to £500 kick-start funding, a free place at an InspirEngage Skills Bootcamp and access to support. The deadline for applications is 10 December.


Passeport pour la Francophonie – Creative approaches to learning French

Passeport pour la Francophonie – A voyage of discovery through the French speaking world

This new website focuses on French-speaking countries around the world. Angus, from Scotland invites you to join him on a journey as he travels to member courties of the Oranisation Internationale de la Francophonie and meets new friends.

Aude from France, Assouan from Egypt, Nyanga from Gabon, Menembe from Madagascar and Takakoto from Polynesia describe their daily lives, as well as the history and geography of the countries.

The website includes:

  • Information for primary practitioners about  teaching language skills and developing learners’ cultural awareness through interdisciplinary learning.
  • Activities and resources for supporting interconnected teaching of languages.
  • The European Language Portfolio provides pupils with a record of their achievements and progress in languages.


New Glow Community for Expressive Arts Practitioners

A new professional learning community for Expressive Arts has just been started on Glow. The community will allow practitioners to engage in professional dialogue and share exciting and dynamic practice.

Use your Glow login to start sharing: http://bit.ly/artshome

Xpress Yourself – Make a Movie – Edinburgh based 12-19 year olds

Screen Education Edinburgh in partnership with Heart of Midlothian and Hibernian Football Clubs launched Xpress Yourself, film making workshops for 12–19 year-olds, with priority given to those from ‘areas of deprivation’ in the city. Funded by Creative Scotland’s CashBack for Creativity programme, participants are given a taste of the filmmaking process, with the opportunity of receiving ongoing training and support via ‘core filmmaking groups’ based at each club.


Watch again – Seminars from SLF 2012

The Creativity Portal has added links to a range of ‘Watch Again’ Glow Meets from this year’s creativity themed Scottish Learning Festival.

Seminars include:

Creativity – Experience it, Understand it, Teach it

Creativity… in Maths!?

Developing Storytelling through Games

You will need your Glow Login to view the films: Click here to watch again on Glow TV