The report of the National Partnership Group (NPG) has been published on the Scottish Government website. The NPG has been working over the past year to take forward the recommendations in Graham Donaldson’s report on teacher education in Scotland, ‘Teaching Scotland’s Future’. The NPG was chaired by Professor Richard Edwards (University of Stirling), Glenn Rodger (Scottish Borders Council) and Rachel Sunderland (Scottish Government) and its membership included key organisations in teacher education.
The NPG is making a number of proposals including the development of partnerships between local authorities and universities to support teacher education and an emphasis on masters level learning for teachers. The Cabinet Secretary has accepted all the proposals in the report.
Commenting on the National Partnership Group (NPG) report published by the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Michael Russell, Education Scotland’s Chief Executive, Dr Bill Maxwell said:
“We at Education Scotland are pleased to see the publication of the National Partnership Group (NPG) report on teacher education, and the Scottish Government’s positive response to it.
Education Scotland staff have played a key role in the work of the NPG and, in fact, our report on good examples of positive progress with the implementation of ‘Teaching Scotland’s Future’ has been published as an annex to the main report.”
Education Scotland statement