Category Archives: Education News

SQA update on New National Qualifications

SQA has published the November issue of New National Qualifications Update.

Includes information on:

·         Unit Assessment Support
·         Draft Unit Specifications for Advanced Highers
·         CfE Subject Implementation events
·         Suite of guides
·         Scottish Studies Award
·         Education Scotland Professional Focus Papers.

GIRFEC blog: nurturing our children and young people

GIRFEC board member Michelle Miller discusses why it’s important to nurture our young people:

Carole Patick from the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations discusses the importance of helping children and young people to achieve their potential:

Ralph Roberts, Chief Executive of NHS Shetland, discusses the benefits of keeping children active:

CfE and Glow News

Education Scotland’s CfE and Glow News e-update provides you with updates on Curriculum for Excellence and support for practitioners, along with all the latest developments within Glow:

Read the November issue of CfE and Glow News to find out about the following:

Curriculum for Excellence
National Qualifications – Professional Focus Papers now available
National Assessment Resource
Education Scotland’s Learning Blog – selection of posts
Education Scotland reports on the impact of staff qualifications on early years learning
Game On Scotland – the schools programme for 2014
Feedback on the RM Unify pilots
New interface for teaching staff accessing Glow – December 2012
ICT in Education Excellence Group – First thoughts discussion paper
Update on Glow and e-portfolios
Glow TV events coming up.

Opening up the Future: It’s your future

It’s my Future is a song created by children, young people and adult learners to express their views on how learning needs to change to fulfil their aspirations. It demonstrates what exciting modern learning can look like. Education Scotland wants to hear from children and young people across Scotland about their hopes and aspirations for the future.

On Tuesday 4 December at 11am Education Scotland hosted a national event at Inveralmond Community High School. The event, led by young people, aimed to help shape future developments in learning and teaching. A Glow TV session enabled children and young people to speak directly to Craig Munro, one of Education Scotland’s strategic directors, and share their views about learning and teaching. View this event on Glow TV Watch Again

Career-long Professional Learning – Guidance for Teachers

Following the announcement by the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning on 6 November and the work by Education Scotland in taking forward the recommendations of the Donaldson report, ‘Teaching Scotland’s Future’, guidance on strengthened models of career-long professional learning has been published on Education Scotland’s online service.

This guidance is to support teachers to improve further their approaches to professional learning.  It consists of advice, information, links to resources and reflective questions.

A downloadable PDF is available.  To access the guidance, go to:

National Partnership Group report published

The report of the National Partnership Group (NPG) has been published on the Scottish Government website. The NPG has been working over the past year to take forward the recommendations in Graham Donaldson’s report on teacher education in Scotland, ‘Teaching Scotland’s Future’. The NPG was chaired by Professor Richard Edwards (University of Stirling), Glenn Rodger (Scottish Borders Council) and Rachel Sunderland (Scottish Government) and its membership included key organisations in teacher education.

The NPG is making a number of proposals including the development of partnerships between local authorities and universities to support teacher education and an emphasis on masters level learning for teachers. The Cabinet Secretary has accepted all the proposals in the report.

Commenting on the National Partnership Group (NPG) report published by the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Michael Russell, Education Scotland’s Chief Executive, Dr Bill Maxwell said:

“We at Education Scotland are pleased to see the publication of the National Partnership Group (NPG) report on teacher education, and the Scottish Government’s positive response to it.

Education Scotland staff have played a key role in the work of the NPG and, in fact, our report on good examples of positive progress with the implementation of ‘Teaching Scotland’s Future’ has been published as an annex to the main report.”

Education Scotland statement

CfE and Glow News – latest issue online

Education Scotland’s CfE and Glow News update provides information about Curriculum for Excellence and support for practitioners, along with all the latest developments within Glow.

The latest issue highlights a new CfE leaflet and two posters, the Parentzone website, the new SSLN Professional Learning Resource (Numeracy), the migration of Glow to Office 365 and some Glow TV events.

Education Scotland publishes a new quality improvement framework for culture and sport provision

Working in partnership with VOCAL (the association for culture and leisure managers in Scotland) and the Scottish Government, Education Scotland has now published a final version of How good is our culture and sport? A quality improvement framework for culture and sport provision.

The aim of this publication is to support continuous improvement among the range of organisations that provide services and activities for culture and sport in local areas.

While the principal target and user of the framework is the local authority, it is recommended that local authorities work with others, for example service-providing organisations, including those involved as community planning partners on self-evaluation using the framework.  By using it, all of these organisations will be able evaluate their strengths and areas for improvement in providing culture and sport and also the impact of that provision on their communities.

The guidance is centred on using self-evaluation as a key driver for continuous improvement.  It defines what self-evaluation for improvement is about, and notes that ‘evidence shows there is a strong link between robust self-evaluation, led by effective leadership and management, and the development of the capacity for further improvement’.