Snacks and Lunches
As we are a health-promoting school, we are keen to support our families in making healthy choices in Wellshot Primary. Children are permitted to drink water in school, please be aware that flavoured water has added sugar and it is an unhealthy choice for children. Pure fruit juice can be an alternative to water. There are water machines in school where the children can re-fill their water bottles. Please make sure that your child has a bottle of water with them each day.
To promote healthy eating in school NO sweets or chocolate are permitted in school. Please send your child with a healthy snack for intervals. NO sweets or chocolate for lunch boxes either please.
I am sure that you will be as concerned as us about the frequent news items about the rise in obesity in children and the long-term effects of the amount of sugar our children are eating.
We are happy to celebrate your child’s birthday, but please do not send in birthday cakes. This is also to prevent the risk of allergic reactions amongst the children.
We Love Scottish Milk
In a bid to encourage primary school pupils to drink milk and further reduce the amount of sugar in our Fuel Zone (in line with Scottish Government recommendations) Cordia will provide only plain milk in all primary school Fuel Zones from 15th August 2017. This campaign is titled: “We Love Scottish Milk”.
Milk provides many nutrients which play an important role within the body throughout the different stages of life. In primary school children, milk continues to provide essential nutrients for growth and development, as well as helping to protect teeth.
Milk is a nutrient-rich food as it provides a high number and density of nutrients per amount of calories.
Plain milk contains:
- no added sugar
- High in calcium
- High in protein
- A source of phosphorus
- A source of potassium
- High in iodine
- High in vitamin B2
- A source of vitamin B5
- High in vitamin B12
All of these things are important in the development of bones, muscles, teeth, skin, provide energy and boost immune systems.
All children are entitled to a free carton of milk each day in the Fuel Zone regardless of whether they use the service for lunch. So pupils who have a packed lunch or go home of their lunch can still take a free carton of milk every day.
Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club runs from 8:00am to 8:50am Monday to Friday. The cost is £2.00 each day for your child (subsequent children are charged £1 per day per child) and they can enjoy a healthy choice of breakfast cereal, toast, yogurt and fruit juice. If your child is entitled to free school meals the breakfast club is free.
School lunches
Children can enjoy a choice of meal on a daily basis in the dining hall. Meals cost £1.90 per day which entitles them to soup, a choice of healthy main meal, jelly, yogurt or fresh fruit and a drink of water or milk. School meals are free for children in primary 1-5. You can pre-order your child’s lunch through ParentPay. Alternatively. children may bring a packed lunch which they can enjoy with friends in the dining hall or picnic areas.