Category Archives: Primary 3a

P3a – Back With a Bang!

What a wonderful first week back P3a have had. It was so lovely to see all the children together again. This week the children have really enjoyed P.E where we played games and completed different fitness stations.

For HWB we discussed the importance of team work, then created freeze frames of different scenarios where team work and collaborating are very important.

The children worked together on a STEM project to build towers with Miss McNeill, I was very impressed with the finished products.

We also started reading ‘Flat Stanley’ as a class. Prior to reading the children used their learned reading strategies to make predictions about the text. They wrote their predictions on post-it notes then visualised their idea and drew beautiful pictures which will be used to create a new reading display in our classroom.

We rounded off the week with some ICT learning. The children were very engaged working in pairs learning to code with ‘Angry Birds’. They worked so well together and demonstrated their collaborating skills which we had talked about at the beginning of the week.

What a way to start the year, well done P3a!


Homework Policy

Following our consultation with pupils, parents/carers and teaching staff we have refreshed our homework policy moving in to term 3. This will ensure consistency across the school and will ensure we are meeting the needs of all of our pupils and families. Just under half of our families felt that home learning was important, with over a fifth of families sharing they felt it was not important. A very high number of families also share that they found home learning stressful, frustrating, a struggle and demanding. Almost all families felt that reading was important and this is why we have referenced the importance of reading for pleasure in our new policy. We have also introduced a termly extended family learning activity. A copy of our homework policy can be viewed by clicking on the link below –

Homework Policy -Wallacewell Primary (December 2023)


Last week with P3a

We had a great week of festive filled learning to bring term 2 to a close. As always I am incredibly proud of what the children have achieved throughout this term. This week we began with P3’s Christmas party the children had lots of fun and were especially thankful to our parent council for the lovely selection boxes.

During the rest of the week the children enjoyed lots of different learning including; Christmas French phrases; designing tree decorations; using glitter to create beautiful celebration cards; the children worked in groups for a maths ‘snowball fight’ where we consolidated all our addition and subtraction learning; we finally finished the week creating festive bakes! Well done everyone for another successful term.

P3 Playground Litter Pick

As part of our whole school Eco Action Plan, P3 were given the aim to improve the environmental quality of the school. Last Friday both P3a and P3b worked as a team to pick up all the litter in our playground. The children had a brilliant time using the litter pickers and working together. Afterwards the children created their own posters to encourage others to keep our school litter free and help us achieve our aim.

Listen Up! Anti-Bullying Week – P3a

For our health and well-being lessons we have been focusing on anti-bullying. The children discussed what bullying meant to them and we explored different bullying scenarios and ways to resolve these. The children worked in small groups using drama to improvise the different scenarios. We then created freeze frames for each of our scenes to explore the story and resolutions. The children did a fantastic job using drama to explore this issue.