British Science week at St. Albert’s primary

British Science Week runs from 9th-18th March this year and our school  is involved in this. Pupils will be taking part in British Science Week experiments in class. The pupils are also asked to take part in a poster competition on the theme of exploration and discovery. This can be done as a Science homework activity. They can make their poster about anything to do with exploration and discovery and their poster should include pictures and words.

For example, this could be about everyday inventions that have made our lives easier, discoveries in medicine, space or deep sea exploration, advances in technology such as artificial intelligence or discoveries made in archaeology or in nature.

There are three age categories for taking part: P1-Early years, P2-P4 Infant and P5-P7 Junior. Pupil’s posters will be judged in their  own age category. Pupils should add their names, ages, age categories and school name to the back of their poster. If pupils wish to create a group poster all their details should be on the back and the poster will be judged in the age category of the oldest child in the group.

There are many Science related  prizes to be won such as books, experiment sets, magazines and more.

The five best  posters from our school will be sent off along with entry forms, to be judged by The British Science Association. The poster should be 2D and completed on one side of an A4 or A3 white paper.  No templates should be used to create it. Parents can assist pupils to find relevant ideas online or in books but the poster itself should be the pupil’s own work. All posters should be handed in to school by  the 23rd March to allow us to send the final entries in for the 6th April.

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