P4/5 Science Homework SCN 2-02a

Your latest homework task is to work with a parent to research and present information about food chains found in an ocean or in other environments. You can do this as a poster or a fact sheet. Please add colour to your food chain diagrams. The best posters will be displayed on the Science wall. This homework will be due in on the 8th November 2018.

Energy Homework P4

Science Homework SCN 1-04a Energy

For your homework task on this unit you have a choice of activity. Choose one of these:

  1. Work with a parent to look at the labels on some food wrappers or cans at home to investigate the energy content of a range of foods. Which provides the most energy?
  2. Work with a parent to find out about the harmful effects of sunlight and how to protect against them. Create a poster to show people how to protect themselves in sunny weather. This homework is due in on the 8th November 2018.