STEM Challenges to try at home

Hi boys and girls,

I hope you like the Science home learning tasks on these pages. Please get in touch by sending a comment and let us know how you are getting on with them.

Here is a link to a page of great new STEM engineering challenges you can try at home using things that probably have in the house:

You can also find some youtube videos there that will talk you through some engineering challenges you can try at home. Well worth watching.

At this time of year the flowers are coming out and the insects can be seen busy looking for nectar. Here are some resources to print and take outside with you to spot some of the beautiful things around us in nature at this time of year:


AU-T-3748-I-Spy-Scavenger-Hunt-Checklist_ver_3 (1)




Don’t forget to be gentle with these small creatures. Do not harm anything when you do a nature survey and always put anything you pick up back where you found it. Also, remember not to eat anything growing wild as you don’t know if it could be dangerous.

Have fun with these Science and engineering tasks.

Miss Brooks

Science activities at home for younger children

Hello boys and girls, parents and carers,

I have found  some interesting Science activities for you to do at home for children aged 5-7. An adult will be needed to help read the words to the children.

To access these resources, you will need to go to the BPES website. To do this type into your browser. Then click on Enter student code (should be at the top right hand side of the screen) and type in any of the codes below.

Humpty Dumpty- Choosing the best material to protect Humpty Dumpty     Student code- 50803

Jack and the beanstalk 1- Identifying common trees  Student code- 45033

Jack and the beanstalk 2- Testing the best conditions to grow a seed  Student code- 76989

Introducing materials – Student code- 93611

Introducing forces- Student code- 41243

Introducing circuits- Student code- 81794

Miss Brooks


Science experiments to do at home

Hello again to all the budding Scientists at St. Albert’s Primary. I have got some interesting experiments that you can do at home to try on The BPES website. These are for children aged 7-9.

To get access to these great investigations, you will need to use a student code that will take you straight to the page you need on the website. You could pick the experiments you are most interested in or try them all out on different days.

Here’s how to find them:

First open the BPES website by typing   into your browser.

Next click on Enter student code ( should be at the top right of the page.)

Then type in the student code for the experiment you want to try. (see below)

There are three parts you can use to learn about shadows. They are all on a Peter Pan theme.

Peter Pan 1- How Shadows are formed Student code 78790.

Peter Pan 2- Why shadows change size and shape Student code 32961

Peter Pan 3- Shadow Theatre    Student code 77702.

Here are some links to other Science subjects with experiments to try out:

Air resistance experiments Student code 54933

The Water cycle- Student code 26389

Living environments online experiment-  Student code 86311

Separating solids- Student code 95608

Forces- Student code 37859

I hope you enjoy using these resources to extend your knowledge about these fascinating areas of Science.

Miss Brooks

Famous Scientists and their discoveries

Hi boys and girls,

A great website for learning about all things Scientific and Technological is BPES. I have been having a look at it today to find some interesting Science tasks you might like to try. I found some great resources that will help you learn about some famous scientists and what they are famous for. These tasks are suitable for children aged between 7 and 9.

As you are not members of this site, I have got some student codes for you to use that will take you directly to the pages you need on the website.

Here is how to get into the website:

  1. Open the BPES website by typing:                                   into your browser.
  2. Click on Enter student code which should be at the top right of the page.

Enter the code for the particular topic. (See below)   You might need your parent to help you with this.

Learn all about the work of Galileo Galilei using student code  82767.

Find out about the achievements of Isaac Newton using student code 12935.

Discover the work of Ada Lovelace using student code 34099.

Research the discoveries and achievements of Nikola Tesla using student code 42657.

Miss Brooks