STEM Challenges to try at home

Hi boys and girls,

I hope you like the Science home learning tasks on these pages. Please get in touch by sending a comment and let us know how you are getting on with them.

Here is a link to a page of great new STEM engineering challenges you can try at home using things that probably have in the house:

You can also find some youtube videos there that will talk you through some engineering challenges you can try at home. Well worth watching.

At this time of year the flowers are coming out and the insects can be seen busy looking for nectar. Here are some resources to print and take outside with you to spot some of the beautiful things around us in nature at this time of year:


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Don’t forget to be gentle with these small creatures. Do not harm anything when you do a nature survey and always put anything you pick up back where you found it. Also, remember not to eat anything growing wild as you don’t know if it could be dangerous.

Have fun with these Science and engineering tasks.

Miss Brooks

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