Roman Catholic Religious Education

Welcome to the Roman Catholic Religious Education Department

Our department…

Faculty StafF

Ms C Butler

Ms K Cuthill


Broad General Education

S1 Curriculum

  1. Community
  2. People of God
  3. Advent – Preparing for a Messiah
  4. Who was Jesus?
  5. Membership of the Church
  6. The Month of Mary
  7. Called To Love: Created in Love

Gospel Focus: Mark

S2 Curriculum

  1. God’s Plan for His People
  2. God Prepares His People
  3. Jesus delivers the New Covenant
  4. Fulfilling God’s Covenant on Earth
  5. Called To Love: Growing in Love

Gospel Focus: Luke

S3 Curriculum

  1. My Faith Journey
  2. Advent: The Gospel of Matthew
  3. Building God’s Kingdom
  4. Sacrifice, Salvation & The Early Church
  5. Called To Love: Living in Love

Gospel Focus: Matthew

Senior Phase

S4 Curriculum
    1. The Big Questions
    2. The Human Condition
    3. Advent (Theme – Mary’s Fiat)
    4. Morality
    5. The Eucharist
    6. Called to Love

S5/6 Curriculum

  1. Nature of God: Son of God
  2. Mary: Mother of The Church
  3. The Body of Christ 1: The Eucharist
  4. The Body of Christ 2: The Church
  5. Responding in Faith
  6. Called to Love:
Gospel Focus: John

Higher RMPS

  1. World Religions: Christianity (30 marks)
Beliefs about God
Nature of Human Beings
Beliefs about Jesus
Judgement: Heaven, Hell
Living according to the Gospels
Christian action
Worship: Prayer, Eucharist

2. Morality & Belief: Religion and Justice (30 marks)

Causes of Crime
Environmental influences
Psychological Factors
Purposes of Punishment
Responses to Crime
Custodial sentences
Non-custodial sentences
Capital punishment
3. Religious & Philosophical Questions: Existence of God. (20 marks)
Religious arguments to prove the existence of God.
Evidence to support these arguments.
Strengths/Weaknesses of these arguments.
Philosophical/scientific arguments to challenge religious arguments.
Evidence to support these challenges.
Strengths/Weaknesses of evidence/arguments.
Can either religious or non-religious provide conclusive proof about the Existence of God.
4. ASSIGNMENT (30 marks)