Modern Languages

“A different language is a different version of life” – Federico Fellini 


In the modern world where international contacts are increasingly vital and where global communication is ever easier, the importance of being able to speak other languages and understand different cultures is paramount. This globalisation does not mean that everyone will speak English; it means that we have more knowledge and contact with other countries and cultures than ever before. Therefore, learning other languages is not just about communicating information; it enables us to understand how other cultures think and express themselves. 

We are a dynamic, enthusiastic department committed to providing a positive language learning experience for all.  We are able to offer French, Spanish and Italian up to Advanced Higher (where possible), whilst other languages can also be accommodated if required.  

We use a wide variety of resources to help make our language courses interesting, accessible and reflective of the diverse nature of the pupils in our school. We regularly listen to pupil voice to ensure we are meeting the needs of all pupils in our classrooms. 

We encourage our pupils to become independent learners through our provision of online resources and extra support sessions both with teachers, older peers and language assistants.  

Faculty StafF

Mr C Santi | PT

Ms L Swan

Ms E Mcbride


  • S1 and S2 receive 2 periods of Italian and 1 period of French per week.
  • In S3 pupils have the chance to study Italian, Spanish or French with Travel & Tourism 
  • S3 receive 4 periods of their chosen language per week. We also accommodate the large number of pupils studying more than one language in S3.     

Senior Phase

  • Where possible we can offer French, Spanish and Italian at National 4, National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher level.We can also offer the MLLW Award for pupils who are interested.
  • Travel & Tourism is completed to National 5 level.

MLLW Award:

The Modern Languages for Life and Work Award is available at SCQF levels 4, 5 and 6. The aim of the award is to develop knowledge and skills in areas such as society, culture and employability. Learners can specialise in one or two modern languages.

This qualification covers areas such as communication, self-awareness, confidence, leadership and independent learning. Pupils have the chance to look at the world of work in relation to Modern Languages and will complete tasks such as writing a CV, researching job roles, applying for a job and completing a job interview all in a foreign language of their choice.


What will I learn about?

There are four contexts:

  • Society -relationships with family, friends, healthy lifestyles, media, using technology
  • Employability -applying for jobs, CV, the world of work
  • Learning -preparing for exams, opinions of subjects, comparing school life in another country with Scotland
  • Culture -travel, planning a trip, festivals, literature, film and TV


What will I learn about?

Moving on from National 5, this course teaches you to use detailed and complex written and spoken language.

There are four contexts:

  • Society
  • Employability
  • Learning
  • Culture

There are 2 mandatory units studied in Higher French:

Understanding Language 

The purpose of this unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop and extend reading and listening skills in the modern language, and to develop their knowledge and understanding of detailed and complex language in the contexts of society, learning, employability, and culture.

Using Language

The purpose of this unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop and extend talking and writing skills in the modern language, and to develop their knowledge and understanding of detailed and complex language in the contexts of society, learning, employability, and culture.

The new Higher French course reflects the Curriculum for Excellence values, purposes and principles. It offers flexibility, and provides more time for learning, more focus on skills and applying learning, and scope for personalisation and choice.

This course provides learners with opportunities to continue to acquire and develop the attributes and capabilities of the four capacities as well as skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work.

Conditions of award

To gain the award of the Course, the learner must pass all of the units as well as the course assessment. Course assessment will provide the basis for grading attainment in the course award.

Skills, knowledge and understanding

These include:

  • reading, listening, talking and writing skills in a modern language in the contexts of society, learning, employability, and culture
  • knowledge and understanding of detailed and complex language required to understand and use a modern language
  • developing the skills of translation from one language to another

 applying grammatical knowledge and understanding