Expressive Arts

Welcome to the Expressive Arts Department

It is our aim to equip our students with the skills and confidence to explore their creativity and express themselves through the Arts enabling them to enjoy a lifelong appreciation as well as an ever increasing number of career opportunities.

We offer Art, Music, Drama and Music Technology. As a department we run various extra-curricular activities for all pupils ranging from the Drama Club, Show Choir, Jazz Band and the Art Club. We are also proud of our school shows which range from Grease, Hairspray, Aladdin and Shrek.

Faculty StafF

Ms M Farr | PT

Ms R Mclean

Ms J O’Neill 

Ms L Devlin 

Ms S McGregor

Mr D Forrest

Instrumental Instructors

R Truman | Singing

A Morris | Violin

K Wallace | Woodwind

A Dick | Keyboard

M Campbell | Guitar

A Cowie | Drums




In our BGE course pupils will learn a range of performance skills and look at learning how to design for theatre and film. Drama gives pupils a platform to build confidence and express themselves in a creative and safe way.  

Our Senior Phase course sees pupils sitting N4 to Advanced Higher Level Drama. All seniors will sit a practical exam that sees them acting or designing for a live performance of theatre. Those that sit N5 or Higher will sit a written exam that focuses on all the theory studied in class. We as a drama department are very proud of the talent from St Roch’s pupils every year. We have had many successful stories of pupils leaving school to study Drama. 

Music Technology