Career Support in School

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is the national skills agency, who deliver Scotland’s Career Service.

Careers advisers deliver career information, advice and guidance in your school to pupils from S1-S6. They are there to help you understand the world of work and to develop the career management skills you need as you move through school and beyond.

Your school careers adviser is Caroline Graham and you can get in touch with her on

She might meet with your class at a group activity, at a careers event, or at a one-to-one appointment.

Your careers adviser can speak to you about:

  • understanding and developing yourself, your strengths, and your skills
  • making your option choices
  • career choices
  • courses, training, and volunteering
  • CVs, applications, and interviews
  • apprenticeships
  • local and national job opportunities.

You can also visit our careers website My World of Work.

Beyond school, you can speak to our expert advisers in any of our SDS centres or community venues nationwide. We help people of all ages. You can find your nearest centre at