All posts by Mrs Carrigan

Welcome To Our Lady of the Annunciation Primary School

Dear Parents and Carers

I would like to extend to you the warmest welcome to our wonderful school community. The fostering of positive partnerships between home and school cannot be underestimated, and I firmly believe that by working together we can ensure that your child has the support and opportunity to reach their full potential in all aspects of their development.

We have very high aspirations for your child, and we wish to equip them not only for a successful school career but also for their lifelong learning and wider achievement. As a Catholic school we strive to embody the Gospel values in our thoughts, words and actions. We have strong links with Fr Michael and the parish of St Gabriel’s who support our school throughout the year. We have highest expectations for our staff and partner agencies and believe that through the love, respect and dedication we show we will ensure that all pupils receive the highest quality learning experiences.

We are a Nurturing School and we aim to ensure that all pupils are safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, responsible, respected and included. These rights are enshrined in the Charter for Catholic Schools as well as in law through ‘Getting it Right for Every Child’ and Glasgow’s ‘Nurturing City’ Policy.

We are confident that you and your child will have a wonderful experience at Our Lady of the Annunciation Primary and I look forward to working with you over the coming years. Our school has many opportunities for parents and carers to meet and work with our staff and pupils including paired reading sessions, our school allotment and within our active and dedicated Parent Council.

I would urge you to attend as many of our school events and learning opportunities as you can and become fully involved in your child’s learning. My door is always open and if you ever have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at the school. I will be happy to help you in any way I can.

 Mrs Maureen Douglas                                                                                                         Head Teacher


Here are some links to useful online learning resources and activities.






Personalised maths practice that pupils love.







Yumu is Charanga’s brand new online learning space dedicated to supporting students‘ music-making between lessons with assignments and student-friendly independent learning packages.


Useful Online Resources

Books, books, books!

Reading with your child for just 5-10 minutes every day can have a massive impact on their learning. If your child fancies a change from reading borrowed library books or the books you already own, here are some free online books and stories that they might enjoy!


Your child can work through spelling words from some of these sites:

Literacy games

Maths games

General Learning Activities


Our vision is of a school community of faith and learning, where we strive to create a caring ethos based on the Gospel values of love, trust and concern for others; so that the young people in our care are safe, happy, looked after and achieve their full potential.

We will foster a culture where all feel included and diversity is celebrated.

Breakfast Club


Glasgow City Council primary school pupils can attend the breakfast service available every school day. Breakfast Club operates in each of Glasgow’s primary schools and offers every primary school pupil a nutritional and healthy breakfast prior to the start of the school day. For those not currently entitled to a free school meal, a charge of £2 per day is made. For siblings, the oldest child pays £2 and subsequent children pay £1.

  • 6000 breakfasts served daily.
  • 1.3 million breakfasts served each year.
  • In some schools over 100 pupils attend.
  • Pupils have a choice of Rice Krispies, Cornflakes or Weetabix.
  • Milk, fruit juice, toast and low fat spread are available.
  • Fresh fruit is available.

The service is supervised and is safe and friendly.

If your child has special dietary or medical requirements and intends to attend the breakfast service please contact 0141-353 9237 so suitable arrangements can be made.

Please remember that if your child is attending the Breakfast Club to remind them of road safety. Road crossing patrols start at 8am.

Details regarding the timing for the service are as follows:

Service starts: 8.00 am

Serivce ends: 8.45am

Pupils are then escorted into the playground where OLA Support Staff and the Senior Leadership Team will supervise the children until 9am.

We kindly ask that pupils do not arrive prior to this time as they will be in the playground unsupervised.