Dear Parents and Carers
I would like to extend to you the warmest welcome to our wonderful school community. The fostering of positive partnerships between home and school cannot be underestimated, and I firmly believe that by working together we can ensure that your child has the support and opportunity to reach their full potential in all aspects of their development.
We have very high aspirations for your child, and we wish to equip them not only for a successful school career but also for their lifelong learning and wider achievement. As a Catholic school we strive to embody the Gospel values in our thoughts, words and actions. We have strong links with Fr Michael and the parish of St Gabriel’s who support our school throughout the year. We have highest expectations for our staff and partner agencies and believe that through the love, respect and dedication we show we will ensure that all pupils receive the highest quality learning experiences.
We are a Nurturing School and we aim to ensure that all pupils are safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, responsible, respected and included. These rights are enshrined in the Charter for Catholic Schools as well as in law through ‘Getting it Right for Every Child’ and Glasgow’s ‘Nurturing City’ Policy.
We are confident that you and your child will have a wonderful experience at Our Lady of the Annunciation Primary and I look forward to working with you over the coming years. Our school has many opportunities for parents and carers to meet and work with our staff and pupils including paired reading sessions, our school allotment and within our active and dedicated Parent Council.
I would urge you to attend as many of our school events and learning opportunities as you can and become fully involved in your child’s learning. My door is always open and if you ever have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at the school. I will be happy to help you in any way I can.
Mrs Maureen Douglas Head Teacher