Primary 7 – S1 Transition

The staff at Notre Dame High School have made a wonderful book for Primary 7 pupils that will be joining the school as new S1 pupils. There are short videos, a tour of the school, ‘meet your teacher’ pages, tasks to keep you busy and more!

Please click/tap on the picture below and the book will load:














If that online book does not work for you please see the link below to a PDF version of the book. Please note you may need to click on the blue underlined links in the PDF version of the book to see the videos.

Book – PDF Version (Note: Large file size, please give a few moments to open)

P7-S1 Book PDF Version

If there are any difficulties in opening some pages, all our activities are below in PDF format available for download. Please click the link to be brought to that PDF.

Business & Technology

P7-S1 Business Task May 2020

P7-S1 Computing Task May 2020

Design & Technology

Welcome P7 – Design & Tech

Art & Design The Colour Wheel

P7-S1 Superhero Task


Primary 7 Transition Creative Writing

Expressive Arts

P7 Drama Activity

P7 Music


P7-S1 Maths Quiz

Modern Languages

P7 – #iorestoacasa

P7 – #JeResteChezMoi

P7 – #MeQuedoEnCasa

Religious Education

P7 Transition Lesson RE


P7-S1 Science Activity

Social Subjects

P7-S1 Social Subjects Lesson

CAMHS Resources

CAMHS is the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, they support young people all across the UK and because they are unable to see pupils face to face, they have put lots of supportive resources on their website.

The link below will lead to you really great info booklets on the topics mentioned below, you will also get info on supportive websites and apps that you may be able to access free of charge.

Remember that it is important for you to look after your mental health as well as your physical health.

Topics covered include:   Anxiety, self-esteem, resilience, ADHD, autism, CBT, OCD, depression and parenting support. There is also a section on Coronavirus.


Parents’ Information & Daily Planner

Letters to Parents’ & Carers

The following letters were recently handed out by the school. Please find them attached below in this post. All letters are in PDF format.

Parent letter 1 18.3.20

Parent letter 2 19.3.20

Parent letter 3 20.3.20

Parent letter 4 Senior Phase 30.03.20

If there is any further communication from the school, the letters will be posted here.


Daily Planning

In addition as our time at home continues, the daily planner below could be useful in planning out your childs’ days of the week. The planning document is in word format, so you will require Microsoft Word, Google Docs or Apple Pages to view and edit this planner.

Download the file and make any changes as needed. As long as your child’s iPad has Microsoft Word, it can be downloaded and edited.

My Daily Planner


Updated 1 April 2020

On behalf of all the staff, I send good wishes to you and your family during this difficult time. I hope that you are managing to follow the guidelines around social distancing in an effort to maintain good health.

Whilst good health is our primary concern, we are so fortunate and grateful to have our iPads which are allowing staff to provide learning in a digital format.  More importantly though, they are also allowing us to keep in contact with pupils, helping to remain connected so that the girls know we continue to support their wellbeing.

It is so important that while school remains closed, our young people continue to have a healthy routine to their day.

Learning at Home

Girls, I encourage you to check your class and year group “Teams” daily. Staff are using these to post assignments, video clips and resources which will help you keep an important focus on learning so that when we return to school, you will be able to make smooth progression in each subject area.

Parents/Carers, please encourage your daughter by making sure she has a balanced routine each day. I have attached an example of a “Daily Planner” that you could edit/design together to suit your own household routines. I encourage you to look at her “Teams” each day to help plan her school work for the day/week ahead.

With the SQA exams being cancelled for this year, there will be some uncertainty for our Senior Phase pupils. Please be assured that the staff and I are committed to ensuring that you are not disadvantaged as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. The current advice is that you continue to work on any coursework/assignments and submit these to your teachers as this will provide further evidence of your progress.

Health and Wellbeing

As stated earlier, health and wellbeing is our primary concern. Senior staff and myself are making wellbeing phone calls to pupils each day and our Pupil Support Team are e-mailing young people to ensure they have everything they need. This allows us to provide additional support and to intervene if required. Our partner agencies are also continuing to engage with pupils on the telephone, offering continued support on an individual basis.

In addition, young people aged 16 – 18 years who live in Glasgow, can access support through Big White Wall, an online resource for young people who may be experiencing anxiety or other forms of mental health concern. This is an anonymous, clinically supervised service, which provides a range of tutorials and self-help guides, all of which may be useful to our pupils during this time of social distancing. Information and links to this site have been posted on our year group “Teams” for pupils in Senior Phase and can also be found on our website in the ‘Support for Pupils’ section.

Getting in Touch

As Headteacher, I am happy to be your first point of contact and I would encourage you to get in touch via the e-mail account: at any time. Mrs Henderson, DHT Pupil Support, has created a post on each year group “Team” with contact details for senior staff (copy attached – Support for Pupils). These are copied below:

Email addresses of Pupil Support staff are listed below for your information:


Pastoral Care Teachers:

Iona          –

Melrose   –

Trinity      –


Support for Learning:


Year Group Heads:

S1/2 –

S3/4 –

S5/6 –


Head teacher:


Please take care and we look forward to seeing you all again very soon.


Mrs Martin


Education Scotland – News for Parents and Carers (Feb 2020)

Education Scotland has issued an information page on topics that may be useful to you. Please see a list of topics below.

The link to the page is below the topics list (You can also click on the picture to be taken to the webpage).

  • Cyber Security & Safe Internet
  • Developing Maths skills
  • Early Learning & Childcare
  • Best Start Foods

Higher/Adv. Higher Music Showcase

Our annual showcase to parents, will take place next week Wednesday 2nd October @ 7pm. I hope that you, and any friends can come along to support your daughter, in their solo and group performances.
Could you please return the slip given by your daughter to let us know how many of you can attend. Many thanks and looking forward to seeing you all there.
Mrs Lindsey Millar
PT Exp Arts (NDHS)
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