Parent Council

The Parent Council

The Parent Council is a group of parents and carers who represent the Parent Forum (all parents and carers with children at the school).

Our main aims are:

  1. Supporting the school in its work with children and young people
  2. Promote partnership between the school, parents, pupils and the wider community
  3. Get involved in activities which support the education of all children
  4. Represent the views of parents on educational and other matters
  5. Fundraise on behalf of the school to facilitate resources and activities for the children.

The Parent Council meet every 6-8 weeks from 7 to 8.30pm in the ICT suite in the school. Dates of meetings are available on the school app, website and listed in the school Newsletter.

Some examples of how our fundraising donations have contributed over the past few years:

  • Free school trips for all classes
  • Free end of term disco’s
  • Library renovation and new books
  • Christmas pantomime & Hopscotch theatre performance
  • USB sticks for leavers

We are always on the look- out for new parents to join us, and there are different ways to help out:

  • You can join the Parent Council:  come to our meetings, and be actively involved in the decision making of the school. The head teacher and 2 teachers attend each meeting and encourage feedback on their plans. Things such as e.g. staffing, curriculum changes and actions, school trips and partnerships with other schools are discussed.  Please do feel free to come along as a trial; there is no obligation to become permanently involved.
  • Become a volunteer at our fundraising events. We have a bank of helpers. If you would like to be added to this group please let us know and you will receive requests for helping out at events and reminders about Parent Council meetings. You can be involved as much or as little as you like, we are grateful for any time you can give.

To attend a meeting please email our secretary Mrs McHarg on:

Many thanks




Parent Council Constitution

Minutes of meetings

AGM 18 June 2019

September 2019

October 2019

November 2019

January 2020

AGM 11 October 2022

May 2023