At Mosspark Primary, our vision is, “working together to be the best we can be”. Mosspark Primary is a place where:
- All children, regardless of race, gender, age, or personal circumstances are supported, nurtured, and encouraged to learn and develop in an environment that is welcoming and safe.
- Pupils and staff are treated sensitively and fairly and are encourages to reach their full potential through an ethos of mutual respect.
- Pupils are encouraged to be healthy and active through a planned programme of curricular and extra-curricular activities
Our values are:
- Honesty
- Caring
- Inclusive
- Responsibility
- Politeness
- Confidence
- Endeavour.
Our aims are:
- To promote a sense of wellbeing and respect.
- To engage in the highest quality learning experiences.
- To develop a culture of ambition and achievement.
- To encourage children to take responsibility for their learning and behaviour.
- To provide an interactive partnership involving school, home, outside agencies and the community.
Our Grand Challenges for sessions 2023-26 are:
(Grand challenges are the long term strategic changes we intend to achieve)
- Improving attainment and achievement in Literacy and Numeracy, taking into account the impact of COVID-19 on attainment.
- Improving attainment and achievement in Health and Wellbeing through increased pupil voice, promotion of children’s rights inclusion, equality and equity.
- Improving attainment and achievement across the curriculum through improved attendance of our Marvels.
- Re-engaging families in learning through programmes such as Play along Maths and Families Connect.
Our PEF (Pupil Equity Fund) priorities for 2023-24 are:
PEF Intervention 1: Glasgow’s improvement Challenge (in Literacy and Numeracy)
PEF Intervention 2: To increase health and wellbeing levels for those not on track and in SIMD 1-2