N5 Scottish Set Text-Edwin Morgan

The Scottish Set Text part of your exam will be part of your Critical Reading paper, alongside the critical essay. You will have an hour and a half to do both the textual analysis and your essay, so you need to manage your time well.

If you practise textual analysis well, you will be able to complete this part of the exam quickly and easily.


  • Treat the Qs like close reading Qs-e.g. if a Q asks you about “use of language”, you should be thinking about word choice, sentence structure, imagery, tone, other poetic techniques
  • Bullet point answers to ensure you are giving enough detail for marks available-1 mark=1 bullet point
  • Use the taught structure for answering the 8 mark comparison Q


I have attached a selection of materials for textual analysis revision, including:

  • annotated copies of each poem
  • the basic booklets for each poem
  • textual analysis tasks for each poem
  • 8 mark Q structure
  • 8 mark practice Qs

Don’t say I’m not good to you!

General Revision

Annotated Poems

Textual Analysis Practice Booklet


8 Mark Q

8 marker practice questions

8 mark Q structure


Booklets for each poem

Good Friday Booklet

Hyena Booklet

In The Snack Bar Booklet

Slate Booklet

Trio Booklet

Winter Booklet



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