Hello everyone, we’re in P2 now!

After a lovely summer, we’re back in school, trying hard at lots of new things and impressing Mrs Cameron already.

We’ve started to do 4 short sessions of outdoor PE per week, working up to doing a Daily Mile. At the moment, we have been working on setting a pace that we can keep going for a longish time. We now know our route and most of us can run one whole lap without stopping. As time goes on, once everyone can do a whole lap, we will add on more distance.

Being outdoors every day in the afternoon is really good for our concentration. It’s hard when you are 5 or 6 to keep behaving and trying hard all day, especially after a long summer break. Having some kind of PE every day really helps break up the afternoon and gives us a second wind for concentrating. We run on a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday and we have a longer PE session in the gym on a Tuesday. Hopefully the Scottish weather will co-operate with us and let us out most days!