Feed the Birds

Our class is the Eco-committee responsible for the school grounds. We had a think about what we wanted to improve and decided that we want our school to be a bird friendly school. To attract different birds to our playground, we decided to make some tasty bird cakes to put in the trees over the winter, when it’s harder for birds to find good food. In the cakes, we put vegetable suet, raisins, bird seed and sunflower seed. While we were making them, we worked on our skills of working together, to make sure it was fair for everyone. These skills are obviously, really important and we spend a lot of time thinking about them and trying to improve. Next term we will be working on Procedural Writing/Instruction Writing and we will be able to write instructions for the other classes on how to make these yummy cakes.


One of the topics we have been looking at in Science is which material is best for which job. We carried out an experiment where we tested how absorbent different materials were. We tried to make it a fair test by using the exact same amount of water for each material. We made predictions on which material would be most absorbent and then tested our hypothesise. Different papers sucked up the water and were absorbent but the water just ran off a jacket. We realised that if we want to keep dry, we shouldn’t make jackets out of paper and if we want to soak up a spill of water, we shouldn’t use a jacket to do it.

Measuring Weather

Over the course of this term, we have learned various ways to measure different types of weather.

By reusing old plastic bottles, we made rain gauges, put them outside and watched while the filled up with the pouring pouring rain that we had during the beginning of December.

On a day when it wasn’t raining , we headed outside to measure wind. Using bubbles and a wind vane, we measured the direction of the wind. Using an anemometer, we measured the speed of the wind. Yet again, our Scottish weather was quite cooperative as gales were forecast for the day we used the anemometer.

We also measured temperature, using a thermometer over the course of a week.

Using the information we collected about temperature and rain, we learned about information handling and created bar graphs for both.