Tens and Ones

The last week or two, we have been learning a lot about the value of each digit in a 2 digit number. There’s a lot to learn!

We’ve found the numbers on a 100 square; we’re learning where they all are in relation to each other. One of our morning routines has been to count in Tens. We practise doing this with all the round Tens and with Tens with some Ones. We’ve used concrete objects to count out the Tens and Ones, we’ve drawn pictures of Tens and Ones and we’ve written sums with Tens and Ones in them. By the end of this week, most of us are confidently adding together 2, 2 digit numbers eg 43 + 35 =

Next week we’ll be looking at these 2 digit numbers again and using our different methods to practise the operation of subtraction.

Co-ordinates and Self-assessment

Today in Maths, we started to learn reasons why people in real-life might use co-ordinates eg map reading or pilots of planes or ships.

Using some different methods, we started to be able to plot points ourselves and also to write or say the co-ordinates for an object.

At the beginning we worked as a whole class, later we helped our partners and finally we did some tasks on our own to show that we’d learned well.

At the beginning of the individual task, some of us were a little hesitant but after a while, Hussein said, “It’s starting to get easier!” We all knew that, that was because he’s had some practise.

At the end of our individual tasks, Mrs Cameron often marks our work and gives us feedback. One of the skills that we are working on in P2, is to think about our learning and to be able to judge if it is a ‘good job’  and to know how to get even better. When we’d finished our task today, we knew we should have a proper picture. We self-assessed whether we had met our target or whether we still had to keep practising. Most of us had met our target and next week we will still practise some more on some more challenging pictures.


We’re back at school for a new year and hard at work already. This term our Topic will develop engineering, problem solving and ICT skills. The plan is to build models, using engineering attachment techniques, to create a ‘set’ for a Stop Motion animation.

This week we had a wee go at one attachment technique and started making a small animation, using the Stop Motion App, of a rolling dice.

So far, so good. Everyone was really excited, engaged and successful.