Category Archives: transitions

Letter for P7 Parents

Dear P7 Parents and Families,

This post contains a second letter to you all from Mrs Campbell, Depute Head Teacher for S1 and S2. You can read the letter by clicking the link below:

Hillhead High School Letter to P7 Parents June 2020

Inside the letter you will find a link to a survey. This can be completed by P7 pupils and is designed to help us address any concerns pupils might have about the move to high school.

To complete the survey you can follow this link or QR code:

The deadline for the survey is 15th June.

Finally, don’t forget there is lots of information available to you in the dedicated P7 Transitions section of our website. This can be accessed via the menus at the top of the page, or by clicking here.

Update: New Year Groups

Dear all,

Today the school has published new information for current students outlining information about how changes of Year Group will work this term. Please read this letter here:

HHS Update 21st May 2020 – New Year Groups

Mrs Campbell, Depute Head Teacher, has also written a letter for P7 parents and families. Please read this letter here:

Letter to P7 parents

For all the latest information about transitions to secondary school, please visit our new web page. You can access this via the menu at the top of the page, or click here.

As always, any information shared during this time is also published on our Communications page, in the Covid section of our website. Again, You can access this via the menu at the top of the page, or click here.

We wish you a restful long weekend.