All posts by Miss Campbell

Update: New Year Groups

Dear all,

Today the school has published new information for current students outlining information about how changes of Year Group will work this term. Please read this letter here:

HHS Update 21st May 2020 – New Year Groups

Mrs Campbell, Depute Head Teacher, has also written a letter for P7 parents and families. Please read this letter here:

Letter to P7 parents

For all the latest information about transitions to secondary school, please visit our new web page. You can access this via the menu at the top of the page, or click here.

As always, any information shared during this time is also published on our Communications page, in the Covid section of our website. Again, You can access this via the menu at the top of the page, or click here.

We wish you a restful long weekend.

Mental Health Awareness Week 2020

Hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, Mental Health Awareness Week will take place from 18-24 May 2020. The theme is kindness.

The Mental Health Foundation has created a new support pack as part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2020. There is a focus on kindness, one of our school values.

This pack has lots of useful advice and suggestions for activities:

Mental Health Week Supporter Pack

You will also find a range of useful resources in the Parents and Families section of our wesbite. You can access this via the menu at the top of the page, or by clicking here.

We have also created a specific page with resources to support mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic. Again, this can be accessed via the menu at the top of the page, in the Covid-19/School Closure menu, or by clicking here.

Support Resources for Families: Online Safety

The National Parent Forum of Scotland has produced three helpful new resources to support parents and family during lockdown.

Take a look at them by clicking the links below!

Learning At Home In Lockdown

Online Safety

Securing your Devices

You can also find useful information relating to online safety in the “Parents and Families” section of our website. This can be accessed by the menu at the top of the page, or by clicking here.

Mark Scott Leadership for Life Award

Mark Scott Leadership for Life Award 
For New S6 Students:
Applications for this award are now open.  It is a fantastic opportunity for our pupils to develop their communication, confidence and team work skills through a variety of outdoor activities and the completion of a community based project.  Please see the link below for more details and how to apply.

Big White Wall – A Community to Support Mental Health

It’s estimated that 1/4 people will suffer with mental ill health. We also know that talking about it can be difficult.  But people no longer have to struggle alone. Whether you’re dealing with a mental health issue or just feel burdened by everyday worries or concerns, Big White Wall provides safe, anonymous online support.

Big White Wall provides a supportive, online community to give help when you’re feeling down. Trained professionals are available 24/7, and there’s a choice of safe therapeutic services, including online self-help courses. This means anyone who may be struggling can get support at a time that suits them, from the comfort of their own home.

Big White Wall is now available for all residents 16+ for free in Glasgow funded by Glasgow City Council Education Services. If you live in Glasgow and are 16 years to 18 years you can simply go to and enter your postcode to join. 70% of members report feeling better as a result of using Big White Wall and 1 in 2 shared something on Big White Wall for the first time.


For more information on Mental Health supports, please visit the ‘Covid and Mental Health’ page on our website. This can be accessed through the ‘Covid/School Closure’ tab on our main menu, or by clicking the following link: