School Transport

Pupils usually travel to Croftcroighn school on dedicated school transport. This is organised by CITU, Corporate Integrated Transport Unit. Shortly before the new school year starts you should receive a letter from them with details of your child’s transport.

If your child travels in a taxi and is unable to attend school, please call CITU (Corporate Integrated Transport Unit) on 0141- 287-1056 and state the TS number of your pupils taxi to cancel the run for the day, or however long your child will be absent.

If your child travels on a bus please call CITU (Corporate Integrated Transport Unit) on 0141- 287-1056 and state the BS number of your pupils bus to cancel their pick up for the day, or however long your child will be absent.

Further information can be found here:  Home_to_School_Transport_Guidance_2016