Hello, and welcome to our school website
We are a specialist nursery and primary school for children with complex additional support needs. We hope that you enjoy exploring our website.
We aspire to promote the holistic development of every learner by providing an innovative learning environment, advancing personalised learning through carefully planned education programmes which are engaging and provide fun, enjoyment, support and challenge for every pupil.
We endeavour to work in strong and productive partnership with parents/carers, allied professionals and a range of Therapists and multi-agency partners to ensure learners’ needs are fully recognised and effectively met so that each individual can maximise their potential for learning and achievement.
At Croftcroighn primary school and nursery we strive to create an environment where all members of our school community are:
• Respected
• Responsible
• Included
• Nurtured
• Safe
• Active
• Healthy
• Achieving
- To provide a welcoming, safe, stimulating and supportive environment for all learners, staff, families and partners.
- To provide a meaningful and relevant curriculum for all learners, taking account of and reflecting the unique context of our school.
- To provide excellent learning experiences which are exciting and innovative, with support and challenge to meet the needs of all learners and ensure that they flourish.
- To continue to develop as a successful empowered learning community supported by collaborative professional enquiry, high quality in-house programmes and excellent local/national training for all staff.
- To consult and work in close partnership with all parents/carers, partners and the wider school community to identify priorities, undertake improvement planning and review policies as we strive to be a continuously improving, outstanding school for the future.