Author Archives: Mrs Nicholson

School Recovery Update & Seesaw Survey Link

Letter from Director of Puplic Health 27 Aug 20


Dear Parent/Carer

This  Parent Letter 05.06.20 provides a brief update about our planning for school recovery, along with a request to complete surveys about you and your child’s experience of the Seesaw class app.

Once again I would like to take this opportunity to commend you on your flexibility and commitment to supporting the care and education of your child/ren during this period of school closure. Thank you also to all our teachers and support staff for the work they are doing as we prepare to welcome children back to school and organise the learning environment and curriculum for the new session.

Kind regards,

Wendy Cameron,                                                                                                                                              Headteacher

(All headteacher letters during COVID-19 can be found here.)


Supporting those in need

During lockdown some families are struggling to provide food for themselves and their families. Sometimes others are not always sure how we can help, so we are going to leave a box outside the school if anyone would like to donate tins and packets of food.

Thank you

Distance Learning

We have created a list of websites , apps and activities which pupils can use to continue their learning at home when they are unable to come to school. Every class blog has Term 3 Curriculum Newsletters which will help you to identify what areas your child/ren are working on at the moment.

In the ‘Class Blogs’ tab, you will also notice a section called ‘New Resources During School Closure’. We will continue to update resources for families to use at home, with a focus on Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing.

Please click on the link below, we intend to update this as frequently as possible.

Last updated 25 March 2020

Distance learning grid