Thank you to families for donating £412 toward the cost of four Parking Buddies. Our Parent Council has donated a further £400 towards this road safety initiative. The little Parking Buddies are a tool to persuade parents/carers and staff who drive to school to park elsewhere or walk, cycle or take public transport.
We are however concerned for the safety of these little Parking Buddies when they arrive on the roads around Broomhill Primary, as some thoughtless adults persist on parking on the traffic cones around our school. We are working with the community police and have been asked to forward the registration plate numbers of road users who do not park safely around our school. We would prefer not to have to take this action, so urge all adults to put the safety of children and other road users first.
Car Free Zone
A reminder that Broomhill Primary has been chosen by Glasgow City Council to become involved in a pilot School Car Free Zone project.
The project is to promote sustainable travel and reduce the impact of parking congestion around the school. Streets to be closed are Elmwood Avenue and Elmwood Lane.
This is a pilot scheme and will run for 18 months from August 2019.
Moving vehicles (apart from residents with an issued permit) are banned from Elmwood Avenue and Elmwood Lane during the hours of 8.30am – 9.15am and 2.30pm – 3.15pm.
Unfortunately we have some parents who persist in parking in Elmwood Lane, causing obstruction to pedestrians and road users. We are in the process of introducing a Parking Pledge to encourage families to walk to school or park a short distance away, thereby reducing congestion.
Thank you in anticipation of your ongoing support for these road safety initiatives.
Yours in partnership,
Wendy Cameron,
Head Teacher