Author Archives: Mrs Cameron

Primary Swimming Programme Cancelled

Due to the uncertainty of the current situation and the pressure on schools and staffing, the Primary swimming programme has been cancelled.

At this point no date no recommencement date can be issued.

We appreciate this is disappointing for the pupils and staff however, this is a sensible decision and will relieve pressure on schools and staffing.

PEPASS Manager
(Physical Education, Physical Activity, School Sport)

Show You Care, Park Elsewhere

Thank you to families for donating £412 toward the cost of four Parking Buddies. Our Parent Council has donated a further £400 towards this road safety initiative.  The little Parking Buddies are a tool to persuade parents/carers and staff who drive to school to park elsewhere or walk, cycle or take public transport.

We are however concerned for the safety of these little Parking Buddies when they arrive on the roads around Broomhill  Primary, as some thoughtless adults persist on parking on the traffic cones around our school. We are working with the community police and have been asked to forward the registration plate numbers of road users who do not park safely around our school. We would prefer not to have to take this action, so urge all adults to put the safety of children and other road users first.

Car Free Zone

A reminder that Broomhill Primary has been chosen by Glasgow City Council to become involved in a pilot School Car Free Zone project.

The project is to promote sustainable travel and reduce the impact of parking congestion around the school. Streets to be closed are Elmwood Avenue and Elmwood Lane.

This is a pilot scheme and will run for 18 months from August 2019.

Moving vehicles (apart from residents with an issued permit) are banned from Elmwood Avenue and Elmwood Lane during the hours of 8.30am – 9.15am and 2.30pm – 3.15pm.

Unfortunately we have some parents who persist in parking in Elmwood Lane, causing obstruction to pedestrians and road users. We are in the process of introducing a Parking Pledge to encourage families to walk to school or park a short distance away, thereby reducing congestion.

Thank you in anticipation of your ongoing support for these road safety initiatives.

Yours in partnership,

Wendy Cameron, 

Head Teacher

Advice to parents/carers on COVID-19 handling in school

Dear Parent / Carer

It has been widely reported that the UK and Scottish Governments have moved to the ‘delay phase’ in response to the spread of Coronavirus. Therefore, I am writing to inform you of Broomhill Primary School’s contingency plans if the Scottish government takes the decision of a blanket school closure. I should stress that no decision has been made to close schools and we continue to operate as normal until we are told otherwise. However, I thought it would be useful and reassuring for parents / carers to know we have plans in place to make sure our pupils have every opportunity to continue their education regardless of the circumstances we may face.

Our plans are detailed below:

  • Class teachers will prepare appropriate home learning activities for their classes. These will be posted on the relevant Pupil Blogs pages of our school website. Those families who do not have any access to internet will be issued with hard copies.
  • We will issue all pupils with jotters to be used in the event that the school is closed.
  • School staff are meeting this week to discuss possibilities of using online learning sites to further enhance learning opportunities. Further information on this will be communicated to families.
  • Our Parent Council will repost information and signpost families how to access home learning activities on their Facebook page (for the duration of any school closure).

In order to support Government advice within school we are doing the following:

  • Hygiene lessons with all classes.
  • A continued focus on hand washing.
  • Following NHS guidance :
  • Wash your hands with soap and water, or use a sanitiser gel, regularly throughout the day.
  • Catch your cough or sneeze in a tissue, bin it, and wash your hands.
  • Cough / sneeze into your sleeve if no tissue.

You can help at home be reinforcing these messages with your child/ren. This is good practice and will benefit pupils regardless of the current situation.

We may change forthcoming events in light of guidance as we want to ensure we are helping protect our community as well as our pupils.

Updates will continue to be posted on our School website and/or issued via our Groupcall Xpressions App.


Wendy Cameron, 

Head Teacher