House Teams and House Captains

School House Teams

To promote and support a sense of belonging and commitment among pupils, Broomhill Primary operates a School House System. On entry to school, children join one of three ‘houses’  – BEECHWOOD, RANDOLPH or WOODCROFT.

Our Houses are named after streets around our school –

  • Beechwood   – named after Beechwood Drive
  • Randolph – named after Randolph Road
  • Woodcroft – named after Woodcroft Avenue

Membership is sustained from Primary 1 to Primary 7. Siblings are allocated to the same House Team. Houses meet termly and are guided by elected  Primary 7 House Captains.

Our Pupil Council reviewed the House system and how it is used. They created a system where children are awarded house points for a wide range of class and school achievements.  These are collated monthly and the winning house is awarded a non- uniform day.  Monthly points totals are followed with interest and the final end of session tally determines the annual house award of the House Cup and Sports Cup. The running total of points is located in the main school foyer.