Learning for Sustainability

Learning for Sustainability (LfS) is an entitlement for all children, which all our teachers actively embrace and promote. LfS enables our school to play its part in helping built a just, sustainable and equitable society. We are building a whole school approach to LfS , which weaves together sustainable development, global citizenship and outdoor learning to create coherent, rewarding and interdisciplinary learning experiences for our children.

Key considerations underpinning our LfS curriculum are:

  • Children’s Rights / Human Rights
  • The three pillars of sustainability – economic, social / cultural and ecological
  • The 17 Sustainable Development Goals

LfS approaches are supported by international research and align with Glasgow’s vision:

To support all children and young people to be caring, responsible and active global citizens developing the skills, knowledge and attitudes they need as adults to enjoy living in harmony with others, in a just and sustainable world.

Through LfS our children have opportunities to:

  • Learn about and act on relevant, real-life issues
  • Participate in meaningful decision making
  • Develop and apply systems-level (meta) skills including caring, curiosity, problem-solving, creativity, communicating, collaborating and critical thinking,
  • Engage in experiential learning and outdoor learning

These opportunities help children develop the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence.

The diagram below outlines many of the ways LfS is developed in our school curriculum.

As Glasgow prepares to host the COP26 UN Climate Change Summit from 9-19 November 2020, our school will take advantage of the range of projects and competitions, within and outwith school, to showcase our children’s knowledge, understanding and opinions.