A Special Delivery

Look what arrived today! We are so excited to have received our Rookie Rockstar CD’s. For those who ordered a CD, your copies will be distributed tomorrow. Make sure to check in school bags when pupils return home. The final day to order a copy is Wednesday the 25th of May 2016.

A & M Dance

Primary 3 have been working with coaches from A & M Dance over the last few weeks. This week we have been perfecting our dance tricks which will be incorporated into our dance routine.

Primary 3 Class Assembly

When – Wednesday 8th June 2016 Time – 9.30am Where – Upper Gym Hall Primary 3 will be showcasing some of their learning at their class assembly. We look forward to seeing P3 parents and carers there.  

School Reading Books

Could all pupils, parents and carers please have a look at home for any school reading books that have not yet been returned to school. We are missing quite a few books from various reading collections. It is important that these are returned to school so that they can be used by other pupils in the months and years to come. Thank you for your continued support.  

Primary 3 Parents Night

We were very pleased with the turnout for Primary 3’s first parents night. We asked parents to comment on their children’s work using a post it. Here is what our parents had to say – ‘Tiegans writing is very good.’ Tiegan’s Dad ‘An excellent report for Tiegan. We are very proud of her. Her handwriting is very neat and tidy.’ Tiegan’s Mum ‘I was very impressed with Jack’s drawing and maths

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Parents Night – Wednesday 18th May 2016

This afternoon we have our first parents evening. We are looking forward to seeing you all there. Remember if you have an appointment but can no longer make it, please give us a call at the school to let us know.    

‘Wake Up Shake Up’ Is Here To Stay

Due to the success of our ‘Wake Up Shake Up’ programme as part of health week we will now be running sessions every Wednesday morning from 8.30 – 8.50AM starting on Wednesday the 18th of May 2016. All pupils from Primary 1 -7 are welcome to attend. Parents and carers are welcome to join us too. We are looking forward to seeing you all there.

Primary 3 At Fruit Tasting

Primary 3 got to try lots of new fruits this week when Grace from our local ASDA’s Community Team came to visit us. We had to choose 5 fruits, some of which we had never tried before, and use them to make fruit kebabs. We really enjoyed this experience and the kebabs tasted delicious. Thank you to Grace for coming to work with us.