Saving Energy is a Bright Idea!

We had a visit from Jack and James (P7b) to talk to us about ways to save energy by switching off the lights when they are not needed. We thought about times when we should switch off the lights to save electricity and these included: “When we are leaving the classroom!” said Kourtney. “When we are going to sleep!” said Aaron. “When we are using the Smart Board!” said Paige.

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We Love Literacy!

Primary 1a have been very busy this week undertaking lots of reading, writing and spelling activities. Here are some of the learning activities from our busy week…. Using our phonemes to make, blend, read and write lots of different words Reading in groups Reading on our own Reading to a partner Whiteboard spelling for our common words “My favourite activity was spelling the words on the whiteboards!” said Isla. “I liked

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Healthy Snacks in Primary 1a!

Primary 1a are aiming to be a very healthy bunch this year! We have been talking about healthy snacks that we can bring in for playtime. We thought of lots of healthy snacks including bananas, strawberries, blueberries, apples, grapes, yoghurts, crackers, cheese….the list is endless!!! Let’s aim to be as healthy as we can this year. “We can bring in fruit or vegetables!” said Pheobe. “We need to look after

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What a Busy Week!

Although it has been a short week, it has been a VERY busy week! Here are some of the different things that we have been doing in class…    We drew amazing self portraits. What a lovely bunch we are! We created our Class Charter and signed it with our handprints. We also took part in lots of play activities including reading books, making models with the octagons and having

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A Sneaky Peek at our Week!

Primary 1a have had a very busy week. Here are some of our highlights… We took our learning outdoors as part of Maths Week and we made human bar graphs. We had a visit from our music teacher and we used lots of different instruments to keep a steady beat. We also practised writing our common words of the week a, at and the! What a busy week indeed!

Food Glorious Food!

The boys and girls in Primary 1a have been enjoying some delicious and healthy lunches now that they are in until 3pm! You can access current and upcoming menus via the Fuel Zone website. Yum yum!

A Week in Primary 1a!

The boys and girls in Primary 1a have had a wonderful week of learning. We have learned lots of new letters, sounds and numbers and have also created lots of amazing art work to make our classroom look bright and colourful!   

Fun at Calderglen Park!

On Wednesday, we went on a school trip to Calderglen Park. We had so much fun!!! Here are some of our favourite moments from the trip…. “I liked seeing the guinea pigs!” said Lucas. “I liked the meerkats!” said Cailen. “I enjoyed seeing the baby foxes!” said Leia. “We saw the bunny rabbits!” said Tulisa. Everyone had such a great day at the park and we did ourselves and the

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