Fundraising Friday

On Friday 16th September we will be taking part in “Fundraising Friday”. All our children will be participating in our Fun Run which will take place in our playground. Sponser sheets for this should be in schoolbags if you don’t already them.  Please make sure children have a gym kit and water bottle. We are hoping to make lots of money for our school. Click on the link below to

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Our PE Timetable

  Attention Parents! Please check your child’s PE slot on our timetable. Children should come to school with a full PE kit and jewellery removed on these days. Please ensure your child has his/her inhaler with them at all times. P.E timetable T1_2

P6b Weekly Reflection

This week in RME we looked at how we say thank you for things we appreciate. We also looked at other world religions and celebrations that allow people to be thankful. We also learned about the problems people faced when trying to build the Titanic. Ask us about these and we will be able to tell you!     In maths we have been revising our place value and we

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P6b Weekly Reflection

This week we have started our novel study called Holes. We have done visualisation. We used evidence from the text to tell us what Camp Green Lake looked like and we drew it. In maths we were doing some activities outside to help us think about how long a minute actually is! “This week I learned how to add tens of thousands” Marshall “I enjoyed using Sum Dog for part

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Weekly Reflection

In maths we have been learning to add thousands, hundreds, tens and units. We were revising nouns, verbs and adjectives in Literacy. We played the alphabet game to remind ourselves of these. Our new topic is Titanic and we have discussing things we would like to find out about it.   “I enjoyed playing spelling basketball with my class” Gary “The Alphabet Game helped me to remember my nouns, verbs and adjectives” Eilidh

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Back to School

We are looking forward to starting back this session. We have an exciting and fun packed year ahead. Remember early to bed on Sunday night and we will see you all at 9 o’clock on Monday morning!

An amazing week in P3!

We have had a great week in Primary 3. We had an amazing time at Rookie Rockstars concert. Thanks to Holly’s mum and Callum’s dad for being great sports and making us proud! We have also started our new topic “Knights and Castles” and will be posting some of our work on here so keep watching.