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Recommended websites

Here is a lost of some websites that might help your child with Literacy and Numeracy.

The list may be added to over the coming weeks, but will give you a chance to access more work for your child if you feel this is required.

Recommended websites for parents: – this is a good website for story inspiration. It is used sometimes in class to give pupils the chance to do some ‘Free Writing’ where they are not restricted by the limitations of a particular writing style and structure. – this website is good for many of the Numeracy strategies that are used in the Glasgow Counts programme. – good for story ideas and inspiration. – this website has a lot of very good reading material but it also has some Numeracy work that your child could complete. – tackles lots of Maths strategies. – another good Maths website. – a good Maths website that can help with problem solving. – this website is good for making up worksheets with different equations.


Weekly Evaluation

We have been glad to get back to school after the October week.

This week we have done a lot of work on IDL as we didn’t manage to finish this before the holiday.

We have been learning a lot about the benefits of technology and the impacts of mining on the environment and on the people who live nearby places that are being mined. We have been able to connect this to our imaginary community that we created as a class where we live in a beautiful part of the rainforest that has a unique ecosystem that we need to look after. As members of the community, we have been writing diary entries about our concerns over the mining company coming to mine near to where we all live.

We have also completed a Numeracy assessment all about Data Handling. We have also been learning more about Pie Charts in class this week.

Several members of the class have been involved in the running of a stall to raise money for school funds. They have been selling lots of things at the stall.

In PE, we have been learning how to play badminton. We have also had a fitness test that we are going to repeat in a few weeks to see if our fitness levels have improved.

Weekly Evaluation

This has been another busy week.

We all enjoyed going to the MacMillan Coffee Morning this morning and raising money for Children’s Cancer Charities. Several of us won things in the raffle and we all enjoyed a wee slice of cake!

We have been continuing our work on fractions and multiplication as well as developing our report writing skills.

We also enjoyed another session with the Jeely Piece Club where we had to use team work to make ourselves into different objects, such as a car and a tree.

We cannot wait for 2 trips next week – on Monday we’ll go to the cinema and on Thursday we’re off to Edinburgh zoo. We are all very excited!

Weekly evaluation

It has been another busy week for Primary 5.

We have been getting back to learning more about division and fractions. We are even starting to learn about equivalent fractions.

Yesterday we played team building games with the Jeely Piece Club. We had to cross molten lava without touching it, using different pieces of plastic. We had to work as a team to get to the other side successfully.

We have been continuing to learn about the features of report writing. We have written reports about what is going on in the news as well as a report about what we each did at the weekend.

We also started to deliver our solo talks to the class. We have heard lots of great talks about different people’s hobbies or interests.

We have got back into Pupil of the Day, part of the PATHS programme. We are enjoying thinking up some fabulous comments for our classmates.

Weekly evaluation

This week has been busy!

We finished drawing our daffodils and they are now proudly displayed on our classroom wall – they look beautiful.

We started to learn the 100 commonly misspelled words. Some of these are very easy but people still get them wrong sometimes.

We have been revising our times tables in Numeracy. We have been chanting them out loud in class and doing lots of calculations to get used to using them again. We have also been playing some Countdown which helps us to practise using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in the same activity. It’s hard, but we’re enjoying the challenge.

Yesterday the Jeely Piece Club came in. We were working on team building games and took part in an art activity where we had to make stunning dresses out of bin bags – Jaidon, Azaan, John Jr., Iqra, Anum, Mohamed, Ismaeel, Inaaya, Bashayer and Fahad had their look transformed. Lots of mums and dads got to see this activity as it was Meet the Teacher afternoon. It was great to have them there.

In gym we have been learning more about how to play hockey. Mr McDonald has been helping us and we are really enjoying learning the rules and getting involved.

We have also started to learn about stained glass windows in RERC and Expressive Arts. We are going to be designing our own stained glass window next week. We can’t wait!